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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
My pip version is also 3.7
check the right folder for home/pi/domoticz/plugins/shelly/
check the right folder for home/pi/domoticz/plugins/shelly/
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
I have changed the rights, also the plugin is loaded in Domoticz, but I cannot use it basically. The problem is that the folder "/usr/local/domoticz/lib/python3.7/site-packages" seems to be empty. Now when I look in the python 3.7 folder the site-packages folder is filled. Also there is a PIP folder here: /volume1/@appstore/python3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip
I think therefor the site-packages folder in the Domoticz folder is not correct or not correctly filled. Any idea?
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
I think the best way is to uninstall all phyton versions and install it again with the default path
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
Did you install for both versions of Phyton requests?
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
did you try
Code: Select all
sudo pip3 install requests
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
I managed to add the internal temperature for shelly1pm device AND I renamed the devicename for current and total in KwH:
Code: Select all
# ShellyCloudPlugin
# Author: Mario Peters
<plugin key="ShellyCloudPlugin" name="Shelly Cloud Plugin" author="Mario Peters" version="1.0.0" wikilink="" externallink="">
<h2>Shelly Cloud Plugin</h2><br/>
Plugin for controlling Shelly devices.
<ul style="list-style-type:square">
<li>IP Address is the IP Address of the Shelly device. Default value is</li>
<li>Type is the type of Shelly device you want to add. Shelly 1, Shelly PM, Shelly 2.5, Shelly Dimmer, Shelly RGBW2 (only color), Shelly Bulb, Shelly Door/Window 2 and Shelly Plug-S are currently supported</li>
<param field="Address" label="IP Address" width="200px" required="true" default=""/>
<param field="Username" label="Username" width="200px" required="true"/>
<param field="Password" label="Password" width="200px" required="true" password="true"/>
<param field="Mode1" label="Type" width="200px" required="true">
<option label="Shelly 1" value="SHSW-1"/>
<option label="Shelly PM" value="SHSW-PM"/>
<option label="Shelly 2.5" value="SHSW-25"/>
<option label="Shelly Dimmer" value="SHDM-1"/>
<option label="Shelly RGBW2" value="SHRGBW2"/>
<option label="Shelly Bulb" value="SHBLB-1"/>
<option label="Shelly Door/Window 2" value="SHDW-2"/>
<option label="Shelly Plug" value="SHPLG-S"/>
import Domoticz
import requests
import json
class BasePlugin:
#mode = None
mode = "color"
def __init__(self):
def onStart(self):
Domoticz.Log("onStart called")
if len(Devices) == 0:
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDW-2":
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
response_shelly = requests.get("http://"+Parameters["Address"]+"/settings",headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10))
json_items = json.loads(response_shelly.text)
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1":
elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM":
elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25":
elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1":
elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1":
elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S":
Domoticz.Log("Type: "+Parameters["Mode1"])
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
def onStop(self):
Domoticz.Log("onStop called")
def onConnect(self, Connection, Status, Description):
Domoticz.Log("onConnect called")
def onMessage(self, Connection, Data):
Domoticz.Log("onMessage called")
def onCommand(self, Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
Domoticz.Log("onCommand called for Unit " + str(Unit) + ": Parameter '" + str(Command) + "', Level: " + str(Level))
if Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDW-2":
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
url = "http://"+Parameters["Address"]
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM":
url = url + "/relay/" + str(Unit-1)
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25":
url = url + "/relay/" + str(Unit-2)
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1":
url = url + "/light/" + str(Unit-1)
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1":
if self.mode == "color":
url = url +"/color/" + str(Unit-1)
if self.mode == "white":
url = url +"/white/" + str(Unit-1)
if str(Command) == "On":
url = url + "?turn=on"
elif str(Command) == "Off":
url = url + "?turn=off"
elif str(Command) == "Set Level":
if self.mode == "color" and Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDM-1":
url = url + "?turn=on&gain=" + str(Level)
elif self.mode == "white" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1":
url = url + "?turn=on&brightness=" + str(Level)
elif str(Command) == "Set Color":
url = url + "?turn=on"
if self.mode == "color":
url = url +"&red="+str(r)+"&green="+str(g)+"&blue="+str(b)+"&white="+str(cw)+"&gain="+str(Level)
if self.mode == "white":
