Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Dashticz, alternative dashboard based on HTML, CSS, jQuery

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Posts: 2262
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Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

I've just released Dashticz v3.4.6 beta.

Biggest change: A huge rewrite of the graph module to make it better maintainable and behave more predictable. Although we already did quite some testing, probably still some bugs will exist, which I would like to find, and solve, before we create a new master release. So your testing is appreciated :)

* Enable graphs for Voltage and Distance devices
* Parameter timeformat to configure time format for 'alarmmeldingen'.
* TV guide (Dutch: tvgids) made clickable
* More options to customize the graph header. See https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/beta ... stomheader

* Fix for ANWB Traffic Info (new API)
* Fix for recurring calendar events (older than 3 year, without end date)

For the release notes, see:
https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/beta ... notes.html

And then a little bit looking forward:
My plan is to release a new master as soon as possible. However, I noticed a few issues with the custom block names for Domoticz devices as used in CONFIG.js, especially when using subdevices. This is something I would like to fix first before creating the new master.

Further, clinkadink is working on a new dial-based way of representing some devices, which can be used for instance for temperature/setpoints and dimmers. It looks very promising already.

So we are making steps in improving the quality while extending the functionality at the same time. So stay tuned, and healthy. More to come soon.
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Joined: Tuesday 04 February 2020 11:42
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Jimster »

Great work guys!
Posts: 110
Joined: Monday 22 June 2015 20:18
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 4.10982
Location: Veghel, The Netherlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by dorenberg »

good work! Will update now. As I have combined some blocks into 1 block for temp/RH sensors. I also get the dewpoint now. Is there a way to make this optional? I removed the pieces in blocks.js to remove this.
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

Try with a custom value string, like this:

Code: Select all

blocks[16] = {
  single_block: true,
  value : "<Temp> C | <Humidity> % | <Barometer> hPa"
The names between '<>', like <Temp> are the name of fields as reported by Domoticz as device info.
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by nfuse »

nice will test asap!
docker with sonos http api / mosquitto / zigbee2mqtt assistant / portainer / dashticz / nodeJS on windows with Zigbee2Mqtt, and some flask builds of my own
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Joined: Monday 22 June 2015 20:18
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by dorenberg »

Thanks for the option. Do you know whether it is possible to get several sensor info in 1 block. Like for instance, several temperatures in a table? As these are for information only for me, that saves a lot of space.
Posts: 82
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Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Location: The Netherlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Jimster »

I found some things in the graphs which are not correct.
The totals for the month view are not correct. For example. The month graph says my gas usage for March was 6.61m3. This is not correct. The first week the usage was already more than 7m3. The totals for the week view also doesn't seems correct.

And also the things I mentioned in this topic:
https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... 67&t=31534

For Dutch, the weeks starts on Sunday and should start on Monday.
I noticed the week bar is only updated during the day on the first day of the week. On the other days, the bar remains the same until the day ends, then the usage of that day is added to the bar. I'm not sure if this is intended.

The graph header value is updated realtime, this is nice :)
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

dorenberg wrote: Thursday 14 May 2020 14:20 Thanks for the option. Do you know whether it is possible to get several sensor info in 1 block. Like for instance, several temperatures in a table? As these are for information only for me, that saves a lot of space.
You can combine several sensors in one graph, by using the groupdByDevice parameter.
See the link for an example:
https://dashticz.readthedocs.io/en/beta ... upbydevice

There is no standard functionality to combine device info in plain text format, but you could use custom.js for this. First define a block for the temperature device (or any other device) that is updated most often:


Code: Select all

blocks['templist'] = {
  idx: 16
Then add to custom.js:

Code: Select all

function getBlock_16(block) {
  var html = "";
  html += '<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
  html += iconORimage(block, "fas fa-thermometer-half", "", "icon");
  html += "</div>";
  html += '<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
  html += "<table>";
  var devices = Domoticz.getAllDevices();
  var deviceList = [16, 2];
  var nameList = ['binnen', 'buiten'];
  deviceList.forEach(function (idx, i) {
	var temp = devices[idx].Temp;
    html += "<tr><td>" + nameList[i] + "</td><td>:</td><td>" + temp + "</td></tr>";
  html += "</table>";
  html += "</div>";
  return html;
16, 2 are example Domoticz devices. (Fill in your own device ids)
Posts: 110
Joined: Monday 22 June 2015 20:18
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 4.10982
Location: Veghel, The Netherlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by dorenberg »

