Heatit Z-wave thermostat

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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by rtulp »

alexsh1 wrote:I have two Setpoints - one I cannot change but the other one is changing the heating temp
And was it automatically in Domoticz? I can't find a setpoint which is working. Neither a way to automate the HeatIT with blocky

I can change the temperature in the settings of the device if I click on Settings ==> Hardware ==> select Z-wave ==> Settings ==> Select the Heat IT


Tried to use the values 0,1,and 11 for Off, ECO and HEAT in blocky, but even that seems not to be possible.

These devices (setpoints) are visible in Domoticz but are not working.

How did you get this working? I had emailcontact with the CEO of ThermaFloor; if someone is interested, I've the complete documentation of the HeatIT.
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by cogliostrio »

Thats how I tested the settings.

I haven't installed mine yet, so I haven't done anything with them since I made the xml, but I agree. Its not working satisfactory quit yet.

I added this to the xml.

Code: Select all

<CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL">	 
I then get these devices
thermofloor devices.jpg
thermofloor devices.jpg (41.08 KiB) Viewed 8113 times
With room temperature from the heatit, I can turn a light on and off using blockly
thermofloor Blockly.jpg
thermofloor Blockly.jpg (39.77 KiB) Viewed 8113 times
Could you post which setpoint works for you regarding changing heating temperature?
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by rtulp »

cogliostrio wrote:@rtulp
Thats how I tested the settings.

I added this to the xml.

Code: Select all

<CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL">	 
I have this in the XML already, I've changed the zwcfg-XXXXXX.cfg and moved the ECO and CO mode setting for temperature to "COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT". Now I'm able to set the ECO mode and can change the value with Json:

But the value in in the HEATit, but it's not heating yet on ECO mode.... Also if I change the value of the CO mode, it goes back to 0 again... so that's not working.

Code: Select all

  <Node id="8" name="Vloerverwarming" location="" basic="4" generic="8" specific="6" roletype="5" devicetype="4608" nodetype="0" type="General Thermostat V2" listening="true" frequentListen$
                <Manufacturer id="019b" name="Thermo-Floor (Heatit)">
                        <Product type="0001" id="0001" name="Multireg Z-Wave thermostat TF 016" />
                        <CommandClass id="32" name="COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC" version="1" request_flags="4" mapping="64">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                        <CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL" version="6" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Temperature" units="C" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="$
                        <CommandClass id="64" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                                <Value type="list" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Mode" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0"$
                                        <Item label="Off" value="0" />
                                        <Item label="Heat" value="1" />
                                        <Item label="Cool" value="2" />
                                        <Item label="Heat Econ" value="11" />
                                        <Mode index="0" label="Off" />
                                        <Mode index="1" label="Heat" />
                                        <Mode index="2" label="Cool" />
                                        <Mode index="11" label="Heat Econ" />
                        <CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true" base="1">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="2" label="Cooling 1" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0$
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="8" label="Dry Air" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" $
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="10" label="CO mode setpoint" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_inte$
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="11" label="ECO mode setpoint" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_int$
                        <CommandClass id="90" name="COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                        <CommandClass id="94" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVE_PLUS_INFO" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                                <Value type="byte" genre="system" instance="1" index="0" label="ZWave+ Version" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity=$
                                <Value type="short" genre="system" instance="1" index="1" label="InstallerIcon" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity=$
                                <Value type="short" genre="system" instance="1" index="2" label="UserIcon" units="" read_only="true" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" m$
                        <CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
                                <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Operation mode" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity$
                                        <Item label="Off" value="0" />
                                        <Item label="Heat (Default)" value="1" />
                                        <Item label="Cool" value="2" />
                                        <Item label="Energy save heat." value="11" />
                                <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Temperature sensor" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_inten$
                                        <Item label="F - Floor mode: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading." value="0" />
                                        <Item label="A - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the internal sensor (Default)." value="1" />
                                        <Item label="AF - Room mode w/floor limitations: Regulation is based on internal room sensor but limited by the floor temperature sensor (included) ensurin$
                                        <Item label="A2 - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the external sensor." value="3" />
                                        <Item label="P (Power regulator): Constant heating power is supplied to the floor. Power rating is selectable in 10% increments ( 0% - 100%)." value="4" />
                                        <Item label="FP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading, but will always heat with a minimu$
                                <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Floor sensor type" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intens$
                                        <Item label="10k ntc (Default)" value="0" />
                                        <Item label="12k ntc (Default)" value="1" />
                                        <Item label="15k ntc (Default)" value="2" />
                                        <Item label="22k ntc (Default)" value="3" />
                                        <Item label="33k ntc (Default)" value="4" />
                                        <Item label="47k ntc (Default)" value="5" />
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="DIFF l. Temperature control Hysteresis" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_change$
                                        <Help>3-30 (0,2°C - 3.0°C)</Help>
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="FLo: Floor min limit" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_int$
                                        <Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="FHi: Floor max limit" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_int$
                                        <Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="ALo: Air min limit" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_inten$
                                        <Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="8" label="AHi: Air max limit" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_inten$
                                        <Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>
                                <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="PLo: Min temperature in Power Reg Mode" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_change$
                                        <Help>0-9. Min temperature in Power Regulator Mode (setting 2. Temperature sensor - P)</Help>
                                <Value type="decimal" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="P setting" units="" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity=$
                        <CommandClass id="114" name="COMMAND_CLASS_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC" version="1" request_flags="4" innif="true">
                                <Instance index="1" />
Unfortunately I'm not a good coder, so if anyone has a idea to change the heat mode from CO to ECO on specific times / days with LUA, I will be very happy :) (I tried JSON with 0, 1 and 11, but thats not working either).
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by cogliostrio »

