Page 11 of 15

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Sunday 23 February 2020 15:06
by HansieNL
I don’t need the current values in the header. So a new property would be great.

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Sunday 23 February 2020 20:42
by clinkadink
I have updated the Dashticz graph this evening.


(1) The graph header value fix for single devices with sub-devices (multidata). This now shows the current value (as before the last update).


(1) New graph block parameter added; “GroupBy”. This allows users to group their data by hour, day, week or month, where applicable ranges are used. The GroupBy param can be set on the graph block as follows:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks['group_by_solar'] = {    
    title: ‘Solar',
    devices: [1],
    graph: ['bar'],
    graphTypes: ['v'],
    groupBy: ‘week’,
    legend: true
Alternatively, the param can be applied to custom data as follows:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks['group_by_solar'] = {    
    title: 'Grouped: Solar',
    devices: [1],
    graph: ['bar'],
    graphTypes: ['v'],
    custom : {
        "Day by Hour": {
            range: 'last',
            groupBy: 'hour',
            filter: '24 hours',
            data: {
                Solar: 'd.v_1'
        "Week by Day": {
            range: 'month',
            groupBy: 'day',
            filter: '7 days',
            data: {
                Solar: 'd.v_1',
        "Month by Week": {
            range: 'month',
            groupBy: 'week',
            data: {
                Solar: 'd.v_1',
        "Year by Month": {
            range: 'year',
            groupBy: 'month',
            data: {                
                Solar: 'd.v_1',
    datasetColors: ['green'],
    legend: true
This results in the "Solar" graph grouping its data by hour, day, week or month - as shown in the images below.





The GroupBy function will either:
  • The “sum” of all values together for that group
  • Provide the “average” of all values for that group
It identifies what type of sensor it is to apply to appropriate calculation.
  • Counter, Rain – uses the “Add’ calculation
  • Temperature, Custom Sensor and Percentage – uses the “Average” calculation
(2) New graph block param added; “beginAtZero”. This forces the Y axis to begin at 0 (zero). Example shown below.
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks['kitchen_temp'] = {    
    title: 'Kitchen Temperature',
    devices: [6],
    beginAtZero: true,
    toolTipStyle: true,
    legend: true
(3) Popups can now be defined by adding a new block parameter, “popup”, to the block that popup is for. This allows the popup to use all the block parameters that a graph block does, allowing users to style the graph however they want. It also means the legend and tooltips can display custom names (instead of the key names). Note: this replaces the CSS method provided in the previous beta update.

For example, the user as an Energy meter block defined as follows:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks[258] = {
    title: 'Consumption',
    flash: 500,
    width: 4,
    popup: 'popup_consumption'
In this example, I have specified that the popup will use a defined graph called 'popup_consumption' instead of the default popup. This defined graph is then added to the config.js just like a normal graph:
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks['popup_consumption'] = {
    title: 'Energy Consumption Popup',
    devices: [258],
    toolTipStyle: true,
    datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow'],
    graph: 'line',
    legend: {
        'v_258' : 'Usage',          
        'c_258' : 'Total'


(1) The graph zoom control has been updated. There is no longer a requirement for config[‘graph_zoom’] to be set in the config.js. This can be removed. Instead, a new graph block parameter has been added; “zoom”.

If set, the new param accepts 4 values: “x”, “y”, “xy” or false. This allows the user to decide which graph they want to apply zoom controls to, but also, which orientation.
  • x – allow zooming on the x axis (left to right)
  • y – allow zooming on the y axis (top to bottom)
  • xy – allow zooming in any direction
  • false – disable zooming, do not show zoom button
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks['wind'] = {
    title: 'Wind',
    devices: [73],
    graph: 'line',
    zoom: 'xy',
    legend: {
        'di_73' : 'Direction',          
        'sp_73' : 'Speed',
        'gu_73' : 'Gust'
The "Wind" graph before zoom "x":


The "Wind" graph after zoom "x":


(2) The graph buttons have been tweaked slightly to make it easier for the user to tell which button is applied. Users can amend there preference in the CSS by changing the button opacity (as required).
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

.graphbuttons .btn {
	opacity: 0.5;
That is all for now ;)

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 8:03
by Jimster
I tried the new popup function, works great!

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 9:33
by clinkadink
Jimster wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 8:03 I tried the new popup function, works great!
Great! Thanks for letting me know.