url = url +"&white="+str(cw)+"&brightness="+str(Level)
Domoticz.Log("Unknown command: "+str(Command))
Domoticz.Log("url: "+url)
response = requests.get(url,headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10))
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
if str(Command) == "On":
elif str(Command) == "Off":
elif str(Command) == "Set Level":
elif str(Command) == "Set Color":
if self.mode == "color":
#Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level), Color=str(Hue))
Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level), Color=json.dumps(Hue))
Domoticz.Log("Unknown command: "+str(Command))
def onNotification(self, Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
Domoticz.Log("Notification: " + Name + "," + Subject + "," + Text + "," + Status + "," + str(Priority) + "," + Sound + "," + ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(self, Connection):
Domoticz.Log("onDisconnect called")
def onHeartbeat(self):
Domoticz.Log("onHeartbeat called")
if Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDW-2":
headers = {'content-type':'application/json'}
request_shelly_status = requests.get("http://"+Parameters["Address"]+"/status",headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10))
json_request = json.loads(request_shelly_status.text)
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S":
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM":
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25":
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1":
if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1":
updateSHRGBW2(self, json_request)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
global _plugin
_plugin = BasePlugin()
def onStart():
global _plugin
def onStop():
global _plugin
def onConnect(Connection, Status, Description):
global _plugin
_plugin.onConnect(Connection, Status, Description)
def onMessage(Connection, Data):
global _plugin
_plugin.onMessage(Connection, Data)
def onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue):
global _plugin
_plugin.onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue)
def onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile):
global _plugin
_plugin.onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile)
def onDisconnect(Connection):
global _plugin
def onHeartbeat():
global _plugin
# Generic helper functions
def DumpConfigToLog():
for x in Parameters:
if Parameters[x] != "":
Domoticz.Debug( "'" + x + "':'" + str(Parameters[x]) + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device count: " + str(len(Devices)))
for x in Devices:
Domoticz.Debug("Device: " + str(x) + " - " + str(Devices[x]))
Domoticz.Debug("Device ID: '" + str(Devices[x].ID) + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device Name: '" + Devices[x].Name + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device nValue: " + str(Devices[x].nValue))
Domoticz.Debug("Device sValue: '" + Devices[x].sValue + "'")
Domoticz.Debug("Device LastLevel: " + str(Devices[x].LastLevel))
def createSHSW1(json_items):
relays = None
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
count = 0
for relay in relays:
name = createRelay(relay, count)
createMeter(name, meter, count)
count = count + 1
def createSHSWPM(json_items):
Domoticz.Device("Temperature", Unit=31, Used=1, TypeName="Temperature").Create()
relays = None
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
count = 0
for relay in relays:
name = createRelay(relay, count)
createMeter(name, meter, count)
count = count + 1
def createSHSW25(json_items):
relays = None
rollers = None
mode = None
num_meters = None
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
if key == "rollers":
rollers = value
if key == "mode":
mode = value
#if key == "meters":
#meters = value
if key == "num_meters":
num_meters = value
Domoticz.Device("Temperature", Unit=1, Used=1, TypeName="Temperature").Create()
if mode == "relay":
count = 1
for relay in relays:
name = createRelay(relay, count)
#meter = meters[1-count]
meter = {"power":0,"total":0}
createMeter(name, meter, count)
count = count + 1
elif mode == "roller":
count = 1
def createSHPLG(json_items):
relays = None
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
count = 0;
for relay in relays:
name = createRelay(relay, count)
meter = {"power":0,"total":0}
createMeter(name, meter, count)
count = count + 1
def createSHDM1(json_items):
lights = []
meters = None
brightness = None
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "lights":
lights = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
if key == "brightness":
brightness = value
count = 0
for light in lights:
name = createLight(light, count)
meter = {"power":0,"total":0}
createMeter(name, meter, count)
count = count + 1
def createSHRGBW2(self,json_items):
lights = []
for key, value in json_items.items():
if key == "lights":
lights = value
if key == "mode":
self.mode = value
ison = False
for light in lights:
if key == "ison":
ison = value
if self.mode == "color":
Domoticz.Device(Name="RGBW", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=241, Subtype=1).Create()
Domoticz.Device(Name="RGBW_power", Unit=11, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create()
