Dashticz - Module - Settings

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

Moderators: leecollings, htilburgs, robgeerts

Posts: 1273
Joined: Saturday 24 January 2015 22:12
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version: 3.7067
Location: NL

Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

It's working now @mozart, @benbammens could you try latest beta?
If it is still not working, it might be another bug. Please send me your Teamviewer ID and PASS via PM.
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by Mozart »

robgeerts wrote:It's working now @mozart, @benbammens could you try latest beta?
If it is still not working, it might be another bug. Please send me your Teamviewer ID and PASS via PM.
Indeed, it's working again.

Thanks Rob
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by benbammens »

robgeerts wrote:It's working now @mozart, @benbammens could you try latest beta?
If it is still not working, it might be another bug. Please send me your Teamviewer ID and PASS via PM.
Still nothing. I've sent PM
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by vgr2 »

Hi Rob, did update to last beta without notification from Setting Module. Now I have black screen. How can I get back to config.js?
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

Could yoimu send me your Teamviewer details via PM?
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by vgr2 »

Thanks Rob, now it's working
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by benbammens »

En na een kleine ingreep van Rob werkt het nu ook bij mij. Bedankt!
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

Yes, and fixed the thing that caused the problem in latest beta!
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by Derik »

mm mine is flashing the [new ] setting screen...
Cannot get the screen.
Xu4: Beta Extreme antenna RFXcomE,WU Fi Ping ip P1 Gen5 PVOutput Harmony HUE SolarmanPv OTG Winddelen Alive ESP Buienradar MySensors WOL Winddelen counting RPi: Beta SMAspot RFlinkTest Domoticz ...Different backups
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by capman »

Also black screen here with the last beta :( . Some solution 4 this ? I have used firefox and chrome .
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

What if you manually add configuration in config.js? ( in de topicstart you can find this code)
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by capman »

Okee , I found it why my screen goes black. As soon when I have multiple screens ,3 or more, it goes wrong. With 2 screens it's working.

Working code (All the way 2 the end)
Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['default_news_url'] = 'http://www.standaard.be/rss/section/1f2 ... 8784c7ea7c';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '15';
config['standby_after'] = 0;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '10';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/basic.ics';
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['gm_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['gm_zoomlevel'] = '13';
config['gm_latitude'] = xxxxxxxxxxx';
config['gm_longitude'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_city'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_name'] = 0;
config['wu_country'] = 'BE';
config['idx_moonpicture'] = 0;
config['switch_horizon'] = 0;
config['host_nzbget'] = 0;
config['spot_clientid'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 0;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;


//TV Gids
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: 'fa-television', width:12, channels: [5,6,60,49], maxitems: 6 }

//var _STANDBY_CALL_URL = ' ... ghtness=20'; //adjust brightness raspberry touchscreen, leave empty if not used
//var _END_STANDBY_CALL_URL = ' ... htness=250'; //adjust brightness raspberry touchscreen, leave empty if not used

//predefined colors, when you have RGB-lamps
//var _SAVED_COLORS = ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond','rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50', 'lightyellow'];

// Online Radio Stream Plugin, Note: you must enable plugin in column section 'streamplayer', see columns[3]['blocks'] example below.
{"track":1,"name":"Music FM","file":"http://stream.musicfm.hu:8000/musicfm.mp3"},
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 1","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Test FM","file":""},

// iCalendar Plugin, supports all .ics calendar types like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar
//var _ICALENDAR_URL = 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics'; //supports .ics type calendars (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar etc.)
//var _ICALENDAR_DATEFORMAT = 'dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm'; //'friendly', 'MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm','dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
//var _ICALENDAR_LOCALE = 'nl_NL'; //en,hu, etc.

var calendars = {}
calendars.business = {width:12, maxitems: 3,icon: 'fa-calendar ', url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/em ... e/Brussels', icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics' }
calendars.private = {maxitems: 3,icon: 'fa-calendar ',icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics' }

