GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

It should be a table so the format needs to be as shown in the model:

Code: Select all

NotificationEmailAdress = {'',''}  -- Specify multiple Email Addresses for the notifications. Leave empty to skip email notification
So in your case:

Code: Select all

NotificationEmailAdress = {'********','******'}  -- Specify multiple Email Addresses for the notifications. Leave empty to skip email notification
Jos :)
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Basssment »

jvdz wrote: Tuesday 03 March 2020 22:35 It should be a table so the format needs to be as shown in the model:

Code: Select all

NotificationEmailAdress = {'',''}  -- Specify multiple Email Addresses for the notifications. Leave empty to skip email notification
So in your case:

Code: Select all

NotificationEmailAdress = {'********','******'}  -- Specify multiple Email Addresses for the notifications. Leave empty to skip email notification
Jos :)
Oh shoot. Totally missed that. :(
Thank you!
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Basssment »

Hi Joost,

I do'nt get any message when i (think) i should.
Ik tried editing the time and days before notification but no luck.
i edit is every time when setting the "testloaddata"to true
the notification in domoticz works and gets updates but no message is recieved.
Not on telegram and not by email.

What could i be doing wrong?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

The email should be send at the time you have defined in the Config table, assuming you have the script as TIME script.
I would need to get the Log files generated at a time defined in the table and the Config file so I can have a look and test, so could you zip them up and email them to me to my github mail account?

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Rowdy »

Hello Jos,

Is there a option to change the date notation wen I get the e-mail.
Now I get 2020-03-12, but I want to see it like 12-03-2020


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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Hi Rowdy,
That will require a change in the script, so will have a look to make that configurable in the config as it now indeed defaults to YYYY-MMM-DD for sorting purposes.

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

I've just committed an update to GitHub for the main script and config to allow for defining the dateformat like you can for the textDevice.
Add the lastline to you config and modify it to the format you wish:

Code: Select all

notificationtitle    = 'GarbageCalendar: @DAY@ de @GARBAGETEXT@ aan de weg zetten!'
notificationtext     = '@GARBAGETEXT@ wordt @DAY@ opgehaald!  op @GARBAGEDATE@ '
notificationtoday    = 'vandaag'
notificationtomorrow = 'morgen'
notificationlonger   = 'over @DAYS@ dagen'
notificationdate     = 'dd mmm yyyy'      -- @GARBAGEDATE@ format -> Options are the same as available for textformat date options
The new main script will also save a copy of the logfile garbagecalendar_run_update_module.log when the actual Update process is ran to garbagecalendar_run_update_module.log, so it is easier to debug in case the error only occurs during that process.

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Rowdy »

jvdz wrote: Thursday 12 March 2020 14:29 I've just committed an update to GitHub for the main script and config to allow for defining the dateformat like you can for the textDevice.
Add the lastline to you config and modify it to the format you wish:

Code: Select all

notificationtitle    = 'GarbageCalendar: @DAY@ de @GARBAGETEXT@ aan de weg zetten!'
notificationtext     = '@GARBAGETEXT@ wordt @DAY@ opgehaald!  op @GARBAGEDATE@ '
notificationtoday    = 'vandaag'
notificationtomorrow = 'morgen'
notificationlonger   = 'over @DAYS@ dagen'
notificationdate     = 'dd mmm yyyy'      -- @GARBAGEDATE@ format -> Options are the same as available for textformat date options
The new main script will also save a copy of the logfile garbagecalendar_run_update_module.log when the actual Update process is ran to garbagecalendar_run_update_module.log, so it is easier to debug in case the error only occurs during that process.

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Bram81 »


First of all, thanks for all this hard work!
I'm using the AFW plugin. I'm looking for a way to get a notification being showed on a Nodemcu with onboard 0,96 inch oled display, which is next to my frontdoor. It already would be verry helpful for me to be able to set a uservariable to 1 or 0 when a notification is scheduled or not, so i could trigger another script.

I'm no Lua hero, so I can't realy figure out where and how I should add this to the script. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Hi Bram,

I think it should be pretty simple to send some text to an OLED display by using the "Notificationscript" option in the config.
This way you can run any command/script you line with some parameters for the text to display at the time of the notification set in the config.
Would that work for you?
Pm/Email me when you need help with the script. ;)

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by woempiej »

Hi all,

I try to figure out how to read the data from source with the eventsystem script_time.lua
Is there a way to copy the data in the script from afval westland?

