Too bad to hear that upgrading Raspbian will break everything again...
I finally sort of managed to fix the problems I had with reading the value's from my modbus devices.
I added a wait period depending on the modbus address so the scripts don't try to access the devices at the same time. Not sure how well this works tho...
I also added an errorcode to the error message to find out where thing go wrong. I found out that most of the times the 'data' is 'None'.
So I added a 1 second delayed retry on reading the value if it fails on reading or decoding. Normally you would put this in a function or something but I'm no good in coding python so i just copied the whole part of the script again.
Anybody know how to send Null, None or 'Invalid' to domoticz? The default is now '0' so domoticz will log 0 degrees in my temperature logs instead of just ignoring the return value.
Code: Select all
# Modbus RTU / ASCII / TCP/IP - Universal READ Plugin for Domoticz
# Tested on domoticz 2020.2 (stable) with Python v3.7.3 and pymodbus v2.3.0
# Author: Sebastiaan Ebeltjes /
# RTU Serial HW: USB RS485-Serial Stick, like
# Dependancies:
# - pymodbus AND pymodbusTCP:
# - Install for python3 with: sudo pip3 install -U pymodbus pymodbusTCP
<plugin key="ModbusREAD" name="Modbus RTU / ASCII / TCP/IP - READ v2020.2F" author="S. Ebeltjes /" version="2020.2F" externallink="" wikilink="">
<h3>Modbus RTU / ASCII / TCP/IP - READ</h3>
With this plugin you can read from RS485 Modbus devices with methods RTU/ASCII/TCP<br/>
The serial binary communication protocol. It is the communication standard that<br/>
became widely used and all series of PLC's and other device producers support it.<br/>
It goes about the network protocol of the 1Master x nSlave type. The Slave devices can be 254 at the most.<br/>
This protocol is similar to Modbus RTU, but the binary content is transformed to common ASCII characters.<br/>
It is not used as frequently as Modbus RTU.<br/>
<h4>RTU over TCP</h4>
Means a MODBUS RTU packet wrapped in a TCP packet. The message bytes are modified to add the 6 byte MBAP header and remove the two byte CRC.
It is a network protocol - classic Ethernet TCP/IP with the 10/100 Mbit/s speed rate, a standard net HW Ethernet card is sufficient.<br/>
The communication principle (1Master x nSlave) is the same as for Modbus RTU. used port is most likely: 502<br/>
<h3>Set-up and Configuration:</h3>
See wiki link above.<br/>
<param field="Mode1" label="Communication Mode" width="160px" required="true">
<option label="RTU" value="rtu:rtu" default="true"/>
<option label="RTU (+DEBUG)" value="rtu:debug"/>
<option label="RTU ASCII" value="ascii:ascii"/>
<option label="RTU ASCII (+DEBUG)" value="ascii:debug"/>
<option label="RTU over TCP" value="rtutcp:rtutcp"/>
<option label="RTU over TCP (+DEBUG)" value="rtutcp:debug"/>
<option label="TCP/IP" value="tcpip:tcpip"/>
<option label="TCP/IP (+DEBUG)" value="tcpip:debug"/>
<param field="SerialPort" label="RTU - Serial Port" width="120px"/>
<param field="Mode3" label="RTU - Port settings" width="260px">
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: None" value="S1B7PN"/>
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: Even" value="S1B7PE"/>
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: Odd" value="S1B7PO"/>
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: None" value="S1B8PN" default="true"/>
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: Even" value="S1B8PE"/>
<option label="StopBits 1 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: Odd" value="S1B8PO"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: None" value="S2B7PN"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: Even" value="S2B7PE"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 7 / Parity: Odd" value="S2B7PO"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: None" value="S2B8PN"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: Even" value="S2B8PE"/>
<option label="StopBits 2 / ByteSize 8 / Parity: Odd" value="S2B8PO"/>
<param field="Mode2" label="RTU - Baudrate" width="70px">
<option label="1200" value="1200"/>
<option label="2400" value="2400"/>
<option label="4800" value="4800"/>
<option label="9600" value="9600" default="true"/>
<option label="14400" value="14400"/>
<option label="19200" value="19200"/>
<option label="38400" value="38400"/>
<option label="57600" value="57600"/>
<option label="115200" value="115200"/>
<param field="Address" label="TCP/IP - IP:Port" width="140px" default=""/>
<param field="Password" label="Device ID:Pollingrate(sec)" width="50px" default="1:10" required="true"/>