//Buttons or images to open webpages in an iframe, like a news website or weather forecast
var buttons = {}

buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/Rada ... =285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weeronline.nl/Europa/Nederland/Son/4058667'}
buttons.camvoordeur = {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: ''}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}
buttons.nzbget = {width:4, icon: 'fa-download', title: 'NZBget', url: ''}
buttons.calendar = {width:4, icon: 'fa-calendar', title: 'Kalender', url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar'}
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
buttons.domoticz = {width:12, icon:'fa-microchip', title: 'Domoticz Log', url: ' ... loglevel=2'}

// Afvalwijzer
var trashcan = {}
trashcan.afvalapp = {key:'afvalapp',maxitems: 2,trashapp: 'ophaalkalender', width:4,street:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', country:'BE' }
var trashnames = {}
trashnames['Gft'] = 'GFT';
trashnames['Restafval'] = 'Rest'
trashnames['Pmd'] = 'PMD'
trashnames['P-k'] = 'Papier'
trashnames['Glas'] = 'Glas'
trashnames['Snoeiafval'] = 'Snoeiafval'

var trashcolors = {}
trashcolors['Gft'] = 'green';
//trashcolors['P-k'] = 'brown';
trashcolors['Restafval'] = 'Darkgrey'
trashcolors['Pmd'] = 'deepskyBlue'
trashcolors['Glas'] = 'yellow'
trashcolors['Snoeiafval'] = 'lightgreen'

//defining wich blocks to show, de numbers represents the IDX of the device in Domoticz
//only define if you want to use a custom width instead of the default

var blocks = {}

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'SCHAKELAARS';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'INFO';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Verkeersinfo';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'MUZIEK';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'ROLLUIKEN';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['width'] = 5;

blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'CAMERA';

blocks['blocktitle_7'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_7']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['title'] = 'SPEEDTEST.NET';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['width'] = 4;

blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'LICHAAM';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['width'] = 4;


blocks['news_1'] = {}
blocks['news_1']['feed'] = 'https://crossorigin.me/http://www.stand ... 8784c7ea7c';
blocks['news_1']['width'] = 12;


blocks[276] = {}
//blocks[276]['width'] = 4; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
blocks[276]['title'] = 'Thermostaat' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz
blocks[276]['icon'] = ' fa-lightbulb-o'; //if you want an other icon instead of the default, choose from: http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/
//blocks[276]['image'] = 'bulb_off.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder

blocks[215] = {}
blocks[215]['width'] = 4;
blocks[215]['title'] = 'Handmatig'
blocks[215]['icon'] = 'fa-hand-paper-o';

blocks[211] = {}
blocks[211]['width'] = 4;
blocks[211]['title'] = 'Slaapwel'
blocks[211]['image'] = 'sleep.png';

blocks[227] = {}
blocks[227]['width'] = 12;
blocks[227]['title'] = 'Lampje tablet'

blocks[30] = {}
blocks[30]['width'] = 12;
blocks[30]['title'] = 'Inkom'

blocks[29] = {}
blocks[29]['width'] = 12;
blocks[29]['title'] = 'Haard'

blocks[24] = {}
blocks[24]['width'] = 12;
blocks[24]['title'] = 'Lamp TV'

blocks[46] = {}
blocks[46]['width'] = 12;
blocks[46]['title'] = 'Rond tafeltje'

blocks[26] = {}
blocks[26]['width'] = 12;
blocks[26]['title'] = 'Leeslicht'

blocks[25] = {}
blocks[25]['width'] = 12;
blocks[25]['title'] = 'Leeslicht'


