I used Domoticz for a few years on a raspberry pi, also installed in on windows e.t.c. never had any problems. Now I want to test a new simple setup using Domoticz. I downloaded en installed Raspbian, and then used The "easy" way to install Domoticz. It all seems to go well. Until I try to reach the webpage of Domoticz, its not responding on remote pc/Mac and also not on localhost in the raspbian browser.
I'm using a Model 3B
This is what I tried:
Checked if the port 8080 is in the list of used ports - it's not.
Code: Select all
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget localhost:8080
converted 'http://localhost:8080' (ANSI_X3.4-1968) -> 'http://localhost:8080' (UTF-8)
--2021-01-13 00:18:01-- http://localhost:8080/
Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8080... failed: Connection refused.
Connecting to localhost (localhost)||:8080... failed: Connection refused.
Code: Select all
raspberrypi domoticz.sh[560]: /home/pi/domoticz/domoticz: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open sh...irectory
I later tried it on an different raspberry pi (Model 2), with an different SD card.
I now don't now what to do anymore... is there somebody who nows?
Thank you,