Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor... [closed]

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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by landaisbenj »

Why don't use localisation in domoticz parameter ?
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Misterik »

anyone also experiencing issues with the call to the site?

I am getting:
2017-08-23 20:08:01.044 LUA: curl " ... 1708231700"
2017-08-23 20:08:02.208 LUA: ogimet:Status: 501 getsynop: no se pudo conectar a la base de datos

because of this error the real-time-solar-script is not calculation a lux value
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Bishop »

Misterik wrote: Wednesday 23 August 2017 20:22 anyone also experiencing issues with the call to the site?

I am getting:
2017-08-23 20:08:01.044 LUA: curl " ... 1708231700"
2017-08-23 20:08:02.208 LUA: ogimet:Status: 501 getsynop: no se pudo conectar a la base de datos

because of this error the real-time-solar-script is not calculation a lux value
I am experiencing the same since about 7 hours ago.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Misterik »

Looks like the problem is resolved. Script is up and running again.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by BakSeeDaa »

With permission of the original author jmleglise I have translated this script into dzVents and I also made several changes to it.

The dzVents script has been put in the Wiki, after the ordinary Lua script.

For any questions or comments about the dzVents version of the script, please use the designated thread.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by poudenes »

Hi There all,

Can someone help me, i want create a second LUX device where i only see the numbers. Or a user variable.
Then in script it update this device or variable. So i can use it in a blocky. When lux < 100 turn lights on

Thanks :D
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Nautilus »

poudenes wrote: Thursday 21 September 2017 9:17 Hi There all,

Can someone help me, i want create a second LUX device where i only see the numbers. Or a user variable.
Then in script it update this device or variable. So i can use it in a blocky. When lux < 100 turn lights on

Thanks :D
In case there aren''t any major changes (according to wiki I'd say no there is not) then this script is designed to update three sensors one of them which is Lux (and thus indeed showing the lux as a number in sValue) - problem solved? :)
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by najtram »

I'm getting the following error:
2017-11-09 09:42:11.946 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_SolarSensor.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_SolarSensor.lua:149: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
Could someone help me to identify the problem?
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by najtram »

Problem is solved while nothing changed. (except maybe the data retreived from somewhere).
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by DutchHans »

Ogimet was unreachable.. that caused it.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by wonder24 »

Hi all,
Tried to load the script but it seems I cannot get the data out of JSON.lua. I have placed next text at top of the file

local localhost = '' -- Set your port. (Not the universal IP).
local city = "LOKEREN" -- Your city for Wunderground API
local countryCode = "BE" -- Your country code for Wunderground API
local idxLux ='502' -- Your virtual Lux Device ID
local idxSolarAzimuth ='534' -- Your virtual Azimuth Device ID
local idxSolarAltitude ='533' -- Your virtual Solar Altitude Device ID
local idxUserVarOcta='2' -- Your user variable ID , named octa
local wuAPIkey = "f4xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -- Your Weather Underground API Key
local latitude = '51.0' -- your home
local longitude = 3.9 -- your home
local altitude = 3.0 -- Your home altitude : run once in debug = 1 to found your altitude in Log and write it here
local WMOID = '06431' -- Your nearest SYNOP Station for ogimet. Very important !
local DEBUG = 1

but getting the feedback Error: EventSystem: in Lux_Lua: [string " --[[ Virtual Lux sensor and other re..."]:70: attempt to index field 'current_observation' (a nil value) for the line 70: local latitude = jsonLocation.current_observation.display_location.latitude
How do I have to adapt my JSON.lua file to let the program work?
Working on an Asustor NAS and I have adapted the lines so the script can access the file
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by jvdz »

sounds a lot like an earlier report in this thread... did you check it and the subsequent answers? ... 077#p71185

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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Lars65 »

I have finally got it almost to work, but I get an error.

2017-11-17 22:20:00.788 Error: EventSystem: in /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_SolarSensor.lua: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/script_time_SolarSensor.lua:199: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value

And I have no clue att all why I get this. Anyone who could help me with this?
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by jvdz »

I would need to see your exact script to assist.

