Problems with controlling the setpoint

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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Problems with controlling the setpoint

Post by remco770 »

I've a OTGW connected through USB at my Domoticz environment (RPI)
When I control the setpoint, most of the times the setpoint isn't going trough. Sometimes it works perfectly

Remeha iSense thermostat (RF version)
OTGW through Nodo Shop

Could someone help me out?
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Re: Problems with controlling the setpoint

Post by pfwolbers »

Check your LOG to see or the gateway gives any errors.
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Re: Problems with controlling the setpoint

Post by Ron »

I found out that only 1 degree settings works, not 0,5 degree.
So if the roomtemperature setting is 20 degree i can not change it to 20,5 (I can but it doesn't work) but changing it to 21 works fine.
Also you have to be patiënt, of takes some time untill the thermostat shows the changed temperature.
In the log you can see the change imediatly.
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