Dashticz - Bug report

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Dashticz - Bug report

Post by robgeerts »

Please report found bugs here, but only when you've first tried to find a solution.
Always make sure you have the latest (beta) version and cleared your cache. If you get any (related) error in console (F12 on Windows), post it here.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by DewGew »

In latetest master, selector switch is not working on my dashbord then also 'weather' and 'currentweather_big' is not showing any icons in stand by when using new moving icons.

// DewGew
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

When using a slider (with a dimmer light) the light turns on to the selected %, but the icon (lightbulb) is not turn on.
When I do a manual refresh, or I set var _DASHTICZ_REFRESH to 1 minute so it refreshes automaticly, then the lightbulb icons turn on.

Actions taken:
- Clear Cache
- New installation (Master & Beta)
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by koowee »

Heating thermostat "minus" selector doesn't do anything, "plus" selector works. It might be bug, but reason might also be that this thermostat is somehow different that other :) Tried this with two browsers and also cleaned cache

Code: Select all

   "ActTime" : 1493974686,
   "ServerTime" : "2017-05-05 11:58:06",
   "Sunrise" : "05:01",
   "Sunset" : "21:41",
   "result" : [
         "AddjMulti" : 1.0,
         "AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
         "AddjValue" : 0.0,
         "AddjValue2" : 0.0,
         "BatteryLevel" : 255,
         "CustomImage" : 0,
         "Data" : "6.0",
         "Description" : "",
         "Favorite" : 0,
         "HardwareID" : 4,
         "HardwareName" : "Razberry",
         "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB",
         "HardwareTypeVal" : 21,
         "HaveTimeout" : false,
         "ID" : "0001801",
         "LastUpdate" : "2017-05-04 22:36:59",
         "Name" : "Heating",
         "Notifications" : "false",
         "PlanID" : "0",
         "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ],
         "Protected" : false,
         "SetPoint" : "6.0",
         "ShowNotifications" : true,
         "SignalLevel" : "-",
         "SubType" : "SetPoint",
         "Timers" : "false",
         "Type" : "Thermostat",
         "TypeImg" : "override_mini",
         "Unit" : 1,
         "Used" : 1,
         "XOffset" : "0",
         "YOffset" : "0",
         "idx" : "330"
   "status" : "OK",
   "title" : "Devices"
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by rbo0567 »

Yesterday evening I installed the latest Beta. Now my graphs don't display right anymore. I also noticed that screen 2 is partially visible on screen 1.
On my laptop everything looks alright but on my Ipad 2 it's a little messed up. click link for screenshot


Spoiler: show
var _LANGUAGE = 'nl_NL'; //or: en_US, fr_FR, hu_HU
var _HOST_DOMOTICZ = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx';
var _DOMOTICZ_REFRESH = 60; //in seconds
/* var _DASHTICZ_REFRESH = 30; //in minutes */
var _THEME = 'default'; // default = dashticz default theme

var _HOST_ZIGGO_HORIZON = ''; //e.g.';
var _WEATHER_CITY = 'Eindhoven';
var _WEATHER_CITYNAME = ''; //show a different city name, leave empty if same as _WEATHER_CITY
var _USE_AUTO_POSITIONING = true; //don't want to configure positions, use auto positioning
var _USE_FAVORITES = true; //only used when using auto positioning
var _HIDE_SECONDS_IN_CLOCK = false; //do not show the seconds in the clock
var _HIDE_MEDIAPLAYER_WHEN_OFF = false; //when you have a mediaplayer connected, hide it if nothing is playing
var _NEWS_RSSFEED = 'http://www.nu.nl/rss/algemeen';
var _USE_FAHRENHEIT = false;
var _USE_BEAUFORT = true; //Bft instead of m/s
var _TRANSLATE_SPEED = false; //windspeed, north northwest instead of NNW
var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = 10; //enter amount of minutes like: 5 (5 minutes)
var _SCROLL_NEWS_AFTER = 7000; //milliseconds, so 7000 is 7 seconds
var _SHOW_LASTUPDATE = false;
var _SCREENSLIDER_EFFECT = 'slide'; //'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'
var _APIKEY_MAPS = '';
var _MAPS_LATITUDE = '';
var _AUTO_SWIPEBACK_TO = 1; //when no activity, swipe back to main screen after x seconds
var _AUTO_SWIPEBACK_TIME = 10; //seconds

//predefined colors, when you have RGB-lamps
var _SAVED_COLORS = ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond','rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50', 'lightyellow'];

// Online Radio Stream Plugin, Note: you must enable plugin in column section 'streamplayer', see columns[3]['blocks'] example below.
{"track":1,"name":"Music FM","file":"http://stream.musicfm.hu:8000/musicfm.mp3"},
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 1","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Test FM","file":""},

// iCalendar Plugin, supports all .ics calendar types like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar
var _ICALENDAR_URL = 'https://testurl.com/ical.ics'; //supports .ics type calendars (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar etc.)
var _ICALENDAR_DATEFORMAT = 'friendly'; //'friendly', 'MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm'
var _ICALENDAR_LOCALE = 'en'; //en,hu, etc.