Devices[11].Update(nValue=0, sValue="0")
createTotal("RGBW", 0, 0, 0)
elif self.mode == "white":
Domoticz.Device(Name="White", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=241, Subtype=3).Create()
Domoticz.Device(Name="White_power", Unit=11, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create()
Devices[11].Update(nValue=0, sValue="0")
createTotal("White", 0, 0, 0)
Domoticz.Log("Unknown mode: "+str(self.mode))
if ison == True:
Devices[1].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On")
def createSHDW2():
Domoticz.Device(Name="SHDW2", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73, Switchtype=11).Create()
def createLight(light, count):
name = ""
ison = False
for key, value in light.items():
if key == "name":
name = value
if key == "ison":
ison = value
if name == "" or name is None:
name = "Light"+str(count)
Domoticz.Device(Name=name, Unit=1+count, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73, Switchtype=7).Create()
if ison == True:
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On")
return name
def createRelay(relay, count):
name = ""
ison = False
for key, value in relay.items():
if key == "name":
name = value
if key == "ison":
ison = value
if name == "" or name is None:
name = "Relay"+str(count)
Domoticz.Device(Name=name, Unit=1+count, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73).Create()
if ison == True:
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On")
return name
def createMeter(name, meter, count):
power = 0.0
for key, value in meter.items():
if key == "power":
power = value
createPower(name, power, count)
for key, value in meter.items():
if key == "total":
createTotal(name, power, value, count)
def createPower(name, power, count):
Domoticz.Device(Name=name+"_current", Unit=11+count, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create()
Devices[11+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue=str(power))
def createTotal(name, power, value, count):
Domoticz.Device(Name=name+"_total in kWh", Unit=21+count, Used=1, Type=243, Subtype=29).Create()
total = int(value)
total = total/60
total = int(total)
def updateSHSW1(json_request):
relays = None
meters = None
for key, value in json_request.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
count = 0
for relay in relays:
updateRelay(relay, count)
updateMeter(meters[count], count)
count = count + 1
def updateSHSWPM(json_request):
relays = None
meters = None
for key, value in json_request.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
if key == "temperature":
Devices[31].Update(nValue=Devices[31].nValue, sValue=str(value))
count = 0
for relay in relays:
updateRelay(relay, count)
updateMeter(meters[count], count)
count = count + 1
def updateSHSW25(json_request):
relays = None
meters = None
for key, value in json_request.items():
if key == "relays":
relays = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
if key == "temperature":
Devices[1].Update(nValue=Devices[1].nValue, sValue=str(value))
count = 1
for relay in relays:
updateRelay(relay, count)
updateMeter(meters[count-1], count)
count = count + 1
def updateSHDM1(json_request):
lights = []
meters = None
for key, value in json_request.items():
if key == "lights":
lights = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
count = 0
#Devices[1].Update(nValue=1, sValue="50")
for light in lights:
updateLight(light, count)
updateMeter(meters[count], count)
count = count + 1
def updateSHRGBW2(self, json_request):
lights = []
meters = []
for key, value in json_request.items():
if key == "lights":
lights = value
if key == "meters":
meters = value
count = 0
for light in lights:
updateLight(light, count)
updateMeter(meters[count], count)
count = count + 1
def updateRGBLight(self,light,count):
updateLight(light, count)
m = 0
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
ww = 0
cw = 0
for key, value in light.items():
if key == "mode":
if value == "color":
m = 3
if value == "white":
m = 1
if key == "red":
r = value
if key == "green":
g = value
if key == "blue":
b = value
if key == "white":
ww = value
if key == "brightness":
ww = value * 255 / 100
if key == "cw":
cw = value
color = json.dumps({
'm': m, #mode 3: RGB
'r': r,
'g': g,
'b': b,
'ww': ww,
'cw': cw
Devices[count].Update(nValue=1,sValue="1", Color=str(color))
def updateLight(light, count):
for key, value in light.items():
if key == "ison":
if value:
if Devices[1+count].nValue != 1:
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue=Devices[1+count].sValue)
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue=Devices[1+count].sValue)
if key == "brightness":
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=Devices[1+count].nValue, sValue=str(value))
def updateRelay(relay, count):
for key, value in relay.items():
if key == "ison":
if value:
if Devices[1+count].nValue != 1:
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On")
Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue="Off")
def updateMeter(meter, count):
power = ""
for key, value in meter.items():
if key == "power":
power = str(value)
for key, value in meter.items():
if key == "total":
@mariopeeters: Could you please help with this?