<param field="Username" label="Modbus Function" width="250px" required="true">
<option label="Read Coil (Function 1)" value="1"/>
<option label="Read Discrete Input (Function 2)" value="2"/>
<option label="Read Holding Registers (Function 3)" value="3" default="true"/>
<option label="Read Input Registers (Function 4)" value="4"/>
<param field="Port" label="Register number" width="50px" default="1" required="true"/>
<param field="Mode6" label="Data type" width="180px" required="true">
<option label="No conversion (1 register)" value="noco"/>
<option label="BOOL (TRUE/FALSE)" value="bool"/>
<option label="INT 8-Bit LSB" value="int8LSB"/>
<option label="INT 8-Bit MSB" value="int8MSB"/>
<option label="INT 16-Bit" value="int16"/>
<option label="INT 16-Bit Swapped" value="int16s"/>
<option label="INT 32-Bit" value="int32"/>
<option label="INT 32-Bit Swapped" value="int32s"/>
<option label="INT 64-Bit" value="int64"/>
<option label="INT 64-Bit Swapped" value="int64s"/>
<option label="UINT 8-Bit LSB" value="uint8LSB"/>
<option label="UINT 8-Bit MSB" value="uint8MSB"/>
<option label="UINT 16-Bit" value="uint16" default="true"/>
<option label="UINT 16-Bit Swapped" value="uint16s"/>
<option label="UINT 32-Bit" value="uint32"/>
<option label="UINT 32-Bit Swapped" value="uint32s"/>
<option label="UINT 64-Bit" value="uint64"/>
<option label="UINT 64-Bit Swapped" value="uint64s"/>
<option label="FLOAT 32-Bit" value="float32"/>
<option label="FLOAT 32-Bit Swapped" value="float32"/>
<option label="FLOAT 64-Bit" value="float64"/>
<option label="FLOAT 64-Bit Swapped" value="float64s"/>
<option label="STRING 2-byte" value="string2"/>
<option label="STRING 4-byte" value="string4"/>
<option label="STRING 6-byte" value="string6"/>
<option label="STRING 8-byte" value="string8"/>
<param field="Mode5" label="Divide value" width="100px" required="true">
<option label="No" value="div0" default="true"/>
<option label="Divide /10" value="div10"/>
<option label="Divide /100" value="div100"/>
<option label="Divide /1000" value="div1000"/>
<option label="Divide /10000" value="div10000"/>
<param field="Mode4" label="Sensor type" width="160px" required="true" value="Custom">
<option label="Air Quality" value="Air Quality"/>
<option label="Alert" value="Alert"/>
<option label="Barometer" value="Barometer"/>
<option label="Counter Incremental" value="Counter Incremental"/>
<option label="Current/Ampere" value="Current/Ampere"/>
<option label="Current (Single)" value="Current (Single)"/>
<option label="Custom" value="Custom" default="true"/>
<option label="Distance" value="Distance"/>
<option label="Gas" value="Gas"/>
<option label="Humidity" value="Humidity"/>
<option label="Illumination" value="Illumination"/>
<option label="kWh" value="kWh"/>
<option label="Leaf Wetness" value="Leaf Wetness"/>
<option label="Percentage" value="Percentage"/>
<option label="Pressure" value="Pressure"/>
<option label="Rain" value="Rain"/>
<option label="Selector Switch" value="Selector Switch"/>
<option label="Soil Moisture" value="Soil Moisture"/>
<option label="Solar Radiation" value="Solar Radiation"/>
<option label="Sound Level" value="Sound Level"/>
<option label="Switch" value="Switch"/>
<option label="Temperature" value="Temperature"/>
<option label="Temp+Hum" value="Temp+Hum"/>
<option label="Temp+Hum+Baro" value="Temp+Hum+Baro"/>
<option label="Text" value="Text"/>
<option label="Usage" value="Usage"/>
<option label="UV" value="UV"/>
<option label="Visibility" value="Visibility"/>
<option label="Voltage" value="Voltage"/>
<option label="Waterflow" value="Waterflow"/>
<option label="Wind" value="Wind"/>
<option label="Wind+Temp+Chill" value="Wind+Temp+Chill"/>
import Domoticz
import sys
import pymodbus
import time
import random
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient # RTU
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient # RTU over TCP
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer # RTU over TCP
from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient # TCP/IP
from pymodbus.constants import Endian
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
# Declare internal variables
result = ""
value = 0
ignored = 0
data = []
class BasePlugin:
enabled = False
def __init__(self):
def onStart(self):
Domoticz.Log("onStart called")
Domoticz.Log("Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP - Universal READ loaded!, using python v" + sys.version[:6] + " and pymodbus v" + pymodbus.__version__)
Domoticz.Log("Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP - Universal READ loaded!")
