I have made very simple custom dzVents' adapter for Logitech Media Server (LMS) based on adapter for "Kodi". Its look like this.
Code: Select all
return {
baseType = 'device',
name = 'lms device',
matches = function (device, adapterManager)
local res = (device.hardwareType == 'Logitech Media Server')
if (not res) then
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsSwitchOff')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsStop')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsPlay')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsPause')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsSetVolume')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsPlayPlaylist')
adapterManager.addDummyMethod(device, 'lmsPlayFavorites')
return res
process = function (device, data, domoticz, utils, adapterManager)
function device.lmsSwitchOff()
--return TimedCommand(domoticz, device.name, 'Off')
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Off')
function device.lmsStop()
--return TimedCommand(domoticz, device.name, 'Stop')
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Stop')
function device.lmsPlay()
--return TimedCommand(domoticz, device.name, 'Play')
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Play')
function device.lmsPause()
--return TimedCommand(domoticz, device.name, 'Pause')
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Pause')
function device.lmsSetVolume(value)
if (value < 0 or value > 100) then
utils.log('Volume must be between 0 and 100. Value = ' .. tostring(value), utils.LOG_ERROR)
--return TimedCommand(domoticz, device.name, 'Pause')
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Set Volume ' .. tostring(value))
function device.lmsPlayPlaylist(name)
if (position == nil) then
position = ''
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Play Playlist ' .. tostring(name))
function device.lmsPlayFavorites(position)
if (position == nil) then
position = 0
domoticz.sendCommand(device.name, 'Play Favorites ' .. tostring(position))
(LMS and domoticz -> https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Logitech_Media_Server)
My example of dzVents script looks like this (1 device to play song and 1 switch dummy for action):
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local lmsDevice='samsung SM-J500FN' -- lms devices to play songs.
return {
on = {
devices = {
'test1' -- dummy switch devices
execute = function(domoticz, mySwitch)
local lms = domoticz.devices(lmsDevice)
if mySwitch.state=='On' then
lms.lmsPlayPlaylist('Test2') -- play playlist with name "Test2"
if mySwitch.state=='Off' then
lms.lmsPlayPlaylist('Test1') -- play playlist with name "Test1"
1. First -For some reason I can do only One (last one !) valid command with lms for One period of script. (so that's reason I commented on other commands in the example)
When i try do 2 command for example SetVolume() and PlayPlayList() only one command is made by eventhandler.
I dont know how this fix.
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2017-11-12 22:54:31.599 dzVents: Info: Handling events for: "test1", value: "On"
2017-11-12 22:54:31.599 dzVents: Info: ------ Start internal script: lms: Device: "test1 (Dummy)", Index: 2
2017-11-12 22:54:31.600 dzVents: Info: ------ Finished lms
2017-11-12 22:54:31.601 Command=Set Volume 20, FOR=0.00, AFTER=0.00, RANDOM=0.00, REPEAT=1 INTERVAL 0.00
2017-11-12 22:54:31.602 EventSystem: Scheduled Set Volume after 0.00.
2017-11-12 22:54:31.602 Command=Play Playlist Test2, FOR=0.00, AFTER=0.00, RANDOM=0.00, REPEAT=1 INTERVAL 0.00
2017-11-12 22:54:31.603 EventSystem: Scheduled Play Playlist after 0.00.
2017-11-12 22:54:31.603 EventSystem: Script event triggered: dzVents\runtime\dzVents.lua
2017-11-12 22:54:32.026 EventSystem: {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["8c:27:6e:f9:ab:d2",["playlist", "play", "Test2"]]}
3. If I want to choose a song from my favorite list, little change in EventSystem.cpp in function CEventSystem::ScheduleEvent is needed like this.
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if (pBaseHardware == NULL) // if not handled try Logitech
pBaseHardware = m_mainworker.GetHardwareByType(HTYPE_LogitechMediaServer);
if (pBaseHardware == NULL) return false;
CLogitechMediaServer *pHardware = reinterpret_cast<CLogitechMediaServer*>(pBaseHardware);
if (sParams.length() > 0)
level = atoi(sParams.c_str());
but without bigger changed in domoticz its not possible choose song from "custom list" (Test1 or Test2).
Can anyone help me with this problems ?.