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
http://<ip Shelly>/roller/0?go=openXavier82 wrote: ↑Friday 23 October 2020 14:54I managed to add the internal temperature for shelly1pm device AND I renamed the devicename for current and total in KwH:Next thing I would like to have is Shelly SW2.5 in rollermode.Code: Select all
# ShellyCloudPlugin # # Author: Mario Peters # """ <plugin key="ShellyCloudPlugin" name="Shelly Cloud Plugin" author="Mario Peters" version="1.0.0" wikilink="" externallink=""> <description> <h2>Shelly Cloud Plugin</h2><br/> Plugin for controlling Shelly devices. <h3>Configuration</h3> <ul style="list-style-type:square"> <li>IP Address is the IP Address of the Shelly device. Default value is</li> <li>Username</li> <li>Password</li> <li>Type is the type of Shelly device you want to add. Shelly 1, Shelly PM, Shelly 2.5, Shelly Dimmer, Shelly RGBW2 (only color), Shelly Bulb, Shelly Door/Window 2 and Shelly Plug-S are currently supported</li> </ul> <br/><br/> </description> <params> <param field="Address" label="IP Address" width="200px" required="true" default=""/> <param field="Username" label="Username" width="200px" required="true"/> <param field="Password" label="Password" width="200px" required="true" password="true"/> <param field="Mode1" label="Type" width="200px" required="true"> <options> <option label="Shelly 1" value="SHSW-1"/> <option label="Shelly PM" value="SHSW-PM"/> <option label="Shelly 2.5" value="SHSW-25"/> <option label="Shelly Dimmer" value="SHDM-1"/> <option label="Shelly RGBW2" value="SHRGBW2"/> <option label="Shelly Bulb" value="SHBLB-1"/> <option label="Shelly Door/Window 2" value="SHDW-2"/> <option label="Shelly Plug" value="SHPLG-S"/> </options> </param> </params> </plugin> """ import Domoticz import requests import json class BasePlugin: #mode = None mode = "color" def __init__(self): return def onStart(self): Domoticz.Log("onStart called") Domoticz.Heartbeat(30) if len(Devices) == 0: if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDW-2": createSHDW2() else: headers = {'content-type':'application/json'} try: response_shelly = requests.get("http://"+Parameters["Address"]+"/settings",headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10)) json_items = json.loads(response_shelly.text) response_shelly.close() if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1": createSHSW1(json_items) elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM": createSHSWPM(json_items) elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25": createSHSW25(json_items) elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1": createSHDM1(json_items) elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1": createSHRGBW2(self,json_items) elif Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S": createSHPLG(json_items) else: Domoticz.Log("Type: "+Parameters["Mode1"]) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: Domoticz.Error(str(e)) def onStop(self): Domoticz.Log("onStop called") def onConnect(self, Connection, Status, Description): Domoticz.Log("onConnect called") def onMessage(self, Connection, Data): Domoticz.Log("onMessage called") def onCommand(self, Unit, Command, Level, Hue): Domoticz.Log("onCommand called for Unit " + str(Unit) + ": Parameter '" + str(Command) + "', Level: " + str(Level)) if Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDW-2": headers = {'content-type':'application/json'} url = "http://"+Parameters["Address"] if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM": url = url + "/relay/" + str(Unit-1) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25": url = url + "/relay/" + str(Unit-2) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1": url = url + "/light/" + str(Unit-1) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1": if self.mode == "color": url = url +"/color/" + str(Unit-1) if self.mode == "white": url = url +"/white/" + str(Unit-1) if str(Command) == "On": url = url + "?turn=on" elif str(Command) == "Off": url = url + "?turn=off" elif str(Command) == "Set Level": if self.mode == "color" and Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDM-1": url = url + "?turn=on&gain=" + str(Level) elif self.mode == "white" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1": url = url + "?turn=on&brightness=" + str(Level) elif str(Command) == "Set Color": Domoticz.Debug(str(Devices[Unit].Color)) Domoticz.Debug(str(Hue)) color_info=json.loads(Hue) r=color_info["r"] g=color_info["g"] b=color_info["b"] m=color_info["m"] cw=color_info["cw"] ww=color_info["ww"] Domoticz.Debug(str(color_info)) url = url + "?turn=on" if self.mode == "color": url = url +"&red="+str(r)+"&green="+str(g)+"&blue="+str(b)+"&white="+str(cw)+"&gain="+str(Level) if self.mode == "white": url = url +"&white="+str(cw)+"&brightness="+str(Level) else: Domoticz.Log("Unknown command: "+str(Command)) Domoticz.Log("url: "+url) try: response = requests.get(url,headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10)) Domoticz.Debug(response.text) response.close() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: Domoticz.Error(str(e)) if str(Command) == "On": Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue="On") elif str(Command) == "Off": Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=0,sValue="Off") elif str(Command) == "Set Level": Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level)) elif