Good one. Something to try in the weekend. Basic functionality is working so far. Let's see if it is of real added value.
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by HansieNL »

Jimster wrote: Thursday 14 May 2020 15:25 I found some things in the graphs which are not correct.
The totals for the month view are not correct. For example. The month graph says my gas usage for March was 6.61m3. This is not correct. The first week the usage was already more than 7m3. The totals for the week view also doesn't seems correct.
I see the same incorrect values for the P1 electricity device.
Blah blah blah
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Joined: Monday 29 August 2016 22:40
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

Currently the graph groupBy function takes the average of the measurement values for most device types.

I've just added a small change to the latest beta:
In a graph block you can add the parameter 'aggregate' which can have the value 'sum' or 'avg' to define how to compute the aggregation.

Code: Select all

blocks['graph_43'] = {
   groupBy: 'week',
   aggregate: 'sum'
Posts: 19
Joined: Tuesday 09 June 2015 21:26
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Domoticz version: beta
Location: The Nederlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Aadr »

Dear Lokoni,

after updating to latest beta some serious problems occur.

I lost the 'clock' (digital display), the horizontal swipe doesn't work anymore and the left menu doesn't response anymore.
And i have lost several graphs, but that was to expect, because this update was about graphs.

I revert back to master and the clock, swipe and menu worked fine.

I am on Domoticz version 4.107 on an Raspberry 1 with Jessie.

i hope you can solve the problem.

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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

Can you post your CONFIG.js and custom.js (if you use that)? Then I'll have a look.

Sent from my SM-A320FL using Tapatalk

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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by HansieNL »

Lokonli wrote: Friday 15 May 2020 23:38 Currently the graph groupBy function takes the average of the measurement values for most device types.

I've just added a small change to the latest beta:
In a graph block you can add the parameter 'aggregate' which can have the value 'sum' or 'avg' to define how to compute the aggregation.

Code: Select all

blocks['graph_43'] = {
   groupBy: 'week',
   aggregate: 'sum'
I installed latest beta and added aggregate: 'sum' to a custom P1 gas grapgh. Looks like still the average is shown. Should this parameter work with a custom graph too?

Code: Select all

blocks['graph_gas_verbruik'] = {
    title: 'Gas',
    devices: [320],
    graphTypes: ['v'],
    graph: ['bar'],
    datasetColors: ['#8D8CC6'],
    beginAtZero: true,
    custom : {
        "per dag": {
            range: 'month',
            groupBy: 'day',
            data: {
                Verbruik: 'd.v_320',
        "per maand": {
            range: 'year',
            groupBy: 'month',
            aggregate: 'sum',
            data: {
                Verbruik: 'd.v_320',
    legend: true,
    buttonsSize: 12,
    width: 12,
    // debugButton: true
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

