Domoticz Switch Can't Find NetCat from LUA Script

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Domoticz Switch Can't Find NetCat from LUA Script

Post by robatbentley »

Update: Fixed it by adding the full path to netcat folder in LUA script. e.g.

Code: Select all

runcommand = "echo " .. (Fadetimer) .."" .. (FadeTime1) .. "," .. (LEDtarget) .. "" .. (CalcValue) .. " | c:\\temp\\NetCat\\netcat-win32-1.12\\nc -w " .. (Waittime) .. " " .. (IP) .. " " .. (Port) .. " ";
I've been following the instructions on how to setup a PWM dimmer. This solution uses Netcat to send instructions to the ESP and has worked all the way up until I use a LUA script for the Switch device in Domoticz. The NetCat message...
2017-03-30 21:05:59.013 LUA: echo Fadetimer=5000,LED1_Target=924 | nc -w 2 43333
works fine from a command prompt and dims the LED light accordingly. However Domoticz cannot find the "nc" application in "the" path. I've copied nc application into my windows 10 .../system32 folder but domoticz produces an error in the console log...
2017-03-30 21:05:59.013 LUA: echo Fadetimer=5000,LED1_Target=924 | nc -w 2 43333
'nc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I guess this is something to do with a path used by Domoticz but I don't know how to fix this. I've installed Domoticz as an application, and have tried as a server but still the same problem. Thanks in anticipation...
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Re: Domoticz Switch Can't Find NetCat from LUA Script

Post by tolunaygul »


i am running into the same problem with quinled tutorial.
Can you please post more information on how to get it working ? ( maybe full lua script ?)

I tried several things but cannot get it working.
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