str(Command) == "Set Color": if self.mode == "color": #Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level), Color=str(Hue)) Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level), Color=json.dumps(Hue)) else: Devices[Unit].Update(nValue=1,sValue=str(Level)) else: Domoticz.Log("Unknown command: "+str(Command)) def onNotification(self, Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile): Domoticz.Log("Notification: " + Name + "," + Subject + "," + Text + "," + Status + "," + str(Priority) + "," + Sound + "," + ImageFile) def onDisconnect(self, Connection): Domoticz.Log("onDisconnect called") def onHeartbeat(self): Domoticz.Log("onHeartbeat called") if Parameters["Mode1"] != "SHDW-2": headers = {'content-type':'application/json'} try: request_shelly_status = requests.get("http://"+Parameters["Address"]+"/status",headers=headers, auth=(Parameters["Username"], Parameters["Password"]), timeout=(10,10)) Domoticz.Debug(request_shelly_status.text) json_request = json.loads(request_shelly_status.text) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-1" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHPLG-S": updateSHSW1(json_request) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-PM": updateSHSWPM(json_request) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHSW-25": updateSHSW25(json_request) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHDM-1": updateSHDM1(json_request) if Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHRGBW2" or Parameters["Mode1"] == "SHBLB-1": updateSHRGBW2(self, json_request) request_shelly_status.close() except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: Domoticz.Error(str(e)) global _plugin _plugin = BasePlugin() def onStart(): global _plugin _plugin.onStart() def onStop(): global _plugin _plugin.onStop() def onConnect(Connection, Status, Description): global _plugin _plugin.onConnect(Connection, Status, Description) def onMessage(Connection, Data): global _plugin _plugin.onMessage(Connection, Data) def onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue): global _plugin _plugin.onCommand(Unit, Command, Level, Hue) def onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile): global _plugin _plugin.onNotification(Name, Subject, Text, Status, Priority, Sound, ImageFile) def onDisconnect(Connection): global _plugin _plugin.onDisconnect(Connection) def onHeartbeat(): global _plugin _plugin.onHeartbeat() # Generic helper functions def DumpConfigToLog(): for x in Parameters: if Parameters[x] != "": Domoticz.Debug( "'" + x + "':'" + str(Parameters[x]) + "'") Domoticz.Debug("Device count: " + str(len(Devices))) for x in Devices: Domoticz.Debug("Device: " + str(x) + " - " + str(Devices[x])) Domoticz.Debug("Device ID: '" + str(Devices[x].ID) + "'") Domoticz.Debug("Device Name: '" + Devices[x].Name + "'") Domoticz.Debug("Device nValue: " + str(Devices[x].nValue)) Domoticz.Debug("Device sValue: '" + Devices[x].sValue + "'") Domoticz.Debug("Device LastLevel: " + str(Devices[x].LastLevel)) return def createSHSW1(json_items): relays = None for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value count = 0 for relay in relays: name = createRelay(relay, count) meter={"power":0,"total":0} createMeter(name, meter, count) count = count + 1 def createSHSWPM(json_items): Domoticz.Device("Temperature", Unit=31, Used=1, TypeName="Temperature").Create() relays = None for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value count = 0 for relay in relays: name = createRelay(relay, count) meter={"power":0,"total":0} createMeter(name, meter, count) count = count + 1 def createSHSW25(json_items): relays = None rollers = None mode = None num_meters = None for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value if key == "rollers": rollers = value if key == "mode": mode = value #if key == "meters": #meters = value if key == "num_meters": num_meters = value Domoticz.Device("Temperature", Unit=1, Used=1, TypeName="Temperature").Create() if mode == "relay": count = 1 for relay in relays: name = createRelay(relay, count) #meter = meters[1-count] meter = {"power":0,"total":0} createMeter(name, meter, count) count = count + 1 elif mode == "roller": count = 1 def createSHPLG(json_items): relays = None for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value count = 0; for relay in relays: name = createRelay(relay, count) meter = {"power":0,"total":0} createMeter(name, meter, count) count = count + 1 def createSHDM1(json_items): lights = [] meters = None brightness = None for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "lights": lights = value if key == "meters": meters = value if key == "brightness": brightness = value count = 0 for light in lights: name = createLight(light, count) meter = {"power":0,"total":0} createMeter(name, meter, count) count = count + 1 def createSHRGBW2(self,json_items): lights = [] for key, value in json_items.items(): if key == "lights": lights = value if key == "mode": self.mode = value ison = False for light in lights: if key == "ison": ison = value self.mode="color" if self.mode == "color": Domoticz.Device(Name="RGBW", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=241, Subtype=1).Create() Domoticz.Device(Name="RGBW_power", Unit=11, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create() Devices[11].Update(nValue=0, sValue="0") createTotal("RGBW", 0, 0, 0) elif self.mode == "white": Domoticz.Device(Name="White", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=241, Subtype=3).Create() Domoticz.Device(Name="White_power", Unit=11, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create() Devices[11].Update(nValue=0, sValue="0") createTotal("White", 0, 0, 0) else: Domoticz.Log("Unknown mode: "+str(self.mode)) if ison == True: Devices[1].