  "mountPoint": "#block_68",
  "block": {
    "width": 12,
    "datasetColors": [
    "barWidth": 0.9,
    "beginAtZero": true,
    "borderDash": [],
    "borderWidth": 2,
    "buttonsBorder": "white",
    "buttonsColor": "black",
    "buttonsFill": "white",
    "buttonsIcon": "#686868",
    "buttonsMarginX": 2,
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    "buttonsPadX": 6,
    "buttonsPadY": 2,
    "buttonsRadius": 0,
    "buttonsShadow": false,
    "buttonsSize": 12,
    "buttonsText": false,
    "cartesian": "linear",
    "custom": {
      "per dag": {
        "range": "month",
        "groupBy": "day",
        "data": {
          "Verbruik": "d.v_320"
      "per maand": {
        "range": "year",
        "groupBy": "month",
        "aggregate": "sum",
        "data": {
          "Verbruik": "d.v_320"
    "customHeader": false,
    "debugButton": true,
    "displayFormats": false,
    "drawOrderDay": false,
    "drawOrderLast": false,
    "drawOrderMonth": false,
    "flash": false,
    "format": true,
    "gradients": false,
    "graph": [
    "graphTypes": [
    "groupBy": false,
    "groupByDevice": false,
    "height": false,
    "iconColour": "grey",
    "interval": 1,
    "legend": true,
    "lineFill": false,
    "lineTension": 0.1,
    "maxTicksLimit": null,
    "method": 1,
    "pointBorderColor": [
    "pointBorderWidth": 0,
    "pointRadius": 0,
    "pointStyle": false,
    "range": "initial",
    "refresh": 300,
    "reverseTime": false,
    "sortDevices": false,
    "spanGaps": false,
    "stacked": false,
    "title": "Gas",
    "tooltiptotal": false,
    "zoom": false,
    "devices": [
    "isPopup": true
  "key": "block_68",
  "name": "graph",
  "graphDevices": [
      "AddjMulti": 1,
      "AddjMulti2": 1,
      "AddjValue": 0,
      "AddjValue2": 0,
      "BatteryLevel": 255,
      "Counter": "2367.521",
      "CounterToday": "0.503 m3",
      "CustomImage": 0,
      "Data": "2367.521",
      "Description": "",
      "Favorite": 0,
      "HardwareID": 12,
      "HardwareName": "P1 Smart Meter",
      "HardwareType": "P1 Smart Meter USB",
      "HardwareTypeVal": 4,
      "HaveTimeout": false,
      "ID": "0001",
      "LastUpdate": "2020-05-17 01:03:50",
      "Name": "Gas",
      "Notifications": "false",
      "PlanID": "0",
      "PlanIDs": [
      "Protected": false,
      "ShowNotifications": true,
      "SignalLevel": "-",
      "SubType": "Gas",
      "SwitchTypeVal": 1,
      "Timers": "false",
      "Type": "P1 Smart Meter",
      "TypeImg": "counter",
      "Unit": 2,
      "Used": 1,
      "XOffset": "0",
      "YOffset": "0",
      "idx": 320,
      "currentValue": "0,50 m3",
      "name": "Gas",
      "sensor": "counter",
      "subtype": "Gas",
      "title": "Gas",
      "txtUnit": "m3",
      "txtUnits": [],
      "type": "P1 Smart Meter"
  "graphIdx": "block_68",
  "lastRefreshTime": 1589670421,
  "range": "year",
  "title": "Gas",
  "params": [
  "subtype": "Gas",
  "txtUnits": [
  "data": {
    "result": [
        "d": "2019-05-01",
        "v_320": 0.8686666666666665
        "d": "2019-06-01",
        "v_320": 0.5343333333333333
        "d": "2019-07-01",
        "v_320": 0.3467741935483871
        "d": "2019-08-01",
        "v_320": 0.3490322580645162
        "d": "2019-09-01",
        "v_320": 0.41866666666666663
        "d": "2019-10-01",
        "v_320": 0.8741935483870968
        "d": "2019-11-01",
        "v_320": 1.9656666666666665
        "d": "2019-12-01",
        "v_320": 2.352258064516129
        "d": "2020-01-01",
        "v_320": 2.5576666666666665
        "d": "2020-02-01",
        "v_320": 2.6096551724137935
        "d": "2020-03-01",
        "v_320": 2.2787096774193554
        "d": "2020-04-01",
        "v_320": 0.9463333333333335
        "d": "2020-05-01",
        "v_320": 1.139375
    "status": "OK",
    "title": "Graph day",
    "Verbruik": "d.v_320"
  "realrange": "year",
  "dataFilterCount": 0,
  "dataFilterUnit": "",
  "groupBy": "month",
  "customRange": true,
  "customRangeName": "per dag",
  "graphConfig": {
    "range": "year",
    "groupBy": "month",
    "aggregate": "sum",
    "data": {
      "Verbruik": "d.v_320"
  "keys": [
  "ykeys": [
  "txtUnit": "m3",
  "ylabels": [
  "chartctx": "graphoutput_block_68",
  "loadingTooltip": false,
  "aggregate": "sum"
Blah blah blah
Posts: 19
Joined: Tuesday 09 June 2015 21:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: The Nederlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Aadr »

Dear Lokonli

i do not use custom.js and i use a raspberry 3B instead of the raspberry 1 i mentioned earlier.

i am not so familiar with writing a post, so i hope that my config is readable.