I'm no professional in scripting sorry :roll:
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

woempiej wrote: Monday 30 March 2020 19:26 Hi all,

I try to figure out how to read the data from source with the eventsystem script_time.lua
Is there a way to copy the data in the script from afval westland?

I'm no professional in scripting sorry :roll:
Do you mean that your "gemeente" requires a new module written?
If so, I can have a look tomorrow but would need some more required info for this provider like ZIPCODE / HouseNbr.
Please Email me the info on my GitHub emailaddress. ;)

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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Thuis »

Hello Jos it worked for a while but now it seems it is stuck. It does not refresh anymore. i get this on the text switch:


And i put the debug to true to see what was happening, and i see this in the log:
Spoiler: show
2020-03-31 18:47:00.394 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### Tue Mar 31 18:47:00 2020 ### Start garbagecalendar script v20200317-1900
2020-03-31 18:47:00.394 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### Debuging with extra messages because "mydebug=true" in garbagecalendarconfig.lua
2020-03-31 18:47:00.395 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### please change it back to "mydebug=false" when done testing to avoid growing a big domoticz log.
2020-03-31 18:47:00.395 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): domoticzjsonpath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/
2020-03-31 18:47:00.395 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): datafilepath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/
2020-03-31 18:47:00.396 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): scriptpath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/
2020-03-31 18:47:00.396 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Loaded /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/garbagecalendarconfig.lua.
2020-03-31 18:47:00.397 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Loaded /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/tablefuncs.lua.
2020-03-31 18:47:00.398 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Start checking garbagetype_cfg table:
2020-03-31 18:47:00.398 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval change to groente-, fruit- en tuinafval
2020-03-31 18:47:00.398 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Papier en karton change to papier en karton
2020-03-31 18:47:00.399 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Restafval change to restafval
2020-03-31 18:47:00.399 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:papier en karton
2020-03-31 18:47:00.399 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval
2020-03-31 18:47:00.400 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:16:25 Garbagetype:dummy2
2020-03-31 18:47:00.400 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:restafval
2020-03-31 18:47:00.400 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:2:2 Garbagetype:dummy1
2020-03-31 18:47:00.400 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Start update for text device:
2020-03-31 18:47:00.402 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): - Start looping through data from the website: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/
2020-03-31 18:47:00.402 Status: LUA: ==> GarbageDate:2020-2-24 GarbageType:restafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-36
2020-03-31 18:47:00.403 Status: LUA: ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-2 GarbageType:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-29
2020-03-31 18:47:00.404 Status: LUA: ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-9 GarbageType:restafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-22
2020-03-31 18:47:00.404 Status: LUA: ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-14 GarbageType:papier en karton Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-17
2020-03-31 18:47:00.405 Status: LUA: ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-16 GarbageType:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-15
2020-03-31 18:47:00.405 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): - End -----------------
2020-03-31 18:47:00.406 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): ==> found schedule:ma 24 feb: Groene bak, Restafval ; ma 2 mrt: Bruine bak, GFT afval ; ma 9 mrt: Groene bak, Restafval ; za 14 mrt: Blauwe bak, Papier en Karton ; ma 16 mrt: Bruine bak, GFT afval ;
2020-03-31 18:47:00.406 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): No updated text for TxtDevice.
2020-03-31 18:47:00.407 Status: LUA: @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### 18:47:00 End garbagecalendar script v20200317-1900
2020-03-31 18:47:00.423 Status: EventSystem: Script event triggered: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_garbagecalendar.lua
Does it perhaps mean the website where the data is from is not updated correctly ??? I just looked at the website and it is normally showing dates...

I noticed because last weekend i did not received any notification, so i thought to look into it.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Thuis wrote: Tuesday 31 March 2020 18:51 Does it perhaps mean the website where the data is from is not updated correctly ???/quote]
Did you check the garbagecalendar_web_m_goeree-overflakkee.log as that is the result of the WebUpdate that runs one time per day?
When I test with your info it works fine for me:

Code: Select all

==> found schedule:restafval: maa 6 apr ; groente-, fruit- en tuinafval: zat 11 apr ; papier en karton: zat 18 apr ; 
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Thuis »

