- see https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... =38&t=6837
However, I have been conscious that every time I issue a read request (every minute), the Hive system is 'phoning home' to access the central server via the Internet. For a while, I have been looking for a system that I can control locally, and the Drayton Wiser system (https://wiser.draytoncontrols.co.uk/) appears to fit the bill. Although it does use the Internet, this is primarily so that it can be controlled remotely using a phone app (iOS / Android); Drayton state that the app will continue to operate without an Internet connection or if the Wiser servers are down - this because all the 'intelligence' is in the local hub.
There are a number of packages available, ranging from a one-channel system (for combi boilers) without iTRVs (*) consisting of thermostat and hub, to a 3-channel (HW + 2 CH zones) with iTRVs. The system can be extended by purchasing additional thermostats / iTRVs. The Wiser system creates a hierarchy of rooms and devices (you can have multiple rooms, and multiple devices in each room - e..g, iTRVs), and the app enables you to configure this.
(*iTRV: intelligent thermostatic radiator valve).
As suggested above, the system relies heavily on the phone app ('tablets will be supported at a later date' - user manual) to configure and control it. The thermostat has a very minimalistic appearance, with touch buttons for decrease / increase temperature and boost:
When the system is first set up, it creates a temporary wireless access point to enable the app to find it. A number of people have discovered that the system generates a 'secret', which is stored in the app, and which then enables the app to subsequently access it. It is possible to capture this secret, and to create simple (python) routines to access and control the Wiser system locally - without the need for Internet access. (I have verified this, by blocking Internet access for the Wiser's IP address in my router.)
I have written the following very simple python routine, for a 1-channel system (combi boiler), which captures the current thermostat temperature and setpoint, and heating relay state (on / off), and sends these to Domoticz. You will need to create 2 dummy temperature devices and one dummy switch, and insert their Domoticz idx's in the script. You will also need to obtain the Wiser hub IP address and secret - how to do this is explained in one of the reference links below. The script can be executed as a cron job at your desired frequency.
- Spoiler: show
There is a very detailed 4-part review of the Drayton Wiser system here:
https://www.automatedhome.co.uk/reviews ... ation.html