But; I wanted to register this information in Domoticz. So I created a LUA script that calculate the daily gas consumption based on the degree days and put that in a counter in Domoticz.
The script is working. See screenshot (I’m currently renovating my home, so the usage is currently not constant…) The script:
Code: Select all
-- Info about calculation of degree day
--If outsideTemp (day average) > 18 degree Then degreeday = 0
--If outsideTemp (day average) < 18 degree then:
-- If OutsideTemp > InsideTemp then degreeday = 0
-- If OutsideTemp < InsideTemp then : InsideTemp - OutsideTemp = degreeday
-- Weight degreeday:
-- April t/m september: 0,8
-- Maart en oktober: 1,0
-- November t/m februari: 1,1
-- degreeday = degreeday * weight
-- Total gas daily used / degreeday = how many gas m3 is used on degreeday
-- Vars that can be changed
Debug = 0 --Enable/Disable logging
Domo_IP = ('')
Domo_Port = ('8080')
Gasmeter_IDX = 75 --To read daily gas usage. I use my P1 Smart meter
local DegreeDay_IDX = 217 --Device ID to write calculated Degreeday (new virtual gas sensor)
Temp_Outside_name = ('Buiten Temperatuur') --Name of outside temp sensor. I use this: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Virtual_weather_devices
Temp_Inside_name = ('Kamer Temp') --Name of inside temp sensor. I use my iSense Thermostat
Gas_Meter_name = ('Gasmeter') --Name of Gas meter. For displaying total gas usage (no functional usage)
Base_Temp = 18 --is the outside temperature above which the building does not require heating. UK is 15.5 / US is 18 But it depends with building
-- End Vars
commandArray = {}
time = os.date("*t")
if((time.min % 10)==0)then --Run every 10 minutes
Base_Temp = tonumber(Base_Temp)
temp_outside = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues[Temp_Outside_name]:match("([^;]+)"))
temp_inside = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues[Temp_Inside_name]:match("([^;]+)"))
degreeday = 0
if temp_outside > Base_Temp then degreeday = 0 end
if temp_outside < Base_Temp then
if temp_outside > temp_inside then degreeday = 0 end
if temp_outside < temp_inside then degreeday = temp_inside - temp_outside end
month = os.date("%m")
degreeday_weight = 0
if month == "01" then degreeday_weight = ('1.1') end
if month == "02" then degreeday_weight = ('1.1') end
if month == "03" then degreeday_weight = ('1.0') end
if month == "04" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "05" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "06" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "07" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "08" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "09" then degreeday_weight = ('0.8') end
if month == "10" then degreeday_weight = ('1.0') end
if month == "11" then degreeday_weight = ('1.1') end
if month == "12" then degreeday_weight = ('1.1') end
degreeday = tonumber(degreeday) * tonumber(degreeday_weight)
gas_usage = tonumber(otherdevices_svalues[Gas_Meter_name]:match("([^;]+)"))
-- Load necessary Lua libraries
http = require "socket.http";
socket = require "socket";
https = require "ssl.https";
JSON = require "JSON";
local t, jresponse, status, decoded_response
server_url = "http://"..Domo_IP..":"..Domo_Port
t = server_url.."/json.htm?type=graph&sensor=counter&range=week&idx="..tostring(Gasmeter_IDX)
jresponse, status = http.request(t)
decoded_response = JSON:decode(jresponse)
result = decoded_response["result"]
gas_usage_today = tonumber(result[8]["v"])
degreeday_usage = gas_usage_today / degreeday
if Debug == 1 then
print("OutsideTemp: " ..temp_outside)
print("Inside Temp: " ..temp_inside)
print("Base Temp: " ..Base_Temp)
print("Gas total usage: " ..gas_usage)
print("Month: " ..month)
print("Degreeday Weight: " ..degreeday_weight)
print("Degree Day: " ..degreeday)
print("Gas usage today: "..gas_usage_today)
print("Degreeday usage today: "..degreeday_usage)
degreeday_usage1 = degreeday_usage * 1000
commandArray[DegreeDay_IDX] = { ['UpdateDevice'] = DegreeDay_IDX..'|0|'..degreeday_usage1 }
return commandArray
And I’m hoping that other users will check my LUA script for errors. (For example; I use JSON to get the daily gas usage. And that requires additional libraries: https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Remote_Co ... _Libraries I’m guessing that it can be done on a nicer method.)
Suggestions are welcome!