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by waltervl
Tuesday 19 May 2020 21:46
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: Behavior of Heiman Smart Siren and Zigate
Replies: 8
Views: 1229

Re: Behavior of Heiman Smart Siren and Zigate

To add some extra information:
Value 10 is giving 1 flash and 3 whoop-whoops
value 20 is giving 3 whoop-whoops
value 30 is giving 1 flash
value 40 is giving 6 whoop-whoops
value 50 is giving 6 whoop-whoops
by waltervl
Tuesday 19 May 2020 21:06
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: Behavior of Heiman Smart Siren and Zigate
Replies: 8
Views: 1229

Behavior of Heiman Smart Siren and Zigate

I have bought a Heiman Smart Siren HS2WD-E It is added in Domoticz as a Selector Switch widget with the following values: 0 Stop 10 Alarm 20 Siren 30 Strobe 40 Armed 50 Disarmed When I select Alarm, Siren, Armed or Disarmed the ...
by waltervl
Tuesday 21 April 2020 12:45
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: feature request ZiGate web page
Replies: 2
Views: 211

Re: feature request ZiGate web page

Yes I will set it now at 11 but just for future users that run into this channel change it would be nice that they know what has happened. Low priority off course.
by waltervl
Tuesday 21 April 2020 11:35
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: feature request ZiGate web page
Replies: 2
Views: 211

feature request ZiGate web page

This weekend my Zigate decided to switch channel (from 11 to 15). So all my devices had to be paired again. But for me at the beginning it was strange as I received NACK messages again. But I did not know what happened. Luckily I remembered on what channel the ZiGate was. And in the logging I saw ...
by waltervl
Saturday 29 February 2020 17:28
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: Ikea tradfri bulb: adjusting white color in Zigate
Replies: 9
Views: 777

Re: Ikea tradfri bulb: adjusting white color in Zigate

pipiche wrote: Saturday 29 February 2020 13:34
And indeed the 'TRADFRI bulb E27 WS opal 1000lm' should be seen as a WW color
I missed one letter W vs WS ... So no color change for me.
by waltervl
Friday 28 February 2020 19:53
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: Ikea tradfri bulb: adjusting white color in Zigate
Replies: 9
Views: 777

Re: Ikea tradfri bulb: adjusting white color in Zigate

Hi Pipiche it looks like I have the same device LED1732G11 also no WarmWite level, only see the dimming switch. It was my first Zigbee device so I was happy that it already worked. I see it is not in your compatible devices list . My device list is attached, it is device "Hanglamp Eetkamer" , "Model ...
by waltervl
Friday 28 February 2020 19:31
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Just made the scan: My Energy levels are also looking much better now that a couple of days before. At least I have far more devices reporting an energy level.
Screenshot from 2020-02-28 19-28-33.png
Screenshot from 2020-02-28 19-28-33.png (62.44 KiB) Viewed 339 times
by waltervl
Friday 28 February 2020 19:10
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

After I made my last changes I have had no issues anymore. I keep my fingers crossed that is stays this way. When looking back the initial Nack of all devices came from a Channel change of the Zigate. Perhaps this change in channel messed up the zigbee mesh for some days. I did not scan my zigbee ...
by waltervl
Tuesday 25 February 2020 19:04
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

I also have made some energy scans the last days and see that the energy levels are dropping:
first scan
first scan
Screenshot from 2020-02-25 19-01-35.png (63.44 KiB) Viewed 848 times
last scan
last scan
Screenshot from 2020-02-25 19-01-15.png (47.99 KiB) Viewed 848 times
by waltervl
Tuesday 25 February 2020 18:57
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

I have also sometimes these errors were the portnumber (after IP) seems to change.
2020-02-24 19:36:19.585 Error: (ZiGate) No transport, write directive to '' ignored.
2020-02-24 19:36:19.585 Error: (ZiGate) No transport, write directive to '' ignored.
by waltervl
Tuesday 25 February 2020 18:51
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Sorry did not look good, but only 1 from saterday till now.
2020-02-23 11:53:23.887 Error: (ZiGate) Decode8102 - Receiving a message from unknown device : 8feb with Data : bf8feb010000ff010042002b6410000328219839000000009539d2e0013f052115009a2000082122130727000000000000000009210108
by waltervl
Tuesday 25 February 2020 18:48
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Yes I have those Decode messages but the last one was on sunday the 23th. After that no more. Edit: Not excact the same. But I can remember those from the past. I have now these: 2020-02-23 10:45:35.207 Status: (ZiGate) Device Announcement Addr: 2139, IEEE: d0cf5efffe291ddf Join Flag: 0x00 - join a ...
by waltervl
Tuesday 25 February 2020 8:16
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Just for the record. Another bulb 2 mtr from the Zigate apperantly went NACK as it did not switch off as programmed. This morning I had to power cycle it to have it reenter again.
by waltervl
Monday 24 February 2020 23:38
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

pipiche wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 22:42 You might want to read that one : ... nected/623
The only real thing I saw here was the switching of of the Hub (ZiGate?) for 20 minutes in order to force the Zigbee network to optimize the mesh.
Do you advise that?
by waltervl
Monday 24 February 2020 23:35
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Moved one AP from channel 2 to 1, see what happens. The other 2 bulbs of the same group I also lost this evening. They all switched off as group on 22.30 as programmed but when switching them on again manualy a half hour later only the bulb I repaired earlier this evening reacted. The other 2 NACK ...
by waltervl
Monday 24 February 2020 20:19
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

And again today a NACK on one of my Bulbs, I had to switch it off and on again to have it working again. Edit: added energy scan picture ZiGate informations: Channel : 0f (remark Walter: decimal 15, Plugin setting = 0 (=let the ZiGate figure it out by itself)) Firmware Version : 0003 - 031c Tx ...
by waltervl
Sunday 23 February 2020 13:01
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

What I see now is that ZiGate is stopping sometimes accepting new hardware (blue led always on, little bit flashing). If then a existing device wants to enter the network again it will not be accepted (no response in log). If I Disable/Enable the pairing process with ZiGate it will again accept ...
by waltervl
Sunday 23 February 2020 11:18
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

Well, after also resetting the Ikea Remote and doing the group pair dance again they all work fine now. Fingers crossed.

Well the lasts NACK's are explainable, but why suddenly all my powered devices were lost in the beginning? Could have been the ZiGate changed channel due to interferences?
by waltervl
Saturday 22 February 2020 23:11
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches
Replies: 27
Views: 1425

Re: ZiGate Receiving NACK on all bulbs and power switches

I will try again but it is very stranga that after I paired the Ikea bulbs to the Ikea remote they stopped working with ZiGate (giving NACK). They are on some distance 7-8 meters but in between is a router. I can put the Ikea Remote next to the ZiGate and the bulbs are still reacting, so it does not ...