//Buttons or images to open webpages in an iframe, like a news website or weather forecast
var buttons = {}
buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/Rada ... =285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weeronline.nl/Europa/Nederland/Son/4058667'}
buttons.cam1= {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi/jpg/image.cgi', url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi/jpg/image.cgi'}
buttons.cam2= {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=&pwd=', url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=&pwd='}
buttons.cam3= {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=&pwd=', url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=snapPicture2&usr=&pwd='}
buttons.cam4= {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/snap.jpeg', url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/snap.jpeg'}
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: 'http://nederland.fm'}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}

//defining wich blocks to show, de numbers represents the IDX of the device in Domoticz
//only define if you want to use a custom width instead of the default

var blocks = {}

//blocks[1] = {}
//blocks[1]['width'] = 4; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
//blocks[1]['title'] = 'Living room' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz
//blocks[1]['icon'] = 'fa-eye'; //if you want an other icon instead of the default, choose from: http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/
//blocks[1]['image'] = 'bulb_off.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder

blocks[4] = {} //Electriciteit
blocks[4]['width'] = 12;
blocks[4]['switch'] = true;
blocks[5] = {} //Gas
blocks[5]['width'] = 12;
blocks[5]['switch'] = true;
blocks[6] = {} //Deur-Sensor
blocks[6]['width'] = 12;
blocks[6]['hide_data'] = true;
blocks[13] = {} //RPi CPU
blocks[13]['width'] = 12;
blocks[13]['image'] = 'rpi.png';
blocks[13]['switch'] = true;
blocks[11] = {} //RPi Used disk space
blocks[11]['width'] = 12;
blocks[11]['image'] = 'rpi.png';
blocks[11]['switch'] = true;
blocks[9] = {} //RPi Geheugen
blocks[9]['width'] = 12;
blocks[9]['switch'] = true;
blocks[9]['image'] = 'rpi.png';
blocks[9]['switch'] = true;
blocks[12] = {} // RPi Temperatuur
blocks[12]['width'] = 12;
blocks[12]['image'] = 'rpi.png';
blocks[12]['switch'] = true;
blocks[14] = {} // René thuis/weg
blocks[14]['width'] = 12;
blocks[14]['icon'] = 'fa-home';
blocks[14]['title'] = 'Rene';

//blocks[204] = {} //dimmer
//blocks[204]['width'] = 12;
//blocks[204]['title'] = 'Living room' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz

//blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
//blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
//blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'Schakelaars';

var columns = {}

//columns[1] = {}
//columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',1,2,62,'144_2',204,248,295] //remark: idx 144 produces 2 blocks, so you can use: '144_1' and '144_2' (or of course, just 144 if you want one)
//columns[1]['width'] = 5;

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = [13,12,9,11,4,5,6]
columns[1]['width'] = 2;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['graph_4','graph_5']
columns[2]['width'] = 8;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['clock',buttons.buienradar]
columns[3]['width'] = 2;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = [buttons.cam1,buttons.cam4]
columns[4]['width'] = 4;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = [buttons.cam2]
columns[5]['width'] = 4;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [buttons.cam3]
columns[6]['width'] = 4;

var columns_standby = {}
columns_standby[2] = {}
columns_standby[2]['blocks'] = ['clock']
columns_standby[2]['width'] = 12;

//if you want to use multiple screens, use the code below:
//var screens = {}
//screens[1] = {}
//screens[1]['background'] = 'bg1.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
//screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

//screens[2] = {}
//screens[2]['background'] = 'bg3.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[2]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
//screens[2]['columns'] = [4,5,6]

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'cc.png';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'dd.png';
screens[2]['columns'] = [4,5,6]
Spoiler: show
/* Background blocks */
.transbg.col-xs-12 {
border: 7px solid rgba(255,255,255,0);
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
background-clip: padding-box;
border-radius: 15px; /* Round corners */

.fa.fa-home.on {color: green}
.fa.fa-home.off {color: red}

@media only screen and (max-height: 767px) {
Last edited by rbo0567 on Friday 05 May 2017 13:05, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by gielie »

I have added my camera to the standby screen and i can see the camera but its kind of greyed out so not very clear.