# Dependancies notification
if (float(Parameters["DomoticzVersion"][:6]) < float("2020.2")): Domoticz.Error("WARNING: Domoticz version is outdated/not supported, please update!")
if (float(sys.version[:1]) < 3): Domoticz.Error("WARNING: Python3 should be used!")
if (float(pymodbus.__version__[:3]) < float("2.3")): Domoticz.Error("WARNING: Pymodbus version is outdated, please update!")
Domoticz.Error("WARNING: Dependancies could not be checked!")
# Convert "option names" to variables for easy reading and debugging.
# Note: Parameters["Port"] cannot accept other value then int! (e.g. will result in 192)
Domoticz_Setting_Communication_MODDEB = Parameters["Mode1"].split(":") # Split MODE and DEBUG setting MODE:DEBUG
self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode = Domoticz_Setting_Communication_MODDEB[0]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Serial_Port = Parameters["SerialPort"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Baudrate = Parameters["Mode2"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode = Parameters["Mode3"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function = Parameters["Username"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number = Parameters["Port"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type = Parameters["Mode6"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value = Parameters["Mode5"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Sensor_Type = Parameters["Mode4"]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_IDPOL = Parameters["Password"].split(":") # Split ID and pollrate setting ID:POLL (heartbeat)
self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID = 1 # Default
if len(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_IDPOL) > 0: self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID = self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_IDPOL[0]
self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate = 10 # Default
if len(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_IDPOL) > 1: self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate = self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_IDPOL[1]
self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT = Parameters["Address"].split(":") # Split address and port setting TCP:IP
self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP = 0 # Default
if len(self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT) > 0: self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP = self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT[0]
self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT = 0 # Default
if len(self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT) > 1: self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT = self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT[1]
# Set debug yes/no
if (Domoticz_Setting_Communication_MODDEB[1] == "debug"):
Domoticz.Debugging(1) # Enable debugging
Domoticz.Debug("***** NOTIFICATION: Debug enabled!")
Domoticz.Debugging(0) # Disable debugging
# Set device pollrate (heartbeat)
Domoticz.Debug("***** NOTIFICATION: Pollrate (heartbeat): "+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate+" seconds.")
# RTU - Serial port settings
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B7PN"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 7, "N"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B7PE"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 7, "E"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B7PO"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 7, "O"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B8PN"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 8, "N"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B8PE"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 8, "E"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S1B8PO"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 1, 8, "O"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B7PN"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 7, "N"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B7PE"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 7, "E"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B7PO"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 7, "O"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B8PN"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 8, "N"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B8PE"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 8, "E"
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Port_Mode == "S2B8PO"): self.StopBits, self.ByteSize, self.Parity = 2, 8, "O"
# Read n registers depending on data type
# Added additional options for byte/word swapping
self.Register_Count = 1 # Default
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "noco"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "bool"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int8LSB"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int8MSB"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16s"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32s"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64s"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint8LSB"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint8MSB"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16s"): self.Register_Count = 1
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32s"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64s"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32s"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64s"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string2"): self.Register_Count = 2
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string4"): self.Register_Count = 4
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string6"): self.Register_Count = 6
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string8"): self.Register_Count = 8
# Due to the lack of more parameter posibility, the name will be the hardware name
self.Domoticz_Setting_Sensor_Type = Parameters["Mode4"]
if (len(Devices) == 0): Domoticz.Device(Name="Modbus-READ", Unit=1, TypeName=self.Domoticz_Setting_Sensor_Type, Image=0, Used=1).Create() #Added sensor type
def onStop(self):
Domoticz.Log("onStop called")
def onConnect(self, Connection, Status, Description):
Domoticz.Log("onConnect called")
def onMessage(self, Connection, Data, Status, Extra):
Domoticz.Log("onMessage called")
def onCommand(self, Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
Domoticz.Log("onCommand called for Unit " + str(Unit) + ": Parameter '" + str(Command) + "', Level: " + str(Level))
def onNotification(self, Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
Domoticz.Log("Notification: " + Name + "," + Subject + "," + Text + "," + Status + "," + str(Priority) + "," + Sound + "," + ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(self, Connection):
Domoticz.Log("onDisconnect called")
def onHeartbeat(self):
