P1 only one meter available.

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P1 only one meter available.

Post by willem9136 »

I made a second SM meter using a Wemos powered by the meter.
It sends the different values via MQTT by using different topics.

On a different PI I subscribe to these topics and by using JSON methode they are transmitted to Domoticz.
For the electricity I used the JSON contianing the 6 values..
In Domoticz I choosed the P1 “meter”.
The result is that there is only 1 meter in the devices window.
So I do something wrong. I will post the Python script and the screen dumps of the configuration later this evening.
f3.png (12.31 KiB) Viewed 840 times
f2.png (94.28 KiB) Viewed 840 times
f1.jpg (56.16 KiB) Viewed 840 times
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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by willem9136 »

2 more files.
(730 Bytes) Downloaded 36 times
f4.png (49.93 KiB) Viewed 839 times
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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by FireWizard »

Hello, @willem9136

I see, that you have created 2 identical sensors, both called P1. That is very confusing and I'm not sure that it will work correct.
Why is that needed?

Regarding updating your sensor, have a look into the Wiki https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Domoticz_ ... n_counters

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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by willem9136 »

Why do you say I use 2 identical sensors? If I choose the GAS sensor it is automaticaly part of the P1 meter.
Look at attachement f3.png
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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by willem9136 »

And you can see I transmit 3 parameters to this IDX.
I don't have delivery backward. No panels or Windmills.

curl -s " ... 0;00.176;0"
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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @willem9136
Why do you say I use 2 identical sensors?
If I look to your screenshot, marked f4.png I see:

On the first row:

- Custom sensor, called "Daglicht"
- Gas meter, called "Gas"
- P1 Smart Meter, Energy, called P1

All 3 sensors timed out (red bar)

On the second row:

- P1 Smart Meter, Energy, called P1

So I see 2 P1 Smart Meter, Energy, called P1.
If I choose the GAS sensor it is automatically part of the P1 meter.
No, you have created the separate virtual sensors yourself. See your screenshot f2.png and IDX 10 (Gas) and 11 (Energy)
For both the type is P1 Smart Meter, but the sub-type is Gas, resp Energy.

Similar you will see IDX 7 is Type "General" but also IDX 9 is a Custom Sensor with Type General.
Look at attachement f3.png
I did, but what should I see related to the question?

But I do not understand what the problem/question is.

Last edited by FireWizard on Saturday 06 March 2021 17:07, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: P1 only one meter available.

Post by willem9136 »

I think the problem has been solved. My expectations were different.
I was expecting more meters like a meter for the current usage and a meter for the total of the tarif 1 and tarif 2 values, current and voltage etc...
Sorry for the confusing.
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