blocks[18] = {}
blocks[18]['width'] = 6;
blocks[18]['title'] = 'Keuken'
blocks[18]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[17] = {}
blocks[17]['width'] = 6;
blocks[17]['title'] = 'Terras'
blocks[17]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[15] = {}
blocks[15]['width'] = 6;
blocks[15]['title'] = 'Eetkamer'
blocks[15]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[16] = {}
blocks[16]['width'] = 6;
blocks[16]['title'] = 'Woonkamer'
blocks[16]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[14] = {}
blocks[14]['width'] = 6;
blocks[14]['title'] = 'Buro'
blocks[14]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[20] = {}
blocks[20]['width'] = 6;
blocks[20]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer Groot'
blocks[20]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[65] = {}
blocks[65]['width'] = 6;
blocks[65]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer Klein'
blocks[65]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[21] = {}
blocks[21]['width'] = 6;
blocks[21]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 2'
blocks[21]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[22] = {}
blocks[22]['width'] = 6;
blocks[22]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 3'
blocks[22]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[23] = {}
blocks[23]['width'] = 6;
blocks[23]['title'] = 'Badkamer'
blocks[23]['hide_stop'] = true;


blocks[354] = {}
blocks[354]['width'] = 4;
blocks[354]['title'] = ''
blocks[354]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';


blocks[276] = {}
blocks[276]['width'] = 4;
blocks[276]['title'] = 'Verwarming'
//blocks[276]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';


blocks[375] = {}
blocks[375]['width'] = 4;
blocks[375]['title'] = 'Sabine'
blocks[375]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[375]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[375]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[376] = {}
blocks[376]['width'] = 12;
blocks[376]['title'] = 'Kris'
blocks[376]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[376]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[376]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[377] = {}
blocks[377]['width'] = 12;
blocks[377]['title'] = 'Milan'
blocks[377]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[377]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[377]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[378] = {}
blocks[378]['width'] = 4;
blocks[378]['title'] = 'Robin'
blocks[378]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[378]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[378]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds


blocks[4] = {}
//blocks[4]['width'] = 4;
blocks[4]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 1'
//blocks[4]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
blocks[4]['switch'] = true; //if you want to switch the title and data

//Internet speed

blocks[356] = {}
blocks[356]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[356]['title'] = 'Ping'
blocks[356]['icon'] = 'fa-globe';

blocks[357] = {}
blocks[357]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[357]['title'] = 'Mbit/s'
blocks[357]['icon'] = 'fa-download';

blocks[358] = {}
blocks[358]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[358]['title'] = 'Upload'
blocks[358]['icon'] = 'fa-upload';

//Popup Camera Deurbel

blocks[366] = {}
blocks[366]['width'] = 2;
blocks[366]['openpopup'] = {}
blocks[366]['openpopup']['url'] = 'http://xxxxxxxx';
blocks[366]['openpopup']['auto_close'] = 15; //seconds

blocks[338] = {}
blocks[338]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[356]['title'] = 'Ping'
//blocks[356]['icon'] = 'fa-globe';


//var maps = {}
//maps.beveren = { width:12, latitude: xxxxxx, longitude: xxxxxxxx, zoom:13 }


var columns = {}

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',211,215,276,'blocktitle_2','traffic',trashcan.afvalapp,354,320,calendars.business,calendars.private,'news_1']
columns[1]['width'] = 5;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather',4,2,250,256,318,277,174,'blocktitle_4','spotify']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.buienradar,buttons.camvoordeur,'blocktitle_8',376,377]
columns[3]['width'] = 2;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['clock']
columns[4]['width'] = 12;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_8',375,376,377,378]
columns[5]['width'] = 5;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [buttons.domoticz]
columns[6]['width'] = 5;

columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_5',18,17,15,16,14,20,65,21,22,23]
columns[7]['width'] = 5;

columns[8] = {}
columns[8]['blocks'] = ['clock']
columns[8]['width'] = 12;

columns[9] = {}
columns[9]['blocks'] = [buttons.camvoordeur,366]
columns[9]['width'] = 12;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',227,30,29,24,46,26,25]
columns[10]['width'] = 12;


var columns_standby = {}

columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','currentweather_big','weather']
columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