Im far from a coder myself, so its mostly trial and error trying to see what works.

@rtulp, I see that you have command classes within command classes. Is this possible? I havnt tried your settings yet, but I see you have quite a few more command classes added than I have. I have included/excluded the device a number of times now, but the only additional command class that works for me, is the "49, multilevel". If I try and add any other, something breaks, and I loose one of the devices. Below I have added what currently gives me the two setpoints (which dont work), selection mode (can be changed in the device, but not with blockly), and room temerature (works with blockly).

Looking in the engineering specification for the device, there is the command_class_thermostat_setpoint_v3, which is currently not supported in ozw. Perhaps if this was supported in ozw, the setpoint would work in domoticz?
thermofloor command class.jpg
thermofloor command class.jpg (47.76 KiB) Viewed 8089 times

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Product xmlns='http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/'>

	<CommandClass id="49" name="COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL">	 

	<CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION">	 

		<Value type="list" genre="config"  index="1" label="Operation mode" units=""  value="1">
			<Item label="Off" value="0" />
			<Item label="Heat (Default)" value="1" />
			<Item label="Cool" value="2" />
			<Item label="Energy save heat." value="11" />
		<Value type="list" genre="config"  index="2" label="Temperature sensor" units=""  value="1">
			<Item label="F - Floor mode: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading." value="0" />
			<Item label="A - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the internal sensor (Default)." value="1" />
			<Item label="AF - Room mode w/floor limitations: Regulation is based on internal room sensor but limited by the floor temperature sensor (included) ensuring that the floor temperature stays within the given limits (FLo/FHi." value="2" />
			<Item label="A2 - Room temperature mode: Regulation is based on the measured room temperature using the external sensor." value="3" />
			<Item label="P (Power regulator): Constant heating power is supplied to the floor. Power rating is selectable in 10% increments ( 0% - 100%)." value="4" />
			<Item label="FP - Floor mode with minimum power limitation: Regulation is based on the floor temperature sensor reading, but will always heat with a minimum power setting (PLo)." value="5" />

		<Value type="list" genre="config"  index="3" label="Floor sensor type" value="0">
			<Item label="10k ntc (Default)" value="0" />
			<Item label="12k ntc (Default)" value="1" />
			<Item label="15k ntc (Default)" value="2" />
			<Item label="22k ntc (Default)" value="3" />
			<Item label="33k ntc (Default)" value="4" />
			<Item label="47k ntc (Default)" value="5" />
		<Value type="byte" index="4" genre="config" label="DIFF l. Temperature control Hysteresis" units="" min="3" max="30" size="1" value="5">
			<Help>3-30 (0,2°C - 3.0°C)