Spoiler: show
var config = {}

config['language'] = 'nl_NL'; //or: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, it_IT, pt_PT, sv_SV
config['user_name'] = 'stripped';
config['pass_word'] = 'stripped';
config['domoticz_ip'] = 'stripped';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';

config['use_favorites'] = 0; //Request all Domoticz Devices, not only favorites
config['auto_positioning'] = 0; // Use 0 this if you have defined your own columns
config['app_title'] = 'stripped';
config['last_update'] = 1;
config['standard_graph'] = 'day';
config['vertical_scroll'] = 0;
config['enable_swiper'] = 2;
config['auto_swipe_back_to'] = 1;
config['auto_swipe_back_after'] = '0';
config['auto_slide_pages'] = 0;
config['slide_effect'] = 'coverflow';
config['no_rgb'] = 0;
config['hide_off_button'] = 0;
config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['news_scroll_after'] = '10'


var calendars = {}
calendars.business = {
maxitems: 8,
url: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/',
icalurl: 'stripped' ,
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt'

//////////////////////////////////////Definition of blocks////////////////////////////////
blocks = {}

blocks['myblocktitle_1'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Schakelaars'

blocks['myblocktitle_2'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Verbruik'

blocks['myblocktitle_3'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Schak'

blocks['myblocktitle_4'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Agenda'

blocks['myblocktitle_5'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Bestuurskamer'

blocks['myblocktitle_6'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Kantine'

blocks['myblocktitle_7'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Kleedkamers'

blocks['myblocktitle_8'] = {
type: 'blocktitle',
title: 'Commissiekamer'

blocks['s1'] = {
title: 'Sfeerverlichting',
width: 12

blocks[227] = { //ventilator ballenhok
icon: 'fas fa-fan',
width: 12

blocks[168] = {
title: 'Biervat',
width: 4
blocks['Graph_Biervat'] = {
width: 12,
devices: [168],
legend: true,
height: '260px'

blocks[158] = { //warmwaterpomp
icon: 'fas fa-shower',
width: 12

blocks[33] = { //straatverlichting
title: 'Straat',
width: 12

blocks[118] = { //contourverlichting
title: 'Contour',
width: 12

blocks[117] = { //tribuneverlichting
title: 'Tribune',
width: 12

blocks[37] = { //veldverlichting A1
title: 'Veldverlichting A1',
width: 12

blocks[36] = { //veldverlichting A2
title: 'Veldverlichting A2',
width: 12

blocks[32] = { //veldverlichting B
title: 'Veldverlichting B',
width: 12

blocks[144] = { //bestuurskamerverlichting
title: 'Bestuurskamer',
width: 12

blocks[177] = { //kassaverlichting
title: 'Kassa',
width: 12

blocks[194] = { //Gekleurde lampen
title: 'Kleurenspots',
width: 12

blocks[220] = { //fotowand
title: 'Fotowand',
width: 12

blocks[188] = { //bestuurskamerverlichting
title: ' Status Bestuurskamer',
protected: true,
width: 6

// Verwarming Kantine

blocks[3] = { //tempratuur kantine2
title: 'Kantine',
width: 4

blocks[234] = { //tempratuur Commissiekamer
title: 'Commissiekamer',
width: 24

blocks[196] = {
title: 'Override',
width: 12

blocks[157] = {
title: 'Status Kantine',
protected: true,
icon: 'fas fa-fire-alt',
width: 12

blocks[195] = {
title: 'Keuze Kantine',
width: 12

blocks[198] = { //kantine
title: 'Gewenste Temp.',
width: 12

// verwarming bestuurskamer

blocks[235] = { //temperatuur bestuurskamer
title: 'Bestuurskamer',
width: 12

blocks[105] = { //thermostaat Bestuurskamer
title: 'Keuze Bestuurskamer',
width: 12

blocks[106] = { //thermostaat Bestuurskamer
title: 'Bestuurkamer',
width: 12

blocks[108] = { // bestuurskamer
title: 'Gewenste Temp.',
width: 12

blocks[159] = {
title: 'Status Bestuurskamer',
protected: true,
icon: 'fas fa-fire-alt',
width: 12