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 16:23
by flemm
Nice, love the groupBy feature, exactly what I needed for my p1 meter graph. Love the zoom feature, too. Thank you!
It doesn't work very well with my temp/humidity chart though, the average temperature is somehow calculated as 8-10 degrees. I've commented out all the custom (mostly visual) options, but that doesn't make a difference..

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 17:07
by clinkadink
flemm wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 16:23 It doesn't work very well with my temp/humidity chart though, the average temperature is somehow calculated as 8-10 degrees.
Please could you add "debugButton: true" to the graph block, save, refresh the browser, press the debug button above the graph, and provide a screenshot of the debug window. Thanks.

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 17:14
by flemm
Of course, with pleasure!

Code: Select all

  "blockId": "block_6",
  "block": {
    "devices": [
    "datasetColors": [
      "rgba(255, 61, 61, 0.8)",
      "rgba(50, 180, 250, 0.8)"
    "barWidth": 0.9,
    "beginAtZero": false,
    "borderColors": [
      "rgba(255, 61, 61, 0.8)",
      "rgba(50, 180, 250, 0.8)"
    "borderDash": [],
    "borderWidth": 2,
    "buttonsBorder": "white",
    "buttonsColor": "black",
    "buttonsFill": "white",
    "buttonsIcon": "#686868",
    "buttonsMarginX": 2,
    "buttonsMarginY": 0,
    "buttonsPadX": 6,
    "buttonsPadY": 2,
    "buttonsRadius": 0,
    "buttonsShadow": false,
    "buttonsSize": 10,
    "buttonsText": false,
    "cartesian": "linear",
    "custom": {
      "vandaag": {
        "range": "day",
        "groupBy": "hour",
        "filter": "24 hours",
        "data": {
          "Temperatuur": "d.te_9",
          "Luchtvochtigheid": "d.hu_9"
      "week": {
        "range": "month",
        "groupBy": "day",
        "filter": "7 days",
        "data": {
          "Temperatuur": "d.te_9",
          "Luchtvochtigheid": "d.hu_9"
        "options": {
          "scales": {
            "yAxes": [
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "zeroLineWidth": 1,
                  "zeroLineColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"
                "scaleLabel": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "labelString": "°C"
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "zeroLineWidth": 1,
                  "zeroLineColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"
                "scaleLabel": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "labelString": "%"
            "xAxes": [
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)",
                  "fontSize": 10,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "display": false
      "maand": {
        "range": "month",
        "groupBy": "week",
        "data": {
          "Temperatuur": "d.te_9",
          "Luchtvochtigheid": "d.hu_9"
        "options": {
          "scales": {
            "yAxes": [
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "zeroLineWidth": 1,
                  "zeroLineColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"
                "scaleLabel": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "labelString": "°C"
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "zeroLineWidth": 1,
                  "zeroLineColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"
                "scaleLabel": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)",
                  "fontSize": 11,
                  "labelString": "%"
            "xAxes": [
                "ticks": {
                  "fontColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)",
                  "fontSize": 10,
                  "fontFamily": "open-sans"
                "gridLines": {
                  "display": false
    "debugButton": true,
    "displayFormats": false,
    "drawOrderDay": false,
    "drawOrderLast": false,
