I have created two "user variables" in Domoticz of type time (one for start, the other one for stop time) named "HeureCreuse Debut" and "HeureCreuse Fin".
I created a simple blocky event which check if the current time is between or outside of the [start-stop] period and trigger a corresponding dummy switch named "HeureCreuse".
This doesn't works and I get the following error in the log :
Code: Select all
2014-12-14 14:15:11 Error: Lua script error (Blockly), Name: HeureCreuse_var_1 => [string "result = 0; weekday = os.date('*t')['wday']; ..."]:1: unexpected symbol near 'or'
2014-12-14 14:15:11 Error: Lua script error (Blockly), Name: HeureCreuse_var_2 => [string "result = 0; weekday = os.date('*t')['wday']; ..."]:1: unexpected symbol near 'and'
A screenshot of my blocky event is attached to this post.
Any ideas ?