Search found 17 matches

by robatbentley
Tuesday 24 April 2018 17:58
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Domoticz on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Jessy won't install)
Replies: 12
Views: 4741

Re: Domoticz on Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Jessy won't install)

Version: 3.8153 Platform: Raspbian Plugin/Hardware: RPi V3 B+ Description: Thanks for the info. I've followed the above and now (at least) have a Domoticz service (i.e. PS -A show this... "479 ? 00:00:00 domoticz") running, but still can't get the Domoticz service page to appear using either 127.0.0 ...
by robatbentley
Friday 30 March 2018 19:13
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy led dimming
Replies: 12
Views: 13096

Re: Espeasy led dimming

Sounds like I may have to move into the R-Pi solution to get this working. Do you mind letting me know what your setup is...?
Not sure what OS to consider for this R-Pi, Domoticz, curl, os-execute etc system. Linux, Ubunto or Raspbian...?
Thanks, Rob
by robatbentley
Thursday 29 March 2018 17:34
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: os.execute('http...') not working
Replies: 7
Views: 3196

Re: os.execute('http...') not working

Sorry for a late posting... Re... But, when I try the same command in domoticz script : os.execute('curl..') it doesn't work. I have exactly the same problem! I've placed my curl folder here c:\curl\bin\curl.exe, and added this folder to system variables for both user ...
by robatbentley
Thursday 29 March 2018 14:48
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy led dimming
Replies: 12
Views: 13096

Re: Espeasy led dimming

Thanks Mike. Made some progress and have installed curl on my windows 10 (64bit). The curl commands (via cmd window) work fine now. i.e. The scope shows the PWM changing as requested. However, the next stumbling block seems to be the "os.execute(runcommand);" as it just doesn't seem to be doing ...
by robatbentley
Wednesday 28 March 2018 22:43
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy led dimming
Replies: 12
Views: 13096

Re: Espeasy led dimming

Been playing around with this solution and beginning to understand it a bit more. ...and looks like my problems is that I don't have curl installed as just setting the cmd http into a browser produces PWM wave form on my scope. Do a bit more tomorrow and get back to this forum.
by robatbentley
Wednesday 28 March 2018 17:54
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy led dimming
Replies: 12
Views: 13096

Re: Espeasy led dimming

Sorry for being a bit dumb here, but what is actually loaded onto the 8266 (in my case an E12)? Is it an instance of ESPEasy or some LUA code? I also tried using Quindors solution, got it working but stopped working some months later. Fixed the problem in the code loaded onto the 8266 but failed ...
by robatbentley
Saturday 17 February 2018 20:56
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?
Replies: 3
Views: 3283

Re: Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?

Still unable to get the events "running" on either of my PCs. This is a real show stopper for my home automation solution. I am surprised that I'm the only person to be suffering this issue. It's a real shame but I'm now going to have to look for a replacement to Domoticz for my ESPEasy devices.
by robatbentley
Sunday 11 February 2018 20:43
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?
Replies: 3
Views: 3283

Re: Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?

I've just installed Domoticz beta Version: 3.8914 on a completely different Windows 10 64 bit PC and have exactly the same problem. Still no debug messages appearing in the log.
by robatbentley
Wednesday 07 February 2018 14:07
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?
Replies: 3
Views: 3283

Blockly Events Not Running - Missed some config?

Hi, I have a problem where my two simple blockly scripts, with debug comments, don't appear to be running. i.e. The log doesn't show any of my debug comments. I just wondered if I'd missed some essential config to get them moving. I've attached screen-shots of the two events (sorry - can only load ...
by robatbentley
Tuesday 05 September 2017 12:55
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Backup-Restore: All Device Units same Value of 1
Replies: 0
Views: 380

Backup-Restore: All Device Units same Value of 1

After backing-up my Domoticz, rebuilding my Win10 OS (problem with disk), and then restoring backup, my devices all have the same unit number of 1. The devices no longer communicate with Domotics (no surprise there) but I'd like to know how I can change the unit numbers to be unique again without ...
by robatbentley
Saturday 27 May 2017 18:23
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Domotics not updated when upgrade device to ESPEasy v2.0.0-dev8
Replies: 2
Views: 911

Domotics not updated when upgrade device to ESPEasy v2.0.0-dev8

Sorry if this isn't a Domoticz problem but I've also raised the issues in the Lets Control It forum. Since having to upgrade from the stable release of ESPEasy to v2.0.0-dev8 (I needed to be able to access the 4 different I2C addresses for 4 x INA219 current/voltage sensor boards), none of my new ...
by robatbentley
Thursday 30 March 2017 22:47
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Domoticz Switch Can't Find NetCat from LUA Script
Replies: 1
Views: 38774

Domoticz Switch Can't Find NetCat from LUA Script

Update: Fixed it by adding the full path to netcat folder in LUA script. e.g. runcommand = "echo " .. (Fadetimer) .."" .. (FadeTime1) .. "," .. (LEDtarget) .. "" .. (CalcValue) .. " | c:\\temp\\NetCat\\netcat-win32-1.12\\nc -w " .. (Waittime) .. " " .. (IP) .. " " .. (Port) .. " "; I've been ...
by robatbentley
Sunday 19 March 2017 14:58
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Replies: 9
Views: 4647

Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup

Got it. I just replaced the controller IP with the host name, and then set the actual host name with the name of my PC hosting Domoticz. Working a dream now. Sorry for the confusion. Now I have something that works, I think I csan repeat this for other nodes.
Thanks for your advice.
by robatbentley
Sunday 19 March 2017 14:50
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Replies: 9
Views: 4647

Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup

Thanks to both of you for the pointer. However, I'm still unclear as to what info goes in the ESPEasy Config page. ...mainly as to which node it's referring to. i.e. SSID/WPA Key: Is this the SSID of my LAN wifi modem or that of myNodeMCU access point Controller IP: is this the NodeMCU IP or the IP ...
by robatbentley
Sunday 19 March 2017 12:49
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Replies: 9
Views: 4647

Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup

...and I've attched the ESPEasy device config showing Domoticz IP address etc that I'm using.
by robatbentley
Sunday 19 March 2017 12:40
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Replies: 9
Views: 4647

Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup

Hi Westcott. Yes, the dummy device is setup as Tem+Hum+baro (see screenshot) The IDX really is 1 asd it's my first project (see Domoticz screenshots) Fyi... I've installed Domoticz on a win10 (64bit) PC. The NodeMCU is also installed via my LAN wifi on same LAN as the PC. Are there any references ...
by robatbentley
Saturday 18 March 2017 22:11
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Replies: 9
Views: 4647

Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup

Where do I start here? I'm a total beginner trying to configure my first ESPEasy BME280 (temp, humidity and pressure) device using an NodeMCU ESP8266. The ESPEasy and BME280 end seems to be working as I'm seeing good data in my EPSEasy Device "values" summary. However, I don't have the knowledge to ...