    "drawOrderMonth": false,
    "gradients": false,
    "graph": "line",
    "graphTypes": [
    "groupBy": false,
    "height": "300px",
    "iconColour": "grey",
    "interval": 1,
    "legend": false,
    "lineFill": false,
    "lineTension": 0.3,
    "maxTicksLimit": null,
    "method": 1,
    "pointBorderColor": [
    "pointBorderWidth": 0,
    "pointFillColor": [
      "rgba(255, 61, 61, 0.8)",
      "rgba(50, 180, 250, 0.8)"
    "pointRadius": 0,
    "pointStyle": false,
    "reverseTime": false,
    "sortDevices": false,
    "spanGaps": false,
    "title": "Binnenklimaat",
    "toolTipStyle": false,
    "width": 12,
    "zoom": "x"
  "currentValue": "18.2 C, 58 %",
  "currentValues": [
    "18.2 °C"
  "customRange": true,
  "data": {
    "result": [
        "d": "2020-02-23 18:00",
        "hu_9": 31.043478260869566,
        "te_9": 10.041739130434784
        "d": "2020-02-23 19:00",
        "hu_9": 31.217391304347824,
        "te_9": 9.774782608695652
        "d": "2020-02-23 20:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.781739130434783
        "d": "2020-02-23 21:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.77826086956522
        "d": "2020-02-23 22:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.64173913043478
        "d": "2020-02-23 23:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.318260869565218
        "d": "2020-02-24 00:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.04826086956522
        "d": "2020-02-24 01:00",
        "hu_9": 30.38095238095238,
        "te_9": 8.831904761904761
        "d": "2020-02-24 02:00",
        "hu_9": 31.636363636363637,
        "te_9": 9.036363636363635
        "d": "2020-02-24 03:00",
        "hu_9": 30.526315789473685,
        "te_9": 8.547368421052632
        "d": "2020-02-24 04:00",
        "hu_9": 31.23076923076923,
        "te_9": 8.475384615384614
        "d": "2020-02-24 05:00",
        "hu_9": 32.22222222222222,
        "te_9": 8.744444444444445
        "d": "2020-02-24 06:00",
        "hu_9": 30.08695652173913,
        "te_9": 8.093478260869565
        "d": "2020-02-24 07:00",
        "hu_9": 28.17391304347826,
        "te_9": 9.005652173913045
        "d": "2020-02-24 08:00",
        "hu_9": 28.17391304347826,
        "te_9": 9.350434782608694
        "d": "2020-02-24 09:00",
        "hu_9": 28.17391304347826,
        "te_9": 9.516521739130438
        "d": "2020-02-24 10:00",
        "hu_9": 28.17391304347826,
        "te_9": 9.388695652173913
        "d": "2020-02-24 11:00",
        "hu_9": 29.130434782608695,
        "te_9": 9.25391304347826
        "d": "2020-02-24 12:00",
        "hu_9": 28.52173913043478,
        "te_9": 9.573913043478262
        "d": "2020-02-24 13:00",
        "hu_9": 28.434782608695652,
        "te_9": 9.786521739130436
        "d": "2020-02-24 14:00",
        "hu_9": 29.217391304347824,
        "te_9": 9.54782608695652
        "d": "2020-02-24 15:00",
        "hu_9": 29.565217391304348,
        "te_9": 9.516521739130436
        "d": "2020-02-24 16:00",
        "hu_9": 30.26086956521739,
        "te_9": 9.527826086956523
    "status": "OK",
    "title": "Graph day",
    "Temperatuur": "d.te_9",
    "Luchtvochtigheid": "d.hu_9"
  "dataFilterCount": 24,
  "dataFilterUnit": "hours",
  "decimals": 1,
  "forced": false,
  "graphConfig": {
    "range": "day",
    "groupBy": "hour",
    "filter": "24 hours",
    "data": {
      "Temperatuur": "d.te_9",
      "Luchtvochtigheid": "d.hu_9"
  "graphIdx": "block_69",
  "hasBlock": true,
  "idx": 9,
  "lastRefreshTime": 1582560634,
  "mountPoint": "#block_6",
  "multigraph": false,
  "name": "Binnenklimaat",
  "popup": false,
  "primary": true,
  "primaryIdx": "block_69",
  "range": "day",
  "realrange": "day",
  "sensor": "temp",
  "subtype": "WTGR800",
  "title": "Binnenklimaat",
  "txtUnit": "°C",
  "type": "Temp + Humidity",
  "isInitial": true,
  "groupBy": "hour",
  "keys": [
  "ykeys": [
  "ylabels": [
  "filter": "24 hours"

