Search found 5 matches

by Wienen
Sunday 20 December 2020 14:32
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: FIX for The database disk image is malformed
Replies: 45
Views: 48865

Re: FIX for The database disk image is malformed

You could try this approach by dumping the current database and loading the dumpfile into a new database like this bash file: #! /bin/sh sudo service domoticz stop cd /home/pi/domoticz rm -f dump.sql echo Dump domoticz.db to dump.sql sudo sqlite3 domoticz.db <<EOF .mode insert .output dump.sql ...
by Wienen
Friday 09 November 2018 13:53
Forum: Python
Topic: Save detailed data over 24 hours
Replies: 4
Views: 2774

Re: Save detailed data over 24 hours

thank you to Waaren and CaesarPL: I'll try in the WE. I hope to solve my problem with a python script that is a bit easier for me. But I wonder why in a so sophisticated application like Domoticz there is not an option to choose if overwrite or enlarge the db. Anyway I'll update you about my ...
by Wienen
Saturday 20 October 2018 0:31
Forum: Bash / PowerShell / Batch etc.
Topic: DD-WRT Internet Usage Script
Replies: 21
Views: 11447

Re: DD-WRT Internet Usage Script

I really like your scripts but unfortunately i'm fairly new to Domoticz/Linux and i'm having some trouble installing your script. I'm on a RPi3b+ with Raspbian strech Lite (updated) I'm starting the script from a cronjob (@reboot) I'm getting the following error "-bash: /usr/bin/screen ...
by Wienen
Thursday 18 October 2018 11:54
Forum: LUA
Topic: LUA Script for daily gas consumption based on the degree days
Replies: 2
Views: 1962

Re: LUA Script for daily gas consumption based on the degree days

When browsing Google about Domoticz, gas consumption and wheater temperatur i've stumbled upon this thread. This is exactly what i want to see in my Domiticz. I'm aware of the upload script to but i don't want to have to go there to see the graphs. So i think you have build a great ...
by Wienen
Wednesday 17 October 2018 15:41
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Domoticz + RPI3b+ hanging
Replies: 3
Views: 986

Re: Domoticz + RPI3b+ hanging

JacquesMulders wrote: Saturday 08 September 2018 9:59 install rasbian, and use the setup command

Code: Select all

curl -L | sudo bash
I just received my RPI3b+ which is 64bit. Does the url automatically install's the 64bit version of Domoticz?

Update: Stupid question :oops: it seems there isn't a 64bit version of Raspbian 8-)