Search found 27 matches

by jandirkv
Thursday 09 September 2021 13:50
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Moving from raspberry pi 3 to 4
Replies: 2
Views: 459

Re: Moving from raspberry pi 3 to 4

Thanks for the advise. I will do fresh install then
by jandirkv
Thursday 12 August 2021 19:51
Forum: Z-Wave
Topic: Aqara hub 3.0 (black round version)
Replies: 0
Views: 358

Aqara hub 3.0 (black round version)

Hi. I now use the old aqara hubs (2 of them) they are in WiFi and loose connection a lot. Now I saw they released a new HomeKit version with Ethernet connection. Anyone with experience with this hub. I use domoticz with HomeKit plugin and use HomeKit voice commands every day. Is it worth buying two ...
by jandirkv
Wednesday 16 June 2021 22:58
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Moving from raspberry pi 3 to 4
Replies: 2
Views: 459

Moving from raspberry pi 3 to 4


I’ve searched the forum but could not find my answer. I now run the latest stable version of domoticz on a raspberry pi 3. Can I simply put my sd card in a raspberry pi 4 and turn it on or do I need to reinstall everything?

by jandirkv
Sunday 11 August 2019 22:31
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Can't use temperature level of sensor in dzvents
Replies: 3
Views: 1491

Can't use temperature level of sensor in dzvents

Hi, I have a temperature sensor in my fridge I want to use to send a message at a certain temp level. But I cant get it to work. I tried all the following with no result domoticz.devices('Temperatuur Koelkast').temperature > 7 domoticz.devices('Temperatuur Koelkast') > 7 domoticz.devices ...
by jandirkv
Tuesday 29 January 2019 21:28
Forum: Python
Topic: Python plugin: Xiaomi Mi Flower Mate
Replies: 99
Views: 27214

Re: Python plugin: Xiaomi Mi Flower Mate

I installed the latest Xiaomi plant plugin but I still have no percentage for the moisture and the sensor is still General percentage instead of humidty sensor. I've read all the links in this thread but I dont know how to update it to get it to work. Can someone post a tutorial for dummies.
by jandirkv
Sunday 21 October 2018 11:18
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Switch off smoke detector FA20RF [Solved]
Replies: 8
Views: 3096

Switch off smoke detector FA20RF [Solved]

Hallo, I have a FA20RF smoke detector Setup in Domoticz as 'smoke detector' device. When I activate the switch the FA20RF starts beeping. or with dzvents code domoticz.devices('Rookmelder hal').switchOn() Somehow I can not turn it off anymore. I tried the following lines. domoticz.devices ...
by jandirkv
Monday 04 June 2018 20:35
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Domoticz does not open port 8080
Replies: 32
Views: 41901

Re: Domoticz does not open port 8080

I finale have a solution. The problem was My router. I have a new one and all my problems are solved. Thanks for all the help
by jandirkv
Sunday 03 June 2018 23:26
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Update homebridge and edomoticz
Replies: 0
Views: 545

Update homebridge and edomoticz

I try to update my Raspberry Pi with homebridge and edomticz to The latest version. I tried a lot of tutorials but none did seem to work. After update it is not working at all. Anyone experience with updating homebridge and edomoticz. And how can you check the current version.
by jandirkv
Thursday 03 May 2018 17:53
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Domoticz does not open port 8080
Replies: 32
Views: 41901

Re: Domoticz does not open port 8080

I have also a problem with remote access. Port 8080 is open and forwarded in my router to the Domoticz ip. But when I try to access I get routed to the login page of my router.
by jandirkv
Wednesday 02 May 2018 22:23
Forum: dzVents
Topic: restart domoticz daily with dzvenst script
Replies: 5
Views: 1295

Re: restart domoticz daily with dzvenst script

Because after a few days my dzvents stop working. After restart they work again
by jandirkv
Monday 30 April 2018 16:08
Forum: dzVents
Topic: restart domoticz daily with dzvenst script
Replies: 5
Views: 1295

restart domoticz daily with dzvenst script

Hello, a short question

Is it possible to restart domoticz with a dzvents Command? I tried:

Code: Select all

but that didn't work
by jandirkv
Friday 30 March 2018 18:14
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: combine strings
Replies: 4
Views: 3375

Re: combine strings

the following did work for me.

Code: Select all

now= (Now.hour .. ":" .. Now.minutes .. ":" .. Now.seconds )
by jandirkv
Friday 30 March 2018 8:31
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: combine strings
Replies: 4
Views: 3375

Re: combine strings

Thanks the combining works so I'm 1 step closer. What is try to do is add the time in my message. I tried it like this. local setURL local Header local Message local MessageURL local Now Now = domoticz.time setURL=('') Header=('de lamp is niet meer ...
by jandirkv
Thursday 29 March 2018 22:49
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: combine strings
Replies: 4
Views: 3375

combine strings


I want to combine two textstrings in dzvents but I cant get it to work.

I want to combine a piece of a url (') with a piece of text to create a url that I can open in dzvents to send a notification. is this possible in dzvents?
by jandirkv
Wednesday 28 March 2018 20:45
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Outdoor light at nighttime
Replies: 8
Views: 1790

Re: Outdoor light at nighttime

Thank you all for the help. I finally figured it out. I was running the stable version and that version had dzvents 2.2.0 which did not support the between rule. I update to the beta and now al my scripts work.
by jandirkv
Wednesday 28 March 2018 20:42
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: forSec error
Replies: 6
Views: 1868

Re: forSec error

Thanks for your help. I update to the latest beta and now al my scripts work
by jandirkv
Wednesday 28 March 2018 6:39
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: forSec error
Replies: 6
Views: 1868

Re: forSec error

Ahh ok. Thank you. Is the beta version stable enough?
by jandirkv
Tuesday 27 March 2018 22:18
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: forSec error
Replies: 6
Views: 1868

Re: forSec error

I run the domoticz 3.8153. Dzvents version I don’t Know but I guess that if I run the latest version of domoticz that I also have the latest dzventz version? I run iT on raspberrypi stretch.
by jandirkv
Tuesday 27 March 2018 20:27
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: forSec error
Replies: 6
Views: 1868

forSec error

Hello, I'm fairly new to dzvents and its driving me crazy. I followed the wiki for my script and I get the following error when I run my script. attempt to call field 'forSec' (a nil value) this is my script return { on = { devices = { 'Wireless Switch Round1' } }, execute = function(domoticz,switch ...
by jandirkv
Saturday 24 March 2018 20:17
Forum: dzVents
Topic: pilot Home automation
Replies: 2
Views: 700

Re: pilot Home automation

I already solved it. Here is my solution, maybe I can help someone else with it.

Code: Select all

domoticz.openURL(''app code' without the quotes/'header' again without the quotes/'subject')