# extra delay toegevoegt om flood richting PLC te voorkomen, geen idee of het nog nodig is...
time.sleep(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number) % 20)
# einde aanpassing #
Domoticz.Log("onHeartbeat called")
# SET HARDWARE - pymodbus: RTU / ASCII
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtu" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "ascii"):
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - INTERFACE: Port="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Serial_Port+", BaudRate="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Baudrate+", StopBits="+str(self.StopBits)+", ByteSize="+str(self.ByteSize)+" Parity="+self.Parity)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - SETTINGS: Method="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode+", Device ID="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID+", Register="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number+", Function="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function+", Data type="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type+", Pollrate="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate)
client = ModbusSerialClient(method=self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode, port=self.Domoticz_Setting_Serial_Port, stopbits=self.StopBits, bytesize=self.ByteSize, parity=self.Parity, baudrate=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Baudrate), timeout=2, retries=2)
Domoticz.Error("Error opening Serial interface on "+self.Domoticz_Setting_Serial_Port)
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# SET HARDWARE - pymodbus: RTU over TCP
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtutcp"):
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - INTERFACE: IP="+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP+", Port="+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - SETTINGS: Method="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode+", Device ID="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID+", Register="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number+", Function="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function+", Data type="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type+", Pollrate="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate)
client = ModbusTcpClient(host=self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP, port=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT), framer=ModbusRtuFramer, auto_open=True, auto_close=True, timeout=2)
Domoticz.Error("Error opening RTU over TCP interface on address: "+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT)
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "tcpip"):
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - INTERFACE: IP="+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP+", Port="+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - SETTINGS: Method="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode+", Device ID="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID+", Register="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number+", Function="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function+", Data type="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type+", Pollrate="+self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_Pollrate)
client = ModbusClient(host=self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IP, port=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_PORT), unit_id=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID), auto_open=True, auto_close=True, timeout=2)
Domoticz.Error("Error opening TCP/IP interface on address: "+self.Domoticz_Setting_TCP_IPPORT)
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# GET DATA - pymodbus: RTU / ASCII / RTU over TCP
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtu" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "ascii" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtutcp"):
# Function to execute
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "1"): data = client.read_coils(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count, unit=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "2"): data = client.read_discrete_inputs(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count, unit=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "3"): data = client.read_holding_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count, unit=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "4"): data = client.read_input_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count, unit=int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Device_ID))
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - RESPONSE: " + str(data))
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x01 communicating! (RTU/ASCII/RTU over TCP), check your settings!")
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# GET DATA - pymodbusTCP: TCP/IP
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "tcpip"):
# Function to execute
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "1"): data = client.read_coils(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "2"): data = client.read_discrete_inputs(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "3"): data = client.read_holding_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "4"): data = client.read_input_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG RESPONSE: " + str(data))
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x02 communicating! (TCP/IP), wait 1 sec and retry..." + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# fout bij ophalen data, wacht 1 seconde en probeer opnieuw
# Function to execute
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "1"): data = client.read_coils(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "2"): data = client.read_discrete_inputs(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "3"): data = client.read_holding_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "4"): data = client.read_input_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG RESPONSE: " + str(data))
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x21 communicating! (TCP/IP), check your settings! " + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# einde aanpassing #
# pymodbus (RTU/ASCII/RTU over TCP) will reponse in ARRAY, no matter what values read e.g. MODBUS DEBUG RESPONSE: [2] = data.registers
# pymodbusTCP (TCP/IP) will give the value back e.g. MODBUS DEBUG RESPONSE: [61, 44] = data
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtu" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "ascii" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "rtutcp"):
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - VALUE before conversion: " + str(data.registers[0]))
# Added option to swap bytes (little endian)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data.registers, byteorder=Endian.Little, wordorder=Endian.Big)
# Added option to swap words (little endian)
elif (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64s"
or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Little)
# Otherwise always big endian
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data.registers, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Big)
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x04 decoding or received no data (RTU/ASCII/RTU over TCP)!, check your settings!")
