I have created a new API-key, and tested it with the verify-url, then I sent a test message as an URL-string through the web-browser to check that it works. It does!
Then I tried this on the pi running Domoticz.
Code: Select all
pi@pi2 ~ $ wget "https://www.notifymyandroid.com/publicapi/notify?apikey=yesmykeywashere&application=%22Domoticz%22&message=%22test%22&event=%22testevent%22&description=%22inget%22"
Problem is in Domoticz I only get "Problem sending, check API-key" when I test the notification, and in the log it only says:
Code: Select all
2016-07-04 23:02:51.080 Error: NMA:
2016-07-04 23:02:51.080 Error: Notification sent (nma) => Failed
It is difficult too see what is wrong, as the error message is blank. I have Domoticz 3.5274. Any Ideas?