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On") def createSHDW2(): Domoticz.Device(Name="SHDW2", Unit=1, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73, Switchtype=11).Create() def createLight(light, count): name = "" ison = False for key, value in light.items(): if key == "name": name = value if key == "ison": ison = value if name == "" or name is None: name = "Light"+str(count) Domoticz.Device(Name=name, Unit=1+count, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73, Switchtype=7).Create() if ison == True: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On") return name def createRelay(relay, count): name = "" ison = False for key, value in relay.items(): if key == "name": name = value if key == "ison": ison = value if name == "" or name is None: name = "Relay"+str(count) Domoticz.Device(Name=name, Unit=1+count, Used=1, Type=244, Subtype=73).Create() if ison == True: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On") return name def createMeter(name, meter, count): power = 0.0 for key, value in meter.items(): if key == "power": power = value createPower(name, power, count) for key, value in meter.items(): if key == "total": createTotal(name, power, value, count) def createPower(name, power, count): Domoticz.Device(Name=name+"_current", Unit=11+count, Used=1, Type=248, Subtype=1).Create() Devices[11+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue=str(power)) def createTotal(name, power, value, count): Domoticz.Device(Name=name+"_total in kWh", Unit=21+count, Used=1, Type=243, Subtype=29).Create() total = int(value) total = total/60 total = int(total) Devices[21+count].Update(nValue=0,sValue=str(power)+";"+str(total)) def updateSHSW1(json_request): relays = None meters = None for key, value in json_request.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value if key == "meters": meters = value count = 0 for relay in relays: updateRelay(relay, count) updateMeter(meters[count], count) count = count + 1 def updateSHSWPM(json_request): relays = None meters = None for key, value in json_request.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value if key == "meters": meters = value if key == "temperature": Devices[31].Update(nValue=Devices[31].nValue, sValue=str(value)) count = 0 for relay in relays: updateRelay(relay, count) updateMeter(meters[count], count) count = count + 1 def updateSHSW25(json_request): relays = None meters = None for key, value in json_request.items(): if key == "relays": relays = value if key == "meters": meters = value if key == "temperature": Devices[1].Update(nValue=Devices[1].nValue, sValue=str(value)) count = 1 for relay in relays: updateRelay(relay, count) updateMeter(meters[count-1], count) count = count + 1 def updateSHDM1(json_request): lights = [] meters = None for key, value in json_request.items(): if key == "lights": lights = value if key == "meters": meters = value count = 0 #Devices[1].Update(nValue=1, sValue="50") for light in lights: updateLight(light, count) updateMeter(meters[count], count) count = count + 1 def updateSHRGBW2(self, json_request): lights = [] meters = [] for key, value in json_request.items(): if key == "lights": lights = value if key == "meters": meters = value count = 0 for light in lights: updateLight(light, count) updateMeter(meters[count], count) count = count + 1 def updateRGBLight(self,light,count): updateLight(light, count) m = 0 r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 ww = 0 cw = 0 for key, value in light.items(): if key == "mode": if value == "color": m = 3 if value == "white": m = 1 if key == "red": r = value if key == "green": g = value if key == "blue": b = value if key == "white": ww = value if key == "brightness": ww = value * 255 / 100 if key == "cw": cw = value color = json.dumps({ 'm': m, #mode 3: RGB 'r': r, 'g': g, 'b': b, 'ww': ww, 'cw': cw }) Devices[count].Update(nValue=1,sValue="1", Color=str(color)) def updateLight(light, count): for key, value in light.items(): if key == "ison": if value: if Devices[1+count].nValue != 1: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue=Devices[1+count].sValue) else: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue=Devices[1+count].sValue) if key == "brightness": Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=Devices[1+count].nValue, sValue=str(value)) def updateRelay(relay, count): for key, value in relay.items(): if key == "ison": if value: if Devices[1+count].nValue != 1: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=1, sValue="On") else: Devices[1+count].Update(nValue=0, sValue="Off") def updateMeter(meter, count): power = "" for key, value in meter.items(): if key == "power": power = str(value) Devices[11+count].Update(nValue=0,sValue=power) for key, value in meter.items(): if key == "total": total=int(value) total=total/60 total=int(total) Devices[21+count].Update(nValue=0,sValue=power+";"+str(total))
@mariopeeters: Could you please help with this?