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Communication_Mode == "tcpip"):
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - VALUE before conversion: " + str(data))
#value = data[0]
# Added option to swap bytes (little endian)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Little, wordorder=Endian.Big)
# Added option to swap words (little endian)
elif (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64s"
or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Little)
# Otherwise always big endian
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Big)
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x05 decoding or received no data (TCP/IP)!, check your settings!, wait 1 sec and retry... " + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# fout bij ophalen data, wacht 1 seconde en probeer opnieuw
# Function to execute
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "1"): data = client.read_coils(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "2"): data = client.read_discrete_inputs(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "3"): data = client.read_holding_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Modbus_Function == "4"): data = client.read_input_registers(int(self.Domoticz_Setting_Register_Number), self.Register_Count)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG RESPONSE: " + str(data))
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x51 communicating! (TCP/IP), check your settings! " + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - VALUE before conversion: " + str(data))
#value = data[0]
# Added option to swap bytes (little endian)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Little, wordorder=Endian.Big)
# Added option to swap words (little endian)
elif (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32s" or self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64s"):
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Little)
# Otherwise always big endian
decoder = BinaryPayloadDecoder.fromRegisters(data, byteorder=Endian.Big, wordorder=Endian.Big)
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x52 decoding or received no data (TCP/IP)!, check your settings! " + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
# einde aanpassing #
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "noco"): value = data.registers[0]
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "bool"): value = bool(data.registers[0])
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int8LSB"):
ignored = decoder.skip_bytes(1)
value = decoder.decode_8bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int8MSB"): value = decoder.decode_8bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16"): value = decoder.decode_16bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int16s"): value = decoder.decode_16bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int32s"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "int64s"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_int()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint8LSB"):
ignored = decoder.skip_bytes(1)
value = decoder.decode_8bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint8MSB"): value = decoder.decode_8bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16"): value = decoder.decode_16bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint16s"): value = decoder.decode_16bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint32s"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "uint64s"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_uint()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_float()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float32s"): value = decoder.decode_32bit_float()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_float()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "float64s"): value = decoder.decode_64bit_float()
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string2"): value = decoder.decode_string(2)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string4"): value = decoder.decode_string(4)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string6"): value = decoder.decode_string(6)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Data_Type == "string8"): value = decoder.decode_string(8)
# Divide the value (decimal)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value == "div0"): value = str(value)
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value == "div10"): value = str(round(value / 10, 1))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value == "div100"): value = str(round(value / 100, 2))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value == "div1000"): value = str(round(value / 1000, 3))
if (self.Domoticz_Setting_Divide_Value == "div10000"): value = str(round(value / 10000, 4))
Domoticz.Debug("MODBUS DEBUG - VALUE after conversion: " + str(value))
Devices[1].Update(1, value) # Update value
Domoticz.Error("Modbus error 0x06 decoding or received no data!, check your settings!" + str(data))
Devices[1].Update(1, "0") # Set value to 0 (error)
global _plugin
_plugin = BasePlugin()
def onStart():
global _plugin
def onStop():
global _plugin
def onConnect(Connection, Status, Description):
global _plugin
_plugin.onConnect(Connection, Status, Description)
def onMessage(Connection, Data, Status, Extra):
global _plugin
_plugin.onMessage(Connection, Data, Status, Extra)
def onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
global _plugin
_plugin.onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue)
def onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
global _plugin
_plugin.onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(Connection):
global _plugin
def onHeartbeat():
global _plugin
# Generic helper functions
def DumpConfigToLog():
for x in Parameters:
if Parameters[x] != "":
Domoticz.Debug( "'" + x + "':'" + str(Parameters[x]) + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device count: " + str(len(Devices)))
for x in Devices:
Domoticz.Debug("Device: " + str(x) + " - " + str(Devices[x]))
Domoticz.Debug("Device ID: '" + str(Devices[x].ID) + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device Name: '" + Devices[x].Name + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device nValue: " + str(Devices[x].nValue))
Domoticz.Debug("Device sValue: '" + Devices[x].sValue + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device LastLevel: " + str(Devices[x].LastLevel))