Add the moment still running on my old SD card (ordered new one) but the database is OK now, just repairing the db and put it back wasn't the solution for me because most of the time the NO devices or NO configuration and a corrupt db after start and stopping domoticz.
I solved it this way I stopped domoticz, repaired the db script @jvdz/waaren and then start domoticz without a database.
Then domoticz create a new database and throught the web gui I restored my repaired database, that works perfectly this way (for me).
I do not know why just copying the repaired database back doesn't work.
Code: Select all
-rw-r----- 1 root root 52236288 Jan 18 17:10 domoticz.db
I only have one problem the "automatic backup" is not running any more.
If I use the backupdatabase.php script it is running fine so I scheduled (cron) this as a work-around.
Code: Select all
/usr/bin/curl -s > /SYNDS/backup/domoticz.db
My question is now where can I find this backupdatabase.php script because if I search for it (find) then it is not there on file level?
Is it somewhere in the database, how is it working through domoticz? I can see there is a table with the schedule in the database?
Is it hard coded somewhere?
Disable and enable "automatic backup" doesn't help.
Any idea?