		<Value type="byte" index="5" genre="config" label="FLo: Floor min limit" units="" min="50" max="400" size="1" value="50">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)
		<Value type="byte" index="6" genre="config" label="FHi: Floor max limit" units="" min="50" max="400" size="1" value="400">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)
		<Value type="byte" index="7" genre="config" label="ALo: Air min limit" units="" min="50" max="400" size="1" value="50">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)
		<Value type="byte" index="8" genre="config" label="AHi: Air max limit" units="" min="50" max="400" size="1" value="400">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)
		<Value type="byte" index="9" genre="config" label="PLo: Min temperature in Power Reg Mode" units="" min="0" max="9" size="1" value="0">
			<Help>0-9. Min temperature in Power Regulator Mode (setting 2. Temperature sensor - P)

		<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="CO mode setpoint" size="1" min="50" max="400" value="210">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>

		<Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="ECO mode setpoint" size="1" min="50" max="400" value="180">
			<Help>50-400 (5.0°C - 40.0°C)</Help>
		<Value type="short" index="12" genre="config" label="P setting" units="" min="0" max="10" size="1" value="2">

	<CommandClass id="133" name="COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION">
		<Associations num_groups="5">
			<Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="‘Lifeline’. All run-time reporting is addressed to this group." />
			<Group index="2" max_associations="8" label="‘On/Off control’. This controls external heaters replicating the state of the internal relay." />
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by nukie »

Installed a new Heatit last night and ended up in this thread :) Does anyone got it to work so you can set the set-points in domoticz? Temperature works and i can change parameters in hardware settings but not from Domoticz. Any progress?
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by rtulp »

Unfortunately I couldn't get it working properly. I ended up with this solution:

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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by StanHD »

Hi, what do those Json calls do? (nvalue)
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by rtulp »

StanHD wrote:Hi, what do those Json calls do? (nvalue)
They set the mode, so 0= off, 1 = on and 11 is eco mode.

I've set the Temp in settings, so I'm not able to set the temperature, but can program it via on and eco.
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by StanHD »

Ah thanks. I have 2 electrically heated floors that I need to get proper control of. My Evohome won't do it so I'm investigating this a I already have a z-wave installation.
Appreciate the info. :)
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexpalex »


I have just writed a mail to the company who manufactued the Heatit. I would have tried at least. :mrgreen:
Here are the documentation summary I found about Classes, maybe it could help if someone is good in xml (I don't understand how it works :oops: )

3.1 Supported command classes
The thermostat implements the following command classes:

The thermostat will change the operating mode when it receives BASIC_SET:
• BASIC_SET value 0x00: Thermostat enters Energy saving heat mode (ECO)
• BASIC_SET value 0xFF: Thermostat enters Heat mode (CO)
With BASIC_GET, the device reports its state with BASIC_REPORT using the same values as above.

The device supports the following setpoints:
• Scale: Celsius
• Size: 2 bytes
• Precision: 1 decimal

Thermostat implements room air temperature sensor functionality. The sensor always measures
the room temperature no matter what the operating mode is set to.
• Sensor type: Air temperature 0x01
• Scale: Celsius 0x00
• Size: 2 bytes
• Precision: 1 decimal

The following modes are supported
• OFF 0x00
• HEAT 0x01

• Association group 1: Lifeline. All run-time reporting is addressed to this group. Max.
nodes: 1.
• Association group 2: On/off control. This controls external heaters replicating the
state of the internal relay. Uses BASIC_SET command, values 0x00 (off) and 0xFF (on).
Max. nodes: 8.
• Manufacturer ID: 0x019B
• Product ID: 0x0001
• Product type: 0x0001
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexpalex »

Alexpalex again. I already got the answer from Thermo-Floor:
Dear Alexandre!
The Heatit thermostat is a Z-Wave plus certified product. If the Domoticz system does not support the unit, well then it is not designed for Z-Wave plus products.
We have lots of happy customers that work with Fibaro, Zipato, Vera and others.
With best regards/Med vennlig hilsen
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexpalex »

Here a new tentative of xml file from someone. I have not test it:
https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!top ... qO22_jGui8
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexsh1 »

rtulp wrote:
alexsh1 wrote:I have two Setpoints - one I cannot change but the other one is changing the heating temp
And was it automatically in Domoticz? I can't find a setpoint which is working. Neither a way to automate the HeatIT with blocky

I can change the temperature in the settings of the device if I click on Settings ==> Hardware ==> select Z-wave ==> Settings ==> Select the Heat IT