//if you want to use multiple screens, use the code below:

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [10]

screens[3] = {}
screens[3]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[3]['columns'] = [4,5,6,7]

screens[4] = {}
screens[4]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[4]['columns'] = [8,9]

NOT Working code (also @the end ;) )
Spoiler: show
var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['app_title'] = 'Dashticz';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['default_news_url'] = 'http://www.standaard.be/rss/section/1f2 ... 8784c7ea7c';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '15';
config['standby_after'] = 0;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '10';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'slide';
config['language'] = 'nl_NL';
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = 'https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/basic.ics';
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
config['gm_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['gm_zoomlevel'] = '13';
config['gm_latitude'] = xxxxxxxxxxx';
config['gm_longitude'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_api'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_city'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
config['wu_name'] = 0;
config['wu_country'] = 'BE';
config['idx_moonpicture'] = 0;
config['switch_horizon'] = 0;
config['host_nzbget'] = 0;
config['spot_clientid'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 0;
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
config['last_update'] = 1;
config['hide_topbar'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds'] = 0;
config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 0;
config['static_weathericons'] = 0;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;


//TV Gids
var tvguide = {}
tvguide.dutch = { key:'dutch', icon: 'fa-television', width:12, channels: [5,6,60,49], maxitems: 6 }

//var _STANDBY_CALL_URL = ' ... ghtness=20'; //adjust brightness raspberry touchscreen, leave empty if not used
//var _END_STANDBY_CALL_URL = ' ... htness=250'; //adjust brightness raspberry touchscreen, leave empty if not used

//predefined colors, when you have RGB-lamps
//var _SAVED_COLORS = ['black', 'white', 'blanchedalmond','rgb(255, 128, 0);', 'hsv 100 70 50', 'lightyellow'];

// Online Radio Stream Plugin, Note: you must enable plugin in column section 'streamplayer', see columns[3]['blocks'] example below.
{"track":1,"name":"Music FM","file":"http://stream.musicfm.hu:8000/musicfm.mp3"},
{"track":2,"name":"Radio 1","file":""},
{"track":3,"name":"Test FM","file":""},

// iCalendar Plugin, supports all .ics calendar types like Google Calendar, Apple Calendar
//var _ICALENDAR_URL = 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics'; //supports .ics type calendars (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar etc.)
//var _ICALENDAR_DATEFORMAT = 'dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm'; //'friendly', 'MM.DD.YYYY HH:mm', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:mm','dddd DD MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
//var _ICALENDAR_LOCALE = 'nl_NL'; //en,hu, etc.

var calendars = {}
calendars.business = {width:12, maxitems: 3,icon: 'fa-calendar ', url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/em ... e/Brussels', icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics' }
calendars.private = {maxitems: 3,icon: 'fa-calendar ',icalurl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ic ... /basic.ics' }

//Buttons or images to open webpages in an iframe, like a news website or weather forecast
var buttons = {}

buttons.buienradar = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'http://api.buienradar.nl/image/1.0/Rada ... =285&h=256', url: 'http://www.weeronline.nl/Europa/Nederland/Son/4058667'}
buttons.camvoordeur = {width:12, isimage:true, refresh:2000, image: 'http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
buttons.radio = {width:12, image: 'img/radio_on.png', title: 'Radio', url: ''}
buttons.nunl = {width:12, icon: 'fa-newspaper-o', title: 'Nu.nl', url: 'http://www.nu.nl'}
buttons.nzbget = {width:4, icon: 'fa-download', title: 'NZBget', url: ''}
buttons.calendar = {width:4, icon: 'fa-calendar', title: 'Kalender', url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar'}
buttons.moon = {width:12, isimage:true, refreshimage:60000, image: 'moon'}
buttons.domoticz = {width:12, icon:'fa-microchip', title: 'Domoticz Log', url: ' ... loglevel=2'}

