I was using my xiaomi gateway on my old domoticz system, and because of a problem on the raspberry, I had to reinstall it again in a new device.
When I tried to bind again the xiaomi gateway (without any update on the gateway) to the new system, it asks me for an user and password, in the password field I wrote the password of LAN mode of the gateway, but I´m not sure what to write on user field. At first time I leave user blank and tryied to get the devices but any device was retrieved, and in the log I see this:
And it stops searching. Anyone can help me?2019-11-22 21:16:41.983 Status: XiaomiGateway (ID=7): stopped
2019-11-22 21:16:41.994 Status: XiaomiGateway (ID=7): Delaying worker startup...
2019-11-22 21:16:46.994 Status: XiaomiGateway (ID=7): Selected as main Gateway
2019-11-22 21:16:46.995 Status: XiaomiGateway (ID=7): Worker started...
2019-11-22 21:16:46.995 Status: Incoming connection from:
2019-11-22 21:16:46.995 Status: XiaomiGateway (ID=7): XiaomiGateway IP address starts with: 10.0.