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 17:49
by clinkadink
flemm wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 17:14 Of course, with pleasure!
Thanks for the quick response. I have found the issue and will correct it this evening.

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 19:19
by Sjonnie2017

I am having trouble to get the custom popup showing. I tried my own notation (rem'ed out in below sample) and your anotation style. In both cases I am unable to get the popup graph to show up when I click the block "Elektra Nu".

I have replaced my custom.css by a backup version.

Definition of my variables:

Code: Select all

// Gas en elektra
var elektra                    = 199;
var gas                        = 200;
var elektra_nu                 = '199_1';
var elektra_vandaag            = '199_2';
var elektra_totaal             = '199_3';
var grafiek_gas                = 'graph_200';
var grafiek_elektra            = 'graph_199';
The attempt to get the popup to show

Code: Select all

// componenten gas en elektra
//blocks[elektra_nu] = {}
//blocks[elektra_nu]['width'] = 4;
//blocks[elektra_nu]['popup'] = 'popup_elektra_nu';
//blocks[elektra_nu]['show_lastupdate'] = false;
//blocks[elektra_nu]['protected'] = true;

blocks[elektra_nu] = {
	width: 4,
	popup: 'popup_elektra_nu',
	show_lastupdate: false,

//blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {}
//blocks['popup_ekektra_nu']['title'] = 'Electriciteit';
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['devices'] = [199];
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['toolTipStyle'] = true;
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['datasetColors'] = ['red', 'yellow'];
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['graph'] = 'line';
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['legend'] = {'v2_199': 'Dag', 'v_199': 'Nacht'}

blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {
    title: 'Electriciteit',
    devices: [199],
    toolTipStyle: true,
    datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow'],
    graph: 'line',
    legend: {
        'v_199' : 'Nacht',
        'v2_199': 'Dag',          
        'c_199' : 'Totaal'
Any tips?



Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 19:26
by clinkadink
Sjonnie2017 wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 19:19 I am having trouble to get the custom popup showing.
Did you remove your CSS tooltip styling from the last update? What happens when you click the block? Does any popup show? What happens when you add the popup graph to your column definition? Does it display correctly as a standard graph?

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Monday 24 February 2020 23:15
by clinkadink
Sjonnie2017 wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 19:19 I am having trouble to get the custom popup showing. I tried my own notation (rem'ed out in below sample) and your anotation style. In both cases I am unable to get the popup graph to show up when I click the block "Elektra Nu".
Please try this.
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

blocks[199] = {
   width: 4,
   popup: 'popup_elektra_nu'

blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {
    title: 'Electriciteit',
    devices: [199],
    toolTipStyle: true,
    datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow', 'blue'],
    graph: 'line',
    legend: {
        'v_199' : 'Nacht',
        'v2_199': 'Dag',          
        'c_199' : 'Totaal'

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Tuesday 25 February 2020 18:26
by Sjonnie2017

Thanks for your reply and suggestion. It lead to some unexpected results ;)

Note that I have an empty custom.css so that should not be the problem.

Bit stumped here...

Unexpected result on the dashboard:

A popup graph for the color blind :) :

Definition of the blocks:

Code: Select all

blocks[199] = {
	width: 4,
	popup: 'popup_elektra_nu',
	//show_lastupdate: false,

//blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {}
//blocks['popup_ekektra_nu']['title'] = 'Electriciteit';
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['devices'] = [199];
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['toolTipStyle'] = true;
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['datasetColors'] = ['red', 'yellow'];
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['graph'] = 'line';
//blocks['popup_elektra_nu']['legend'] = {'v2_199': 'Dag', 'v_199': 'Nacht'}

blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {
    title: 'Elektriciteit',
    devices: [199],
    toolTipStyle: true,
    datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow', 'blue'],
    graph: 'line',
    legend: {
        'v_199' : 'Nacht',
        'v2_199': 'Dag',          
        'c_199' : 'Totaal'
Definition of column 2:

Code: Select all

columns[2] = {}
columns[2]['blocks'] = [title_gas_en_elektra, grafiek_elektra, 199, elektra_vandaag, elektra_totaal, grafiek_gas, gas]
columns[2]['width'] = 5;


EDIT: Changing 199 to '199_1' in the block definition and the columns caused the previous behavior (as one expected).

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Tuesday 25 February 2020 19:05
by clinkadink
The popup is showing the correct graph, but the dataset had no color assigned. I am guessing that your keys change for "month". Disable the defined popup, check the keys for month, update your defined popup blocks legend and dataset colors accordingly.

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Tuesday 25 February 2020 19:54
by Sjonnie2017
Ok, that works. I changed the dataset colors as follows:

Code: Select all

blocks['popup_elektra_nu'] = {
    title: 'Elektriciteit',
    devices: [199],
    toolTipStyle: true,
    //datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'white', 'orange'],
    datasetColors: ['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'aqua', 'red', 'yellow'],
    graph: 'line',
    legend: {
        'v_199' : 'Nacht',
        'v2_199': 'Dag',          
        'c_199' : 'Totaal'
which leads to:


Now all I have to figure out is how to get my blocks beneath the graph to show up the way I want it... To be continued :)



Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Tuesday 25 February 2020 20:07
by flemm
clinkadink wrote: Monday 24 February 2020 17:49 Thanks for the quick response. I have found the issue and will correct it this evening.

