Search found 17 matches

by groovy
Tuesday 09 April 2019 10:43
Forum: dzVents
Topic: [SOLVED] how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?
Replies: 21
Views: 2659

Re: how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?

@waaren Thanks a lot, this almost worked out of the box. Great way also to learn something, especially how you managed to get the nearest time. Great work! I just decided to finally use a sensor of type: "Electric (Instant+Counter)" and modified the script to update the sensor via the JSON API ...
by groovy
Monday 08 April 2019 14:51
Forum: dzVents
Topic: [SOLVED] how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?
Replies: 21
Views: 2659

Re: how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?

Thanks a lot in advance.
by groovy
Monday 08 April 2019 14:22
Forum: dzVents
Topic: [SOLVED] how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?
Replies: 21
Views: 2659

Re: how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?

Thanks for having a look.
My idea would be a dummy device of type "P1 Smart Meter, Energy", so I can have the actual W every hour and the daily summary of the solar energy production.
by groovy
Monday 08 April 2019 12:36
Forum: dzVents
Topic: [SOLVED] how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?
Replies: 21
Views: 2659

[SOLVED] how to deal with this kind of (solar-)data?

Hi, I found a website providing some kind of solar forecast which I want to use in domoticz with a (simple) dzVents script. The API is free to use for basic information (hourly 2 days forecast for watts, watt hours and watt hours/day ) and restricted to 12 calls per hour. The problem I'm facing is ...
by groovy
Friday 29 March 2019 12:35
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: [SOLVED] Open Weather Map not creating any devices
Replies: 15
Views: 8630

Re: [SOLVED] Open Weather Map not creating any devices

Just call me an idiot. ;)
I simply forgot to allow new devices in settings.
by groovy
Monday 25 March 2019 9:35
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: [SOLVED] Open Weather Map not creating any devices
Replies: 15
Views: 8630

Re: Open Weather Map not creating any devices

i have solved the issue, by trial and error. the setup look like this now My setup looks exactly the same, but there are still no devices created. to test if the city, and or your api Key is correct you can test it in your browser like this: then you get this result back if all i okay: I tried this ...
by groovy
Monday 18 March 2019 13:22
Forum: Temperature and Weather
Topic: [SOLVED] Open Weather Map not creating any devices
Replies: 15
Views: 8630

[SOLVED] Open Weather Map not creating any devices

Hi, with the end of the WU API, I'm trying to switch to Open Weather Map. Domoticz version is 4.10548 When I add the OWM Hardware, no devices are found to work with. Shouldn't there some devices be created automatically? Apparently I didn't found any documentation about the OWM Hardware. I entered ...
by groovy
Tuesday 04 April 2017 11:33
Forum: Android
Topic: SSL error with older android version
Replies: 0
Views: 2138

SSL error with older android version

When I try to connect to domoticz, the connection fails with: SSL handshake aborted: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error After some search, I came across this stackoverflow site , which says, that this is a known ...
by groovy
Tuesday 04 April 2017 9:26
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: API and documentation (and dummy counter issue)
Replies: 5
Views: 1411

Re: API and documentation (and dummy counter issue)

Just found this thread.
I'm able to change the icon of my custom sensor with this JSON-call. But the icon doesn't change immediately, only after a page reload.
Is there a way to force a reload of the icon without reloading the whole page?
by groovy
Tuesday 21 February 2017 10:00
Forum: Cameras
Topic: Aspect ratio for the live view?
Replies: 3
Views: 2042

Re: Aspect ratio for the live view?

Sorry for digging out this old post, but I just got my cams working and have the same problem. My cams are all at 640x480px and the popup view is too wide, so the picture looks ugly. I didn't found the right place in the code. Inspecting the css with firefox, it shows this for the picture (and says ...
by groovy
Sunday 12 February 2017 8:55
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: VentuSky - beautiful animated weather forecast
Replies: 2
Views: 1355

VentuSky - beautiful animated weather forecast

I just won't withhold from you that I found a beautiful animated weather forecast. It's called VentuSky . I don't like dark sky weather, as it get's my position wrong every time, so I just modified the ForecastController.js to display VentuSky. I spoke to the operators of the site and they are ...
by groovy
Wednesday 08 February 2017 18:01
Forum: Cameras
Topic: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing
Replies: 8
Views: 4628

Re: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing

Thanks, I didn't know this. But I also wonder, why this is the case, as almost every, even the cheapest chinese cams, can supply a stream. Even my old Raspberry 1 B+ streams 2 connected USB-cam streams simultaneously in realtime. So, basically the term "stream" in domoticz is confusing if it's not ...
by groovy
Wednesday 08 February 2017 17:25
Forum: Cameras
Topic: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing
Replies: 8
Views: 4628

Re: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing

Just had a look at this problem again. So I picked one particular camera, a USB device which is accessible in browser with the following URL from the internet: https://username:[email protected]:8881/stream/1 and with (both http or https): http://username:[email protected]:8080/stream ...
by groovy
Wednesday 02 November 2016 14:27
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Separating multi-value sensors on Dashboard
Replies: 7
Views: 4345

Separating multi-value sensors on Dashboard

I have some sensors, that measure multiple values. For example BMP180 (and soon BME280) sensors, that give temperature, pressure (and humidity). When I add such a sensor to the Dashboard, _all_ values for this sensor are added, but on the Dashboard I would like to have only the temperature for ...
by groovy
Wednesday 02 November 2016 8:28
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: More css styles needed
Replies: 2
Views: 713

Re: More css styles needed

+1 And not only colors are hardcoded. There is, for example, the text "Last Seen" hardcoded in "style.css", which gets overwritten at every update when I manually change it to reflect my language. BTW: Is there a simple way to change the date-format from YYYY-MM-DD to, let's say, DD.MM.YYYY?
by groovy
Friday 28 October 2016 19:22
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Problem ESPEASY and ESP8266-12E
Replies: 1
Views: 999

Re: Problem ESPEASY and ESP8266-12E

May this be related? I will give it a try.
by groovy
Thursday 27 October 2016 15:51
Forum: Cameras
Topic: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing
Replies: 8
Views: 4628

Re: Webcam Test connection OK but stream failing

Same here. Testing the connection I can see the stream, but streaming afterwards doesn't work.
I have 3 cameras: 1 IP-cam and 2 USB-cams which stream via hawkeye (tried mjpeg-streamer too, makes no difference).