// verwarming kleedkamer

blocks[123] = { //thermostaat Kleedkamer
title: 'Keuze Bestuurskamer',
width: 12

blocks[124] = { //thermostaat Kleedkamer
title: 'Bestuurkamer',
width: 12

blocks[126] = { // Kleedkamerkamer
title: 'Gewenste Temp.',
width: 12

blocks[156] = {
title: 'Status Kleedkamers',
protected: true,
icon: 'fas fa-fire-alt',
width: 12

// verwarming commissiekamer

blocks[111] = { //thermostaat commissiekamer
title: 'Keuze Bestuurskamer',
width: 12

blocks[112] = { //thermostaat commissiekamer
title: 'Keuze Commissiekamer',
width: 12

blocks[114] = { // commissiekamer
title: 'Gewenste Temp.',
width: 12

blocks[160] = {
title: 'Status Commissiekamer',
protected: true,
icon: 'fas fa-fire-alt',
width: 12

blocks[247] = { //Agenda Kantine
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt',
width: 12

blocks[249] = { //Agenda Bestuurskamer
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt',
width: 12

blocks[248] = { //Agenda Kleedkamers
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt',
width: 12

blocks[250] = { //Agenda Commissiekamer
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt',
width: 12

blocks[214] = { //electriciteit
icon: 'fas fa-bolt',
width: 6

blocks[166] = {
title: 'Hal',
last_update: true,
width: 6

blocks[20] = {
title: 'Bestuurskamer Voor',
last_update: true,
width: 6

blocks[187] = {
title: 'Bestuurskamer Achter',
last_update: true,
width: 6

blocks['graph_commissiekamer'] = {
title: 'Commissiekamer',
devices: [234],
legend: true,
width: 12,
height: '210px',
legend: {
'te_234' : 'temp',
'hu_234' : 'hum'

blocks['graph_bestuurskamer'] = {
title: 'Bestuurskamer',
devices: [235],
legend: true,
width: 12,
height: '210px',
legend: {
'te_235' : 'temp',
'hu_235' : 'hum'

blocks['graph_owl'] = {
width: 12,
devices: [214],
height: '260px'


blocks['graph_kantine'] = {
title: 'Kantine',
devices: [3],
legend: true,
width: 12,
height: '210px',
legend: {
'te_3' : 'temp',
'hu_3' : 'hum'

blocks['multigraph_Bierhok'] = {
title: 'Buiten vs Bierhok Temp',
devices: [ 136, 168],
graph: 'line',
buttonsBorder: '#ccc',
buttonsColor: '#ccc',
buttonsFill: 'transparent',
buttonsIcon: 'Blue',
buttonsPadX: 10,
buttonsPadY: 5,
buttonsMarginX: 5,
buttonsMarginY: 2,
buttonsRadius: 0,
buttonsShadow: 'rgba(2, 117, 216, 0.2)',
buttonsSize: 12,
height: '260px',
custom : {
"Last hours": {
range: 'day',
filter: '6 hours',
data: {
te_136: 'd.te_136',
te_168: 'd.te_168',
delta: 'd.te_136-d.te_168'
"Last 2 weeks": {
range: 'month',
filter: '14 days',
data: {
te_136: 'd.te_136',
te_168: 'd.te_168',
delta: 'd.te_136-d.te_168'
"Last 6 months": {
range: 'year',
filter: '6 months',
data: {
te_136: 'd.te_136',
te_168: 'd.te_168',
delta: 'd.te_136-d.te_168'
legend: {
'te_136': 'Bierhok',
'te_168': 'Buiten',
'delta': 'Verschil'