Works like a charm now, thanks a million!

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Tuesday 25 February 2020 20:12
by clinkadink
Sjonnie2017 wrote: Tuesday 25 February 2020 19:54 Ok, that works. I changed the dataset colors as follows:
Glad you got it working :D Don't forget, now that you can define your own popup block, you can also add the debug button to it, to help find out where the issue is.
flemm wrote: Tuesday 25 February 2020 20:07 Works like a charm now, thanks a million!
Great news! Thanks for letting me know ;)

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Wednesday 26 February 2020 19:29
by Sjonnie2017
OK, added a lot of popup graphs and tried to deduce why I could not get my electricity popup graphs to show up when clicking on my blocks. It is not caused by my "strange" syntax for the blocks. I think it is caused by the fact that the block refers to IDX 199_1 (for example) and the popup graph uses IDX 199. Could this be the case/cause?



Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Wednesday 26 February 2020 19:33
by clinkadink
Sjonnie2017 wrote: Wednesday 26 February 2020 19:29 I think it is caused by the fact that the block refers to IDX 199_1 (for example) and the popup graph uses IDX 199. Could this be the case/cause?
Yes, and that is why I changed it to 199 in my example that I provided ;)

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Thursday 27 February 2020 10:30
by flemm
Since the update i git-pulled this morning, my custom axis label colours and gridline options stopped working. Has something changed in how to define 'options' variables? I'll attach my graph definition. And yes, i know this is not very dry code, but i couldn't find a better way to make it work.. Any suggestions are more than welome :shock:

Code: Select all

blocks['graph_9'] = {
  devices: [45,46],
  width: 12,
  zoom: 'x',
  title: 'Binnenklimaat',
  graph: 'line',
  datasetColors: ['rgba(255, 61, 61, 0.8)','rgba(50, 180, 250, 0.8)'],
  borderWidth: 2,
  lineTension: 0.3,
  graphTypes: ['te', 'hu'],
  legend: {
    'te': 'Temperatuur',
    'hu': 'Luchtvochtigheid',
  legend: false,
  buttonsSize: 10,
  custom : {
    "vandaag": {
			range: 'day',
			groupBy: 'hour',
			filter: '12 hours',
      data: {
        Temperatuur: 'd.te_45',
        Luchtvochtigheid: 'd.hu_46',
      options: {
        scales: {
          yAxes: [{
            ticks: {
              min: 10,
              max: 20,
              stepSize: 2,
              fontColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.4)",
              fontSize: 10,
              fontFamily: 'open-sans',
              gridLines: {
                zeroLineColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.3)",
								color: "rgba(128,128,128,0.3)",
              scaleLabel: {
                fontColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.3)",
                fontSize: 11,
						ticks: {
							min: 50,
							max: 60,
							stepSize: 2,
							fontColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.4)",
							fontSize: 10,
							fontFamily: 'open-sans',
							gridLines: {
								zeroLineWidth: 1,
                zeroLineColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.3)",
								color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
							scaleLabel: {
								fontColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.4)",
								fontSize: 11,
          xAxes: [{
            ticks: {
              fontColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.4)",
              fontSize: 10,
              fontFamily: 'open-sans',
            gridLines: {
              display: false,
    "week": {
			range: 'month',
			groupBy: 'day',
			filter: '7 days',
        data: {
					Temperatuur: 'd.te_45',
	        Luchtvochtigheid: 'd.hu_46',
				options: {
	        scales: {
	          yAxes: [{
	            ticks: {
								min: 10,
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	              display: false,
    "maand": {
			range: 'month',
			groupBy: 'week',
        data: {
					Temperatuur: 'd.te_45',
	        Luchtvochtigheid: 'd.hu_46',
				options: {
	        scales: {
	          yAxes: [{
	            ticks: {
								min: 10,
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	              display: false,

Re: Multiple sources in one graph

Posted: Thursday 27 February 2020 18:57
by Sjonnie2017
clinkadink wrote: Wednesday 26 February 2020 19:33 Yes, and that is why I changed it to 199 in my example that I provided ;)
OK, and do you think that can be solved? Would it be possible in the future to add a popup graph to an arbitrary block? I would hate you to become bored :lol:

