lua error returned: 32256

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lua error returned: 32256

Post by mistreg94 »

Hello everybody,

I can not use the command line " os.execute" in a lua script.
I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Error: Error executing script command (/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_device_hyperion.lua). returned: 32256
I created a virtual hardware "Equipement Virtuel" :

I add a new "Manual Light/Switch" on my hardware "Equipement Virtuel" :

I attached the script (script:///home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_device_hyperion.lua) on my switch Hyperion :

Here are the contents of my folder "lua" :

Here is the code of my script "script_device_hyperion.lua" :

Code: Select all

commandArray = {}
if (devicechanged['Hyperion'] == 'Off') then
      commandArray['Lumière Salon']='On'
      os.execute ('/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/')
return commandArray
Here is the code of my script "" :

Code: Select all

ssh root:[email protected] //storage/
When I run the script "" in a terminal, it works well :

When I press my button "Hyperion," the light of my living room lights ("Lumière Salon").
But my script "" is not executes and I get the following logs:

Can you help me ???
Thank you.

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Re: lua error returned: 32256

Post by mistreg94 »

I found my problem!

Domoticz uses "root" to launch scripts.

I had only generated an ssh key for "pi".

Here are the actions that I realized :

Code: Select all

1/ I chose a new password for"root"
pi@domoticzpi $ sudo passwd root

2/ I log in "root" :
pi@domoticzpi $ sudo passwd root

3/ I generate a new ssh key :
root@domoticzpi: ssh-keygen -t rsa

4/ I export this new key on my other server
Further, in my code, the ' were not good :

Code: Select all

os.execute ('/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/')
raspberry B+ / raspbian wheezy / domoticz V2.2151 / RFXtrx433E & Aeon Z-Stick S2
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Re: lua error returned: 32256

Post by mistreg94 »

I deleted "" and I modified "script_device_hyperion.lua" like this :

Code: Select all

commandArray = {}
if (devicechanged['Hyperion'] == 'Off') then
      os.execute ('ssh root:[email protected] //storage/')
return commandArray
problem solved
raspberry B+ / raspbian wheezy / domoticz V2.2151 / RFXtrx433E & Aeon Z-Stick S2
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lua error returned: 32256 - solution

Post by ArturK »

My simple solution for error 32256 is to change permission rights to the script *.sh. You don't have rights, change it to 0777 (rwxrwxrwx) and that's all.
Raspberry Pi 2B, Logitech Harmony Hub, Z-Stick GEN 5.
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Re: lua error returned: 32256

Post by ErikAtSpijk »

Thanks, had the excact same two problems
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