blocks[238] = {
width: 6,

blocks['graph_zon'] = {
graph: 'bar',
width: 12,
devices: [245],
height: '260px'

blocks['graph_verbruik'] = {
width: 12,
devices: [239],
height: '260px'

blocks[221] = {
title: 'Webtv Alb',
icon: 'fab fa-adversal',
width: 12

blocks[229] = {
title: 'Webtv Kin',
icon: 'fab fa-adversal',
width: 12

blocks[14] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 1',
width: 12

blocks[175] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 2',
width: 12

blocks[174] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 3',
width: 12

blocks[13] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 4',
width: 12

blocks[193] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 5',
width: 12

blocks[206] = {
title: 'Sigaarlamp 6',
width: 12

blocks[8] = {
title: 'Barlampen 1',
width: 12

blocks[190] = {
title: 'Barlampen 2',
width: 12

blocks[205] = {
title: 'Barlampen 3',
width: 12

blocks['gmail_calendars'] = {
type: 'calendar',
layout: 2,
icalurl: {
Personal: {
ics: 'stripped' ,
color: 'white',
Business: {
ics: 'stripped',
color: 'yellow'
holidayurl: 'https://www.officeholidays.com/ics/netherlands',
maxitems: 100,
weeks: 5,
lastweek: true,
isoweek: false,
width: 12

blocks['regio-voetbal'] = {
feed: 'https://www.regio-voetbal.nl/rss/feed',
showimages: true,

blocks['hvelden'] = {
feed: 'https://rss.hollandsevelden.nl/competit ... d-1/za/1c/',
showimages: true,

blocks['cam1'] = {
type: 'camera',
imageUrl: 'stripped',
videoUrl: 'stripped',
refresh: 1000,
width: 12,
height: 300

blocks['cam2'] = {
type: 'camera',
imageUrl: 'stripped',
videoUrl: 'stripped',
refresh: 1000,
width: 12,
height: 300

////////////////////// FRAMES ///////////////////////////
var frames = {}
frames.weather = {
frameurl:"//forecast.io/embed/#lat=51.887276&lon=4.685896&name=Nieuw Lekkerland&color=#0000ff&font=Helvetica&fontColor=#ffffff&units=si&text-color=#fff&",
height: 210

frames.stand = {
frameurl:"https://embed.hollandsevelden.nl/compet ... =%23f3f3f3",
height: 605,
scrollbars: false

buttons = {}

buttons.logo = {
width: 12,
isimage : true,
image: 'logo.png',

buttons.page1 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'fas fa-home',
slide: 1

buttons.page2 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'fas fa-lightbulb',
slide: 2

buttons.page3 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'fab fa-gripfire',
slide: 3

buttons.page4 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'far fa-calendar-alt',
slide: 4

buttons.page5 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'fas fa-chart-line',
slide: 5

buttons.page6 = {
width: 12,
icon: 'fas fa-video',
slide: 6

////////////////////////////////Definition of columns//////////////////////////////////

columns = {}

var columns = {}
columns['bar'] = {}
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['logo']

columns['menu'] = {
blocks: [ buttons.logo, buttons.page1, buttons.page2, buttons.page3, buttons.page4, buttons.page5, buttons.page6],
width: 1

columns[1] = { //startpagina
blocks : ['clock',frames.weather, 'news'],
width: 5,

columns[2] = { //startpagina
blocks : [frames.stand, calendars.business ],
width: 6

columns[3] = { //startpagina
blocks: ['clock',frames.weather, 'news','regio-voetbal' ],
width: 5

columns[4] = { //schakelaars
blocks: ['s1',14,175,174,13,193,206,236,237],
width: 4

columns[5] = { //schakelaars
blocks: [8,190,205,177,194,220,33,117,118],
width: 3

columns[6] = { //schakelaars
blocks: [227,158,37,36,32,144,221,229],
width: 4

columns[7] = { //agenda
blocks: ['gmail_calendars'],
width: 11

columns[8] = {
blocks: ['cam1'],
width: 4

columns[9] = {
blocks: ['cam2'],
width: 4

columns[10] = { //verwarming kantine
blocks: ['myblocktitle_6',247,195,157,198,'graph_kantine','graph_commissiekamer'],
width: 4

