Anyone already found a way on how to upgrade domoticz to use the correct version of Python?
Returning back to 2021.1 version is not an option due to missing build in plugins.
I'm running Domoticz in a docker image on a synology system (DSM7.1).
Hi all, I'm having a similar problem on a synology system. 2022-11-17 10:47:46.566 Error: Siemens Logo I1: (ModbusREAD) failed to load '', Python Path used was '/opt/domoticz/userdata/plugins/modbus-read/:/usr/lib/ ...
Has annyone got Smappee to work when domoticz in installed in Docker on a synology NAS?
If so, can you please tell me some tips and trick on how to get it to work?
This is my working code. from evohomeclient2 import evoconfig from evohomeclient2 import EvohomeClient import sys from datetime import datetime #connect to evohome web portal @ client = EvohomeClient(evoconfig.usr, status=client.locations[0].status() tcs ...
OMG it works... I thougt I already tried to not use the permanent settings. Thank you so much! Now that settemp works: does setting the mode for the gateway also work on your system? Yes this also works fine. just put the file in the same folder as the, and dont forget ...
You need to fill in thos credits like this. #fill in username usr='your honeywell mail address' #fill in pw pw='Your honeywell password' #fill in Domoticz URL url='Ip addres van je NAS' #fill in Domoticz port port='8084' #fill in script root e.g. script:///home/<user>/evohome-client script::///usr/l ...
My evo-settemp file looks like this. from evohomeclient2 import evoconfig from evohomeclient2 import EvohomeClient import sys import dateutil.parser if len(sys.argv)<5: until = '0-0-0T00:00:00' elif sys.argv[4][:1] == '0': until = '0-0-0T00:00:00' else: until = dateutil.parser.parse(sys.argv[4 ...
I got the settemp and setmode modules working! :D my solution was, move following files from the /evohome-client/evohomeclient2 folder to the /evohome-client folder mv .. mv .. mv .. mv evo ...
can you try what is posted over here? and return what works and what fails? thanks to Gordonb3 for the orginal post. login to NAS via SSH as root: Chance directory to /volume1/@appstore/debian-chroot/var/chroottarget/home/evohome-client B3 evohome # python Python 2.7.10 (default, Nov 11 2015, 23:44 ...