Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

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Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by ricorico94 »


I use zwave modules from Qubino to manage my electric heater. This module relies on a Dimmer widget to send 6 different orders to the heater: for instance, if dimmer is set at 50-100 values, then module understands "comfort" order, while values 0-9 mean "off" and "10-20" values mean "no freeze", etc. (I don't remember exact values, that's only to explain the logic).
So, in Domoticz, this module is displayed with the dimmer widget and I need to adjust the trigger on the bar to appropriate level to reach ad hoc value, and fidning the exact level is not always easy, especially on small screens. Instead of that, I'd like to create 6 buttons which I would press to trigger the 6 orders. Maybe it requires only some light coding ?
How should I proceed to do so ?
I'm not an expert in scripts or programming, but if I need to build a widget based on existing ones, I could probably contribute. But I could not find tutorials on how to build/modify these widgets, and I did not find either where it is coded in Domoticz (I found some xxx.js files, with a lot of code).

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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by StephaneG »


Did you work on this? Or find a solution?

I am also using the Fil Pilote Qubino modules, and intend to make a discrete-values dimmer UI object if noone has made one.

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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by rtenklooster »

I don't know for sure if i understand you correctly.
You might be able to accomplish this by creating 6 dummy devices. (Switches)
As On option you fill in this: ... &level=YYY

Where XXX is the IDX of your current dimmer AND YYY Is the dim value e.g. 1-10
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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by Egregius »

Take a look at my floorplan. I use buttons to control dimmers.
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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by pj-r »

Is this what you are looking for? viewtopic.php?f=31&t=7244#p66519
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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by StephaneG »

Very much so, indeed ! Good find :)

With "Radiateur rdc hall" being the dimmer setpoint of a Qubino ZMNHJD1 ZWave pilot wire controller, and "Radiateurs rdc" being the virtual selector switch set with the 6 "pilot wire" possible values:


... and the blocky event :


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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by oldchap »

I'm currently installing the same qubino device.
I've some difficulties to identify the switch representing the "fil pilote", as 5 ones have been automatically created by the device ZMNHJD1 in my Domoticz.

As I'm not on the location with the "radiator", so have you an idea to be sure to select the good one (in order to program the same virtual selector switch you have done ?

Many thanks, as following some screen copies of my Domoticz. ... p=sharing
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Re: Modifying Dimmer widget into multiple buttons ?

Post by StephaneG »


As said on thr french forum, it is the one ending in 1, so 301 in your case.

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