http://<ip Shelly>/roller/0?go=close
http://<ip Shelly>/roller/0?go=stop
http://<ip Shelly>/roller/0?go=to_pos&roller_pos=40
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
That functionality should be possible.
But the shelly device must be configured by the webapp of the device itself.
Configuring the device by Domoticz will be difficult to programm.
But the shelly device must be configured by the webapp of the device itself.
Configuring the device by Domoticz will be difficult to programm.
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
Configuration is done by webapp of the device.
I would like to control the shelly devices based on API with this python script (incl. creation of switches, powermeasurement and temp measurement)
Can this be done?
I would like to control the shelly devices based on API with this python script (incl. creation of switches, powermeasurement and temp measurement)
Can this be done?
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
Yes I think it can be done.
So only open, close, stop and "go to position %"
Right at the moment I'm working on a new version of my Home Connect plugin, but after that I'm going to build this feature.
So only open, close, stop and "go to position %"
Right at the moment I'm working on a new version of my Home Connect plugin, but after that I'm going to build this feature.
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
Sounds very good mariopeters!
Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
I think in the end the problem is something in the script or maybe something that is missing in the script? I am using the Shelly_mqtt script at this moment, that one works without any issue's. So I cannot say why this script is not working for me initially. But the other script works, so basically Python is working.Xavier82 wrote: ↑Friday 23 October 2020 14:44 did you try
?Code: Select all
sudo pip3 install requests
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
requests is a library for the script.
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
So basically I can use Python correctly, because other scripts are working. But the requests library, which is depend, doesn't install to the right python installation folder then. I can install it, but it is not installted in the python/domoticz folder
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
Yes, Py works correctly. But the requests Library is missing.
Wrong folder path, permission denied and so on. You must install the lib in a way that py can use it
Wrong folder path, permission denied and so on. You must install the lib in a way that py can use it
RPi4 Shelly1 Shelly2.5 ESPEasy Tuya Domoticz Beta Dashticz 3.6
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
which python version do you have?
Are u using a Raspberry Pi or something else?
For Rpi go to cli (with Putty).
then enter "python -V" (without the ")
this will show which python 2 version you have.
next enter "python3 -V".
this will show which python3 version you have.
then enter "sudo su -" and give password.
You should now be able to enter the next command:
"pip install requests" (this is the command for python version2)
"pip3 install requests"
(this is the command for python3)
if everything is ok the requests library should be installed and the script should work.
Are u using a Raspberry Pi or something else?
For Rpi go to cli (with Putty).
then enter "python -V" (without the ")
this will show which python 2 version you have.
next enter "python3 -V".
this will show which python3 version you have.
then enter "sudo su -" and give password.
You should now be able to enter the next command:
"pip install requests" (this is the command for python version2)
"pip3 install requests"
(this is the command for python3)
if everything is ok the requests library should be installed and the script should work.
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Re: ShellyCloudPlugin
DarkG, roller functionality is now also added for the Shelly2.5.
Based on the Domoticz device I was only able to add open, close and to_pos functionality.
The specific Domoticz device doesn't have a "Stop"-button.
Could you test it please?
If you find any errors, then please let me know by using the Github issue tracker ( ... gin/issues)
Based on the Domoticz device I was only able to add open, close and to_pos functionality.
The specific Domoticz device doesn't have a "Stop"-button.
Could you test it please?
If you find any errors, then please let me know by using the Github issue tracker ( ... gin/issues)
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