// Afvalwijzer
var trashcan = {}
trashcan.afvalapp = {key:'afvalapp',maxitems: 2,trashapp: 'ophaalkalender', width:4,street:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', country:'BE' }
var trashnames = {}
trashnames['Gft'] = 'GFT';
trashnames['Restafval'] = 'Rest'
trashnames['Pmd'] = 'PMD'
trashnames['P-k'] = 'Papier'
trashnames['Glas'] = 'Glas'
trashnames['Snoeiafval'] = 'Snoeiafval'

var trashcolors = {}
trashcolors['Gft'] = 'green';
//trashcolors['P-k'] = 'brown';
trashcolors['Restafval'] = 'Darkgrey'
trashcolors['Pmd'] = 'deepskyBlue'
trashcolors['Glas'] = 'yellow'
trashcolors['Snoeiafval'] = 'lightgreen'

//defining wich blocks to show, de numbers represents the IDX of the device in Domoticz
//only define if you want to use a custom width instead of the default

var blocks = {}

blocks['blocktitle_1'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_1']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_1']['title'] = 'SCHAKELAARS';

blocks['blocktitle_2'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_2']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_2']['title'] = 'INFO';

blocks['blocktitle_3'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_3']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_3']['title'] = 'Verkeersinfo';

blocks['blocktitle_4'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_4']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_4']['title'] = 'MUZIEK';

blocks['blocktitle_5'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_5']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['title'] = 'ROLLUIKEN';
blocks['blocktitle_5']['width'] = 5;

blocks['blocktitle_6'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_6']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_6']['title'] = 'CAMERA';

blocks['blocktitle_7'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_7']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['title'] = 'SPEEDTEST.NET';
blocks['blocktitle_7']['width'] = 4;

blocks['blocktitle_8'] = {}
blocks['blocktitle_8']['type'] = 'blocktitle';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['title'] = 'LICHAAM';
blocks['blocktitle_8']['width'] = 4;


blocks['news_1'] = {}
blocks['news_1']['feed'] = 'https://crossorigin.me/http://www.stand ... 8784c7ea7c';
blocks['news_1']['width'] = 12;


blocks[276] = {}
//blocks[276]['width'] = 4; //1 to 12, remove this line if you want to use the default (4)
blocks[276]['title'] = 'Thermostaat' //if you want change the name of switch different then domoticz
blocks[276]['icon'] = ' fa-lightbulb-o'; //if you want an other icon instead of the default, choose from: http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/
//blocks[276]['image'] = 'bulb_off.png'; //if you want to show an image instead if icon, place image in img/ folder

blocks[215] = {}
blocks[215]['width'] = 4;
blocks[215]['title'] = 'Handmatig'
blocks[215]['icon'] = 'fa-hand-paper-o';

blocks[211] = {}
blocks[211]['width'] = 4;
blocks[211]['title'] = 'Slaapwel'
blocks[211]['image'] = 'sleep.png';

blocks[227] = {}
blocks[227]['width'] = 12;
blocks[227]['title'] = 'Lampje tablet'

blocks[30] = {}
blocks[30]['width'] = 12;
blocks[30]['title'] = 'Inkom'

blocks[29] = {}
blocks[29]['width'] = 12;
blocks[29]['title'] = 'Haard'

blocks[24] = {}
blocks[24]['width'] = 12;
blocks[24]['title'] = 'Lamp TV'

blocks[46] = {}
blocks[46]['width'] = 12;
blocks[46]['title'] = 'Rond tafeltje'

blocks[26] = {}
blocks[26]['width'] = 12;
blocks[26]['title'] = 'Leeslicht'

blocks[25] = {}
blocks[25]['width'] = 12;
blocks[25]['title'] = 'Leeslicht'


