Domoticz does recognise the commands from the remote but sees them as 3 different codes. I've enclosed some information from 3 on buttons that I pressed on the remote.
I've tried to learn the switch a manual code from Domoticz, but that didn't work. When I learn a command from the remote to Domoticz only one of the 3 commands get saved so the switch won't work.
The switches only have a learning mode, no dip switches or code wheels.
Code: Select all
Button A - ON:
RfxCom 0000080 2 Unknown Lighting 2 HomeEasy EU On, Level: 100 % 5 - 2013-11-30 13:35:15
RfxCom N 9 Unknown Lighting 1 ARC On 7 - 2013-11-30 13:35:15
RfxCom 003F4B0 2 Unknown Lighting 2 AC On, Level: 100 % 7 - 2013-11-30 13:35:15
Button B - ON:
RfxCom 0000080 3 Unknown Lighting 2 HomeEasy EU On, Level: 100 % 5 - 2013-11-30 13:37:02
RfxCom N 5 Unknown Lighting 1 ARC On 7 - 2013-11-30 13:37:02
RfxCom 003F4B0 3 Unknown Lighting 2 AC On, Level: 100 % 6 - 2013-11-30 13:37:02
Button C - ON:
RfxCom 0000080 4 Unknown Lighting 2 HomeEasy EU On, Level: 100 % 5 - 2013-11-30 13:39:35
RfxCom N 13 Unknown Lighting 1 ARC On 7 - 2013-11-30 13:39:35
RfxCom 003F4B0 4 Unknown Lighting 2 AC On, Level: 100 % 7 - 2013-11-30 13:39:35
Code: Select all
Packettype = Lighting2
subtype = AC
Sequence nbr = 19
ID = 003F4B0
Unit = 2
Command = On
Signal level = 7
Packettype = Lighting2
subtype = HomeEasy EU
Sequence nbr = 20
ID = 0000080
Unit = 2
Command = On
Signal level = 5
Packettype = Lighting1
subtype = ARC
Sequence nbr = 21
housecode = N
unitcode = 9
Command = On
Signal level = 7