Strange readings on a Qubino 3-phase Smart meter

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Strange readings on a Qubino 3-phase Smart meter

Post by Arjan444 »


I have installed a Qubino 3-phase Smart meter (ZMNHXDx).
It is linked via aeotec Z-wave stick to a RPI (OpenZwave) running the latest stable version of Domoticz (4.10717)
The Qubino is being polled every 60 seconds.

The 3-phases all feed into an EV Charging point.
When there's no car charging the charging point is still using around 6 Watt.

I have to questions (see graph):
1) How can it be explained I get 'zero' readings (instead of the 6 Watt) once every hour or so?
2) Why does Domoticz report a 100 Wh energy usage a view times a day (while there is nothing charging).

Is this Domoticz misinterpreting Qubino data?
Is it a Qubino misreading?
Has it something todo with polling?

Hope someone had solved/explained this problem...

Graph.jpg (67.58 KiB) Viewed 534 times
Thank you very much!

Best, Arjan444
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Re: Strange readings on a Qubino 3-phase Smart meter

Post by Arjan444 »


Turned out I was looking at the kVAh value that ended up in the KWh meter field.
That explained the slightly higher values.
I did some more research and testing.
I also upgraded Domoticz to the latest beta (4.11786)

That made the problem even more interesting because now there are 6 values written to the same field with the name ‘kWh meter’.
These 6 values all cary the label 'Total Readings Electric’.
Only the last one (this time it is 'kVarh') ends up in Domoticz.
All other 5 values are there for a split second before they are overwritten.

The first one of the 6 'Total Readings Electric’ is the actual kWh value.
That’s the one that should end up (and stay) in the kWh meter field.

I only need the kWh value.

Am not sure if this is a Openzwave of Domoticz problem.
Can I somehow change a config file or a script to stop reading the other values?
Or is there another way to get the right kWh value on the Domoticz dashboard?

Hope someone can help.

Thanks. Arjan444
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Re: Strange readings on a Qubino 3-phase Smart meter

Post by sbjbjoer »

I have similar issue readings changing
And total reding not correct or 0 all the time tryed a lot of settings not stable or correct in history log ither
Enybody knows witch readings or diwices that works
I am comfused wat actual works

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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