blocks[18] = {}
blocks[18]['width'] = 6;
blocks[18]['title'] = 'Keuken'
blocks[18]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[17] = {}
blocks[17]['width'] = 6;
blocks[17]['title'] = 'Terras'
blocks[17]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[15] = {}
blocks[15]['width'] = 6;
blocks[15]['title'] = 'Eetkamer'
blocks[15]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[16] = {}
blocks[16]['width'] = 6;
blocks[16]['title'] = 'Woonkamer'
blocks[16]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[14] = {}
blocks[14]['width'] = 6;
blocks[14]['title'] = 'Buro'
blocks[14]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[20] = {}
blocks[20]['width'] = 6;
blocks[20]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer Groot'
blocks[20]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[65] = {}
blocks[65]['width'] = 6;
blocks[65]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer Klein'
blocks[65]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[21] = {}
blocks[21]['width'] = 6;
blocks[21]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 2'
blocks[21]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[22] = {}
blocks[22]['width'] = 6;
blocks[22]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 3'
blocks[22]['hide_stop'] = true;

blocks[23] = {}
blocks[23]['width'] = 6;
blocks[23]['title'] = 'Badkamer'
blocks[23]['hide_stop'] = true;


blocks[354] = {}
blocks[354]['width'] = 4;
blocks[354]['title'] = ''
blocks[354]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';


blocks[276] = {}
blocks[276]['width'] = 4;
blocks[276]['title'] = 'Verwarming'
//blocks[276]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';


blocks[375] = {}
blocks[375]['width'] = 4;
blocks[375]['title'] = 'Sabine'
blocks[375]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[375]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[375]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[376] = {}
blocks[376]['width'] = 12;
blocks[376]['title'] = 'Kris'
blocks[376]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[376]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[376]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[377] = {}
blocks[377]['width'] = 12;
blocks[377]['title'] = 'Milan'
blocks[377]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[377]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[377]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds

blocks[378] = {}
blocks[378]['width'] = 4;
blocks[378]['title'] = 'Robin'
blocks[378]['icon'] = 'fa-balance-scale';
blocks[378]['gotoslide'] = 3;
blocks[378]['gotoslide']['auto_close'] = 30; //seconds


blocks[4] = {}
//blocks[4]['width'] = 4;
blocks[4]['title'] = 'Slaapkamer 1'
//blocks[4]['icon'] = 'fa-tint';
blocks[4]['switch'] = true; //if you want to switch the title and data

//Internet speed

blocks[356] = {}
blocks[356]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[356]['title'] = 'Ping'
blocks[356]['icon'] = 'fa-globe';

blocks[357] = {}
blocks[357]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[357]['title'] = 'Mbit/s'
blocks[357]['icon'] = 'fa-download';

blocks[358] = {}
blocks[358]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[358]['title'] = 'Upload'
blocks[358]['icon'] = 'fa-upload';

//Popup Camera Deurbel

blocks[366] = {}
blocks[366]['width'] = 2;
blocks[366]['openpopup'] = {}
blocks[366]['openpopup']['url'] = 'http://xxxxxxxx';
blocks[366]['openpopup']['auto_close'] = 15; //seconds

blocks[338] = {}
blocks[338]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[356]['title'] = 'Ping'
//blocks[356]['icon'] = 'fa-globe';


//var maps = {}
//maps.beveren = { width:12, latitude: xxxxxx, longitude: xxxxxxxx, zoom:13 }


var columns = {}

columns[1] = {}
columns[1]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',211,215,276,'blocktitle_2','traffic',trashcan.afvalapp,354,320,calendars.business,calendars.private,'news_1']
columns[1]['width'] = 5;

