Somfy Telis Remotes

433Mhz opensource Receiver & Transmitter.

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Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by hnogueira »


I have several Somfy blind working OK from Domoticz, but I also control those blinds via the original Somfy Telis Remotes.
Is there a way to have a remotes added to Domoticz so that when a blind is closed or opened via Telis the state is updated on Domoticz?

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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by Stuntteam »

RFlink can receive and transmit RTS signals but you might need a 433.42 mhz receiver to get good results over longer distances.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by hnogueira »

How to I setup and configure the Telis Remotes?
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by deennoo »

Just press small red button at back 10 sec this will set your blinds on "add new remote mode"
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by bibo456 »

Hello All,

Did you manage to pair your somfy blind with RFlink ?
I did not succeed.
I can see the remote. But cannot control the blinds.
Thank you for your feedback
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by mistysnip »

bibo456 wrote:Hello All,

Did you manage to pair your somfy blind with RFlink ?
I did not succeed.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by Oliv5 »

Same status than bibo456: I can receive the remote signal but trying to send some fails.
The association procedure didn't work with my setup, whose trouble is I cannot get the RF transmitter close to the blind RF receiver (too high).
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by gthenk »

I’ve installed Domoticz (latest/stable)

Added my RF link and is working (tested with some KAKU)
Used : with version 39 installed.

Now i’m trying to add my somfy telis 4 remotes to the system.

Added as

check screenshot

Then i’m switching my original remote in learning other remotes
Hit the “testen" button in domotizc

But after that the blinds did not receive the signal (so not able to learn the signal)

I’ve been searching the internet for some days now, but unable to find some information on how to proceed.

Should this work? or am I doing something wrong?
Or do I need to be as close as possible to learn the remote? (now 10 meters)

Hope you can help me a little bit.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by supermat »

For Somfy transmition you must have a 433,42 (not 433.92) transmitter !!
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by deennoo »

It works with a 433.92 mhz too.

Rflink didn't copy existing remote, it can listen to it that all.

You have to set a new remote using RFlink Loader First, when this done, then add it to domoticz using the same ID.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by onwieze »

I tested the Telis 1 remote on the RFLink Gateway with R40 firmware and within one meter I get the debug output as expected:

-> Press Down
-> Press UP

In Domoticz when learning I also need to have the remote within 1 meter, otherwise it won't receive any signals. But after learning I cannot use the device in Domoticz because it's probably to far away (its 2 meters max with 1 wall in between).

Is there any way to improve the signal for this?

(I also tried to do the learn approach by pressing the red button on the back of the Somfy remote until the sunscreen reacts and then send a signal from Domoticz, but the sunscreen doesn't respond).
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by Stuntteam »

You need to pair the screen with rflink loader.. do not use domoticz for that..
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by waba »

Can you also explain how to do this? I cannot find any entry in RFLink Loader to do that
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by djgodlike »

I paired the somfy screens from the RFLink loader (did it by adding 1 to the original code: "10;RTS;2c2a40;1;PAIR;" when code was 1c2a40).
Did get feedback from the screens and "OK" in logging screen.

The logged code from the remote: "20;02;RTS;ID=1c2a40;SWITCH=01;CMD=UP;"

Now when i try to add a manual switch in Domoticz (Blinds, RFY and the same code with 1 added) but the switch won't work..

Can someone give me some advice?
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by supermat »


I made a tutorial (in french), I control many blind with this solution. I hope it can help you. ... -et-somfy/
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by joshua »

thank you for the great work and good tutorial.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by Pixal »

supermat wrote:Hi,

I made a tutorial (in french), I control many blind with this solution. I hope it can help you. ... -et-somfy/
Thank you!! My Somfy RTS Telis 1 sunscreen started working after this tutorial. I had to translate it to Dutch and use some common sense but I was almost ready to give up until I saw this manual.
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by SHadley1138 »

I had it working following this guide once, then moved the Rflink, and never managed to get it working again. I had to go down the dry contact route in the end
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Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by Kerneldomoticz »

You also have this page that i will test soon to control my somfy sun screen. sorry it is also in french . but googletranslate should do a good job. ... fxtrx433e/

Re: Somfy Telis Remotes

Post by piokuc »

I read this manual: ... -et-somfy/

and start test on my somfy. But for me it not working.
Ok i connect my RFLink by USB to my PC. Run RFLink LOader and i have latest FW 42 and serial port logging ON.

When i do command

Code: Select all

all my entry was blank

Code: Select all

RTS Record: 0 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 1 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 2 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 3 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 4 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 5 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 6 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 7 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 8 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 9 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 10 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 11 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 12 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 13 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 14 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 15 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
Then i start pair my remote rts SMOOVE ORIGIN from somfy ... ea634c.jpg

i send command

Code: Select all

and then i press for about 3 secund button on remote to PROG.
On loader show example

Code: Select all

then i again send command

Code: Select all

and now show me:

Code: Select all

RTS Record: 0 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 1 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 2 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 3 Address: 0F0F0F RC: 0413
RTS Record: 4 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 5 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 6 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 7 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 8 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 9 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 10 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 11 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 12 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 13 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 14 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
RTS Record: 15 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF
And RC is not 0412 as i send command but is 0413. I don again it with other address 2F2F2F and RC 0222 and after that in RFLink is save RC 0223. Always is RC one more than i send by command.
And my somfy didnt working when i send commacnd:

Code: Select all



Also i try send

Code: Select all



as i have save in RFLink on entry 3 but also not working.

Please help me. I am begginer.

What is command to erase all entry in RFlink ?
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