I looked in the garbagecalendar_web_m_goeree-overflakkee.log

Spoiler: show
1 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### Tue Mar 31 19:37:00 2020 ### Start garbagecalendar script v20200317-1900
2 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### Debuging with extra messages because "mydebug=true" in garbagecalendarconfig.lua
3 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): #### please change it back to "mydebug=false" when done testing to avoid growing a big domoticz log.
4 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): domoticzjsonpath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/
5 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): datafilepath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/
6 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): scriptpath: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/
7 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Loaded /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/garbagecalendarconfig.lua.
8 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Loaded /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/tablefuncs.lua.
9 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Start checking garbagetype_cfg table:
10 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Restafval change to restafval
11 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval change to groente-, fruit- en tuinafval
12 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Papier en karton change to papier en karton
13 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:papier en karton
14 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval
15 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:19:0 Garbagetype:restafval
16 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:16:25 Garbagetype:dummy2
17 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): -> NotificationTime:2:2 Garbagetype:dummy1
18 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): Start update for text device:
19 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): - Start looping through data from the website: /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/garbage$
20 ==> GarbageDate:2020-2-24 GarbageType:restafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-36
21 ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-2 GarbageType:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-29
22 ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-9 GarbageType:restafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-22
23 ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-14 GarbageType:papier en karton Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-17
24 ==> GarbageDate:2020-3-16 GarbageType:groente-, fruit- en tuinafval Notify Time=19:0 Notify_DaysBefore=1 reminder=2 Calculated_Days_Differerence=-15
25 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): - End -----------------
26 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): ==> found schedule:ma 24 feb: Groene bak, Restafval ; ma 2 mrt: Bruine bak, GFT afval ; ma 9 mrt: Groene bak, Restafval$
27 @GarbageCal(m_goeree-overflakkee): No updated text for TxtDevice.
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Thuis »

Oh that was run_m here is web_m
Spoiler: show
1 @m_goeree_overflakkee:Start garbagekalerder module m_goeree_overflakkee (v20200209-1800)
2 @m_goeree_overflakkee:Loaded JSON.lua.
3 @m_goeree_overflakkee:!!! perform background update to /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/garbagecalendar_m_goeree-overflakk$
4 @m_goeree_overflakkee:---- web update ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 @m_goeree_overflakkee:sQuery=curl " ... %3E%3Chuis$
6 @m_goeree_overflakkee:- start looping through received data -----------------------------------------------------------
7 @m_goeree_overflakkee:1 web_garbagetype:Restafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 24 februari
8 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:0 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:2 garbageday:24
9 @m_goeree_overflakkee:2 web_garbagetype:Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 2 maart
10 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:7 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:2
11 @m_goeree_overflakkee:3 web_garbagetype:Restafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 9 maart
12 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:14 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:9
13 @m_goeree_overflakkee:4 web_garbagetype:Papier en karton web_garbagedate:Zaterdag 14 maart
14 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:19 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:14
15 @m_goeree_overflakkee:5 web_garbagetype:Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 16 maart
16 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:21 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:16
17 @m_goeree_overflakkee:6 web_garbagetype:Restafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 23 maart
18 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:28 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:23
19 @m_goeree_overflakkee:7 web_garbagetype:Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 30 maart
20 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:35 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:3 garbageday:30
21 @m_goeree_overflakkee:8 web_garbagetype:Restafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 6 april
22 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:42 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:4 garbageday:6
23 @m_goeree_overflakkee:9 web_garbagetype:Papier en karton web_garbagedate:Zaterdag 11 april
24 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:47 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:4 garbageday:11
25 @m_goeree_overflakkee:10 web_garbagetype:Groente-, fruit- en tuinafval web_garbagedate:Zaterdag 11 april
26 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:47 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:4 garbageday:11
27 @m_goeree_overflakkee:11 web_garbagetype:Restafval web_garbagedate:Maandag 20 april
28 @m_goeree_overflakkee:...-> diff:56 garbageyear:2020 garbagemonth:4 garbageday:20
29 @m_goeree_overflakkee:=> Write data to /home/onshuis/Domotica/domoticz/scripts/lua/garbagecalendar/temp/
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Thuis »

i changed the to
then it generated a new with the correct data.

I will keep an eye on it and maybe otherwise delete the .data file after a few days to get the new data ?

the permissions on the .data file is 777
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

mmm.... What is the info for the Ownership and Rights for the old file?
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by Thuis »

777 same owner ah and the new generated .data file is 644 with the same user and group

i have to go home, so i will not be able to reply anymore, only tomorrow. Thanks for the help so far :-)
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Re: GarbageCalendar (new version) lua scripts

Post by jvdz »

Thuis wrote: Tuesday 31 March 2020 20:14 777 same owner ah and the new generated .data file is 644 with the same user and group
That doesn't make much sense to me to be honest. So the modification date was also old for the data file?
I have added a extra printline in the table_funcs.lua table.load & functions in case there was an error opening the file, just to make sure that works properly.

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