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = ['currentweather_big','weather',4,2,250,256,318,277,174,'blocktitle_4','spotify']
columns[2]['width'] = 5;

columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',buttons.buienradar,buttons.camvoordeur,'blocktitle_8',376,377]
columns[3]['width'] = 2;

columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = ['clock']
columns[4]['width'] = 12;

columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_8',375,376,377,378]
columns[5]['width'] = 5;

columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = [buttons.domoticz]
columns[6]['width'] = 5;

columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_5',18,17,15,16,14,20,65,21,22,23]
columns[7]['width'] = 5;

columns[8] = {}
columns[8]['blocks'] = ['clock']
columns[8]['width'] = 12;

columns[9] = {}
columns[9]['blocks'] = [buttons.camvoordeur,366]
columns[9]['width'] = 12;

columns[10] = {}
columns[10]['blocks'] = ['blocktitle_1',227,30,29,24,46,26,25]
columns[10]['width'] = 12;


var columns_standby = {}

columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock','currentweather_big','weather']
columns_standby[1]['width'] = 12;

//if you want to use multiple screens, use the code below:

var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_morning'] = 'bg_morning.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_noon'] = 'bg_noon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_afternoon'] = 'bg_afternoon.jpg';
//screens[1]['background_night'] = 'bg_night.jpg';
screens[1]['columns'] = [1,2,3]

screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[2]['columns'] = [10]

screens[3] = {}
screens[3]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[3]['columns'] = [4,5,6,7]

screens[4] = {}
screens[4]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[4]['columns'] = [8,9]
In the code is some 'xxxx' 4 hiding some personal data 8-)
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Joined: Saturday 24 January 2015 22:12
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
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Location: NL

Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

This is working for me...

Code: Select all

var screens = {}
screens['default'] = {}
screens['default']['maxwidth'] = 1920;
screens['default']['maxheight'] = 1080;

screens['default'][1] = {}
screens['default'][1]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['columns'] = [1,2,4]

screens['default'][2] = {}
screens['default'][2]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['columns'] = [5,6,7]

screens['default'][3] = {}
screens['default'][3]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['columns'] = [5,6,7]

screens['default'][4] = {}
screens['default'][4]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['columns'] = [5,6,7]

screens['tablet'] = {}
screens['tablet']['maxwidth'] = 1024;
screens['tablet']['maxheight'] = 768;
screens['tablet'][1] = {}
screens['tablet'][1]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['tablet'][1]['columns'] = [1]

screens['tablet'][2] = {}
screens['tablet'][2]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['tablet'][2]['columns'] = [2]
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Posts: 153
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: Beta
Location: Belgium

Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by capman »

Working 4 me also now, with the latest beta.
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Posts: 290
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: latest β
Location: The Netherlands (Alkmaar)

Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by gielie »

I tried the latest beta but I also get a black screen. I tried to reduce the screens to 2 as stated above but still no luck.
Someone have an idea that might work?
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by Blueone »

add "var config = {}" to the top of the config file, that resolved it for me (Was using the latest beta but also a black screen).

And another question :D , is it possible to set the sunrise on the place of the logo in the title bar (maybe an option in the menu)?
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Location: NL

Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by robgeerts »

In latest beta, use:

Code: Select all

columns['bar'] = {}
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['sunrise','miniclock','settings']
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Re: Dashticz - [BETA]Module - Settings - VERSION 2

Post by Blueone »

Posts: 56
Joined: Monday 28 November 2016 20:52
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Location: Netherlands

Re: Dashticz - Module - Settings

Post by PeJeWe »

The function "edit mode" dus not work.

i have tried to reinstall it several times.
I have used git pull.

It won't save changes. i use Chrome
when i push save and i refresh nothing happens.

F12 shows me:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
at HTMLDivElement.eval (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js:2), <anonymous>:72:47)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at n.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js:2)
at saveBlocks (eval at globalEval (jquery.min.js:2), <anonymous>:43:20)
at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick ((index):1)

I cant add plugins.
Posts: 1273
Joined: Saturday 24 January 2015 22:12
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
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Location: NL

Re: Dashticz - Module - Settings

Post by robgeerts »

Could you test latest beta?
Remember, this function is heavily in beta ;)
Later I want to add a menu for new blocks to add.
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