Remote Control of KAKU as command input

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Remote Control of KAKU as command input

Post by Toulon7559 »

;-) Sometimes an idea/question just pops up, but the answer remains hidden.

I have a KAKU-set with 3 Switch Units and 1 Remote Control Unit.
The Remote Control Unit has 5 command sets On&Off for A, B, C and D, and All.
The obvious application is to use A, B and C for On&Off for the 3 switches.
Is it possible to apply commands D_On and D_Off as input for a virtual switch in Domoticz?
Would be handy to 'toggle' a display etc.

Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
Set2 = RPI-3A++RFLinkGTW+ESP8266s+PWS_WS7000
Common = KAKUs+3*PVLogger+PWS_TFA_Nexus
plus series of 'satellites' for dedicated interfacing, monitoring & control.
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Re: Remote Control of KAKU as command input

Post by hansies »

Yes, that's possible. I use my remote to switch a virtual named disco. That starts a lightshow with all my Yeelights.
Domoticz stable | Intel NUC | VirtualBox | Ubuntu 16.04
RPI2B | RFLink
Yeelight | Sonoff Tasmota
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Re: Remote Control of KAKU as command input

Post by butchamon »

Hi there, could you please let me know how this can be done? (or point me to the correct section where I can look for this ?)
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Re: Remote Control of KAKU as command input

Post by Amsterdam020 »

Hi butchamon,

In the dashboard go to switches,
click on the right side on Learn Light/Switch
Press on the remote on the button you want to use and select the right type (for example on/off)

Go to setup
more options
click on the plus,
select lua,
select device
replace the code by

Code: Select all

commandArray = {}

-- replace KAKU_name
-- replace lamp_name
if      (devicechanged["KAKU_name"] == 'On' )  
then   commandArray['lamp_name'] ='Set Level: 50'  

elseif  (devicechanged["KAKU_name"]== 'off')
then   commandArray['lamp_name'] ='off' 

return commandArray
change KAKU_name and lamp_name
save the script
check if it works
Rp3, youlesss, rfxcom, philips hue, dsb1820
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