Watermeter with ESP8266

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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by MaikelK »

So no %value%/2 settings for the TCRT?

How does your wiring look like, i got massive boot problems i think. Im in the test stage Every once in a few days and cant seems to start the esp-01 correctly.

I have another unit with a dht-22 and that starts up pretty good if i put it in a different room to log.
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by LouiS22 »

MaikelK wrote:So no %value%/2 settings for the TCRT?

How does your wiring look like, i got massive boot problems i think. Im in the test stage Every once in a few days and cant seems to start the esp-01 correctly.

I have another unit with a dht-22 and that starts up pretty good if i put it in a different room to log.
I noticed the same, had to disconnect the sensor to let nodemcu boot up. Could be a bug in ESPEasy firmware.
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by MaikelK »

How did you guys wire it up to the ESP-01 and the NodeMcu V1(the black board ESP-12E)?

I got 10x DS18B20 sensors connected to D0 and D1 and when i connect the TCRT5000 break-out board to D2 for example it wont see the pulses?
I wired it straight in, so D0 of the TCRT5000 to the inputs of the NodeMcu board in this case as this is the board i would like to use as this one is already inside the utility cabinet.
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by andreo »

D2 is the same as GPIO2

>> GPIO state on startup <<

When choosing GPIO pins to use, it’s best to avoid GPIO 0, 2 and 15 unless absolutely necessary. If you do end up using them, you’ll need pullups / pulldowns to ensure the correct bootloader mode. You should also be aware of the fact that GPIO 0 is driven as an output during startup.

>> Bootloader modes <<
  • GPIO 0 GPIO 2 GPIO 15
    UART Download Mode (Programming) 0 1 0
    Flash Startup (Normal) 1 1 0
    SD-Card Boot 0 0 1
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by Geniux3000 »

My name is Carlos, and I'm writing because I'm trying to monitor my home water meter, but I'm having trouble making my own design.

So, I wanted to ask you if it would be possible for you to send me the schematic and firmware that the PCB of the following entry: https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14196

If you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. :D
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by Geniux3000 »

My name is Carlos, and I'm writing because I'm trying to monitor my home water meter, but I'm having trouble making my own design.

So, I wanted to ask you if it would be possible for you to send me the schematic and firmware that the PCB of the following entry: https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14196

If you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. :D
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by arvindaditya19 »

hey I am trying to build al ora based water meter retrofit for existing water meters your helps will be appreciated.
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by ajayrajspark »

Hello my friend
very interesting design
I am very much interested to do this project. can you provide me all the files
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by Piet47 »

HI ,

I am also interested in the design, can you send me all the files please.

regards Piet
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by florin »

can you help me with details for building the assembly?
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by Rickishier »

he hi, just new to this forum

i would like the schematics for the board :) and i know a lot of my friends would like to have it as well, is it maybe possible to make it public/open source?

thanks in advance
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Re: Watermeter with ESP8266

Post by wasik10 »

Can you send me the files, please? This design is very interesting.
Best Regards
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