columns[11] = { //verwarming kleedkamer
blocks: ['myblocktitle_7',248,123,156,126,'myblocktitle_8',250,111,160,114],
width: 3

columns[12] = { //verwarming bestuurkamer
blocks: ['myblocktitle_5',249,105,159,108,'graph_bestuurskamer','graph_commissiekamer'],
width: 4

columns[13] = { //grafieken
blocks: ['graph_zon','graph_verbruik','multigraph_Bierhok'],
width: 6

columns[14] = { //grafieken
blocks: ['graph_owl',238,214],
width: 5

/////////////////////////////////////Definition of screens/////////////////////////////////////////

var screens = {}

screens['default'] = {}
screens['default']['maxwidth'] = 1920;
screens['default']['maxheight'] = 1080;

screens['default'][1] = {} //startpagina
screens['default'][1]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][1]['columns'] = ['menu',3,2]

screens['default'][2] = {} //schakelaars
screens['default'][2]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][2]['columns'] = ['menu',4,5,6]

screens['default'][3] = {} //verwarming
screens['default'][3]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][3]['columns'] = ['menu',10,11,12]

screens['default'][4] = {} //agenda
screens['default'][4]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][4]['columns'] = ['menu',7]

screens['default'][5] = {} //grafieken
screens['default'][5]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][5]['columns'] = ['menu',13,14]

screens['default'][6] = {} //camera
screens['default'][6]['background'] = 'bg9.jpg';
screens['default'][6]['columns'] = ['menu',8,9]

//screens['tablet'] = {}
//screens['tablet']['maxwidth'] = 2160;
//screens['tablet']['maxheight'] = 1440;

//screens['tablet'][1] = {}
//screens['tablet'][1]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][1]['columns'] = ['menu',3,2]

//screens['tablet'][2] = {}
//screens['tablet'][2]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][2]['columns'] = ['menu',4,5,6]

//screens['tablet'][3] = {}
//screens['tablet'][3]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][3]['columns'] = ['menu',7,8]

//screens['tablet'][4] = {}
//screens['tablet'][4]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][4]['columns'] = ['menu',7]

//screens['tablet'][5] = {}
//screens['tablet'][5]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][5]['columns'] = ['menu',3]

//screens['tablet'][6] = {}
//screens['tablet'][6]['background'] = 'bg8.jpg';
//screens['tablet'][6]['columns'] = ['menu',8,9]
Posts: 10
Joined: Monday 11 May 2020 10:17
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Ashitaka »

Code: Select all

blocks[16] = {
  single_block: true,
  value : "<Temp> C | <Humidity> %"

blocks["16_3"] = {
 title = 'Barometer';
Here my example:
IDX contains 3 sensors.(Temp, Humidity, Barometer)

Once you use the single_block to true, you can't split information into two blocks.

For example I want Temp and Humidity in a single block and the Barometer in a second one, How can I achieve this?

;o) Thanks for the hardwork !
Posts: 2262
Joined: Monday 29 August 2016 22:40
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Lokonli »

Code: Select all

blocks["16_1"] = {
  value: "<Temp>C | <Humidity>%",
  unit: false

blocks["16_3"] = {
  title: 'barometer'

columns[2] = {
  blocks: [
    '16_1', '16_3'
  width: 6,
Posts: 10
Joined: Monday 11 May 2020 10:17
Target OS: NAS (Synology & others)
Domoticz version: 2020.2

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Ashitaka »

Thanks for the tips !
Posts: 19
Joined: Tuesday 09 June 2015 21:26
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: beta
Location: The Nederlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Aadr »

Dear Lokonli,

I managed to get my config working again. I removed the graphs and the clock appeared again. The menu and swipe also worked again. I will rebuild the graphs from scratch and see what happens.

thank you for all the good work.

Aad R
Posts: 82
Joined: Tuesday 04 February 2020 11:42
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2020.2
Location: The Netherlands

Re: Dashticz v3.4.6 beta

Post by Jimster »

Any news about the graph issues? They are also in 3.4.8
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