Yes, it was automatic with the XML file in post 19, basically, I have had four new IDs added automatically:
- Thermostat mode
- Setpoint
- Setpoint
- Temperature
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexsh1 »

cogliostrio wrote: @alexsh1
Could you post which setpoint works for you regarding changing heating temperature?
Please see attached! I understand that the one marked unknown is for cooling.
I use the one marked for kitchen. In the attachment the thermostat is set for 23C in the evening (after 19:00)

Both of my thermostats work in the same manner.
Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 22.02.32 copy.jpg
Screen Shot 2016-01-25 at 22.02.32 copy.jpg (163.51 KiB) Viewed 7972 times
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexsh1 »

rtulp wrote:Unfortunately I couldn't get it working properly. I ended up with this solution:


Did you try to put in your username and password? i.e. http://admin:[email protected]:8080.....
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by Coxy119 »


Recently installed my Heatit thermostat and found my self in similar position to the rest of you guys and ended up at this thread but couldn't see a clear solution to the problem that I couldn't control temperature effectively.

After including the device I had two temperature setpoints, one marked Cooling 1 and the other Dry Air, as I was using thermostat as a heating device the Cooling 1 setpoint was useless and the Dry Air setpoint didn't do anything.

After a night of messing around, I now have 3 thermostatic set points CO, ECO and Cool
image.jpg (40.95 KiB) Viewed 7778 times
Steps I've performed:

1.) mv /home/pi/domoticz/Config/remotec/zxt-120.xml /home/pi/domoticz/Config/remotec/zxt-120.old (not sure is necessary but did this initially as worked out this is where Dry Air and Cooling 1 settings were being pulled from).

2.) Modified /home/pi/domoticz/Config/thermofloor/multireg.xml and added the following lines in BOLD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Product xmlns='http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/'>

<CommandClass id="67" name="COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT" version="1" request_flags="4" getsupported="false" innif="true" base="0">
<Instance index="1" />
<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="1" label="Co Mode" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="15.0" />
<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="2" label="Cool" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="15.0" />
<Value type="decimal" genre="user" instance="1" index="11" label="Eco Mode" units="C" read_only="false" write_only="false" verify_changes="false" poll_intensity="0" min="0" max="0" value="15.0" />

<CommandClass id="112" name="COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION">

3.) Removed and Included Thermostat in Domoticz

Hope this helps someone :)

Not sure if it make any odds but I'm controlling though a Z-Wave.Me Razberry Pi GPIO Daughter Card
(4.86 KiB) Downloaded 212 times
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexpalex »

Coxy119 you are my morning sunshine. :D
I am not on domoticz but nodejs (my own app) but it works the same.

- Why do you set value? it is automatically set by sensor value, well, I have removed them to get it right
-For openzwave-shared on nodejs Raspberry, The multireg location file is here:
and protected.

So use this ubuntu commande to change the file with admin right.
sudo cp -i /home/pi/Documents/..<whatever you want>.../multireg.xml /usr/local/etc/openzwave/thermofloor/
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by strebor »

I've had a very supportive email from the CEO of Thermo-floor.
Support may well be on the way, lets hope so for what looks like a very useful product.

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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by lagus »

Any Updates here?
I bought this specifically to manage the floor (house heating) remotely.

- I have a little issue which I don't know if it relates to Domoticz/OZW not having / understanding all data...

As soon as I switch on the floor heating (wooden floor) it basically don't switch off but continues to heat.
Like it would be a dumb switch instead of a thermostat.
Obviously, I can have Domoticz to set the thermostat to "heat" in blocky between desired temperatures but it seems clunky...

How's your's working? - I got the thermostat mode, temperature and the two setpoint's 202 & 208, what are they used for really?
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Re: Heatit Z-wave thermostat

Post by alexsh1 »

lagus wrote:Any Updates here?
How's your's working? - I got the thermostat mode, temperature and the two setpoint's 202 & 208, what are they used for really?
All my thermostats are working fine (bathroom, kitchen, heating in the living room) - I have a script to switch the floor heating on/off at a specified times. I have the following under the "Devices" for each thermostat:
- thermostat mode (Off, Heat, Cool, Heat Econ); no idea what Heat Econ means
- two setpoints (one for heating and one for cooling) - only one applicable in my case for heating
- temperature (I have an external underfloor sensor connected to Heatit)

I understand that some were less successful in making it work. The problem is that in the EU, this is pretty much the only product on the market.
And IMHO this is not a Domoticz issue, but integration between OZW and the thermostat.
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