Youless upgrade and Domoticz

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Youless upgrade and Domoticz

Post by mistysnip »


I used to have a youless unit measuring the electricity usage on an old meter. The power company upgraded my meters and now youless can get the data from a P1 connection (current power usage, combined meter reading, meter high-rate reading, meter low-rate reading, gas).

I have the youless on the same address and i'm only getting the current power usage. How do I get the other readings into Domoticz?

Output of http://youless/e

Code: Select all

[{"tm":1569145884,"net": 141.646,"pwr": 535,"ts0":1569099894,"cs0": 0.000,"ps0": 0,"p1": 62.455,"p2": 79.191,"n1": 0.000,"n2": 0.000,"gas": 9.169,"gts":1909221150}]
What am I missing?

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