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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

That is the meaning of the standby-screen ;)
This is as designed.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by Blueone »

The code which refreshes domoticz is commented so the dashboard isn't updated automatically. After uncomment ing it still is always updating :?:, a complete update does refresh the data. Maybe the buienradar updates are blocking the domoticz update??

last rows from main.js:

Code: Select all

				//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
	else {
		//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by blacksn0w »

Blueone wrote:The code which refreshes domoticz is commented so the dashboard isn't updated automatically. After uncomment ing it still is always updating :?:, a complete update does refresh the data. Maybe the buienradar updates are blocking the domoticz update??

last rows from main.js:

Code: Select all

				//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
	else {
		//if(typeof(_DEBUG)=='undefined' || _DEBUG===false) setTimeout(function(){ getDevices(); },(_DOMOTICZ_REFRESH*1000));
Got the same problem on latest beta. If i activate a switch via App or Domoticz itself, it should update after 5 seconds on Dashticz, but it won't. I have to reload to get the new state.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by robgeerts »

Ok thanks for reporting. Will fix this asap!
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by Blueone »

Thanks, I noticed the dashboard was crashed again this morning, didn't respond to anything and I couldn't open the debugger on my android device.

I debugged it again on my laptop and it appeared to be an external site with a invalid script, 99% of the time the dashboard hangs has something to do with an external site. Maybe there are possibilities to make it more independent from external site or some sort of error handdling when a script error occurs on a external site.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

Like to share which external site / script??
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by Blueone »

Sometimes like nu.nl or weeronline. Or some errors in one of the vendor scripts:
2017-05-06 11_53_47-Developer Tools -
2017-05-06 11_53_47-Developer Tools - (38.83 KiB) Viewed 14632 times
Most of the times is goes oke, but sometimes he browser stops responding after a long period.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

When having the var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = false; in the CONFIG.js, then network console give a lot of errors:

Code: Select all

Uncaught TypeError: disableStandby is not a function             main.js?v=52:460 
    at HTMLBodyElement.<anonymous> (main.js?v=52:460)
    at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
    at HTMLBodyElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
When you set var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = 1; then this output is gone.
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by mlamie »

I think it is a bug, but don't know for sure. When I click a button to request the graph data and the graph is already displayed on one of the pages it will will not display the graph and is will mess up the graph on the dashboard page it selfs. See screenshot.

P.s. I use the beta version.
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by DewGew »

DewGew wrote:In latetest master, selector switch is not working on my dashbord then also 'weather' and 'currentweather_big' is not showing any icons in stand by when using new moving icons.

// DewGew
I add screenshot..there is no icons after last update with new moving icons any ideas???
standby.png (98.89 KiB) Viewed 14567 times
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by Blueone »

There appear to be a new bug with the thermostat function. Every 5 seconds (the refresh time) there is a class added to the thermostat setpoint. When you increase or decrease the setpoint the action is done for every added class, zo if you have the dashboard open for a couple of minutes the classed several dozens of classes are added to the setpoint, and it is going to change the setpoint for every class and one click will change the setpoint with 10 degrees for example:
thermostat.png (59.33 KiB) Viewed 14531 times
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by robgeerts »

Blueone wrote:There appear to be a new bug with the thermostat function. Every 5 seconds (the refresh time) there is a class added to the thermostat setpoint. When you increase or decrease the setpoint the action is done for every added class, zo if you have the dashboard open for a couple of minutes the classed several dozens of classes are added to the setpoint, and it is going to change the setpoint for every class and one click will change the setpoint with 10 degrees for example:

Please test in latest beta!

DewGew wrote:
DewGew wrote:In latetest master, selector switch is not working on my dashbord then also 'weather' and 'currentweather_big' is not showing any icons in stand by when using new moving icons.

// DewGew
I add screenshot..there is no icons after last update with new moving icons any ideas???
Just tested and seens to work here..
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

htilburgs wrote:When using a slider (with a dimmer light) the light turns on to the selected %, but the icon (lightbulb) is not turn on.
When I do a manual refresh, or I set var _DASHTICZ_REFRESH to 1 minute so it refreshes automaticly, then the lightbulb icons turn on.

Actions taken:
- Clear Cache
- New installation (Master & Beta)
@robgeerts, problem is solved in latest beta, thnx!
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3
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Re: Dashticz - Bug report

Post by htilburgs »

htilburgs wrote:@robgeerts:
When having the var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = false; in the CONFIG.js, then network console give a lot of errors:

Code: Select all

Uncaught TypeError: disableStandby is not a function             main.js?v=52:460 
    at HTMLBodyElement.<anonymous> (main.js?v=52:460)
    at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js:3)
    at HTMLBodyElement.r.handle (jquery.min.js:3)
When you set var _STANDBY_AFTER_MINUTES = 1; then this output is gone.
@robgeerts, problem is solved in latest beta, thnx!
RPi3 - Aeon Labs Z-Stick GEN5 - Fibaro Dimmer 2 - Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 - Fibaro Smoke Sensor - Yeelight RGBW Led bulb - Yeelight Smart LED Light Strip - Neo Coolcam PIR Motion Sensor - Neo Coolcam PowerPlug - Nest Thermostat v3

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