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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Lars65 »

-- Variables to customize ------------------------------------------------
local localhost = '' -- Set your port. (Not the universal IP).
local city = "Falkenberg" -- Your city for Wunderground API
local countryCode = "SN" -- Your country code for Wunderground API
local idxLux ='282' -- Your virtual Lux Device ID
local idxSolarAzimuth ='279' -- Your virtual Azimuth Device ID
local idxSolarAltitude ='280' -- Your virtual Solar Altitude Device ID
local idxUserVarOcta='1' -- Your user variable ID , named octa
local wuAPIkey = "46922dddab4cd962" -- Your Weather Underground API Key
local latitude = 56.902733 -- your home
local longitude = 12.488801 -- your home
local altitude = 1 -- Your home altitude : run once in debug = 1 to found your altitude in Log and write it here
local WMOID = '02539' -- Your nearest SYNOP Station for ogimet. Very important !
local DEBUG = 1 -- 0 , 1 for domoticz log , 2 for file log

-- Below , edit at your own risk ------------------------------------------

function leapYear(year)
return year%4==0 and (year%100~=0 or year%400==0)

function split(s, delimiter)
result = {};
for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match);
return result;

function round(num, dec)
if num == 0 then
return 0
local mult = 10^(dec or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

commandArray = {}

time ="*t")
if ((time.min % 5)==0) then -- Run every 5 minutes. Check the wundergroud API limitation before changing this

json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")() -- For Linux

local arbitraryTwilightLux=6.32 -- W/m² egal 800 Lux (the theoritical value is 4.74 but I have more accurate result with 6.32...)
local constantSolarRadiation = 1361 -- Solar Constant W/m²

if (uservariables['octa'] == nil) then print("Error : Did you create the Uservariable octa ?") end
-- API Wunderground
local config=assert(io.popen('curl ... nberg.json'))
local location = config:read('*all')
local jsonLocation = json:decode(location)
if( DEBUG == 1) then
local latitude = jsonLocation.current_observation.display_location.latitude
local longitude = jsonLocation.current_observation.display_location.longitude
local altitude = jsonLocation.current_observation.display_location.elevation
print('Lat: '..latitude..'Long: '..longitude..'Alt: '..altitude)
relativePressure = jsonLocation.current_observation.pressure_mb -- if you have an another way to get the Pressure, (local barometer ...) then you may optimize the script and avoid the call to api.wunderground)
local year ="%Y")
local numOfDay ="%j")
if leapYear(year) == true then
nbDaysInYear = 366 -- How many days in the year ?
nbDaysInYear = 365

angularSpeed = 360/365.25
local Declinaison = math.deg(math.asin(0.3978 * math.sin(math.rad(angularSpeed) *(numOfDay - (81 - 2 * math.sin((math.rad(angularSpeed) * (numOfDay - 2))))))))
timeDecimal = ("!%H") +"!%M") / 60) -- Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
solarHour = timeDecimal + (4 * longitude / 60 ) -- The solar Hour
hourlyAngle = 15 * ( 12 - solarHour ) -- hourly Angle of the sun
sunAltitude = math.deg(math.asin(math.sin(math.rad(latitude))* math.sin(math.rad(Declinaison)) + math.cos(math.rad(latitude)) * math.cos(math.rad(Declinaison)) * math.cos(math.rad(hourlyAngle))))-- the height of the sun in degree, compared with the horizon

local azimuth = math.acos((math.sin(math.rad(Declinaison)) - math.sin(math.rad(latitude)) * math.sin(math.rad(sunAltitude))) / (math.cos(math.rad(latitude)) * math.cos(math.rad(sunAltitude) ))) * 180 / math.pi -- deviation of the sun from the North, in degree
local sinAzimuth = (math.cos(math.rad(Declinaison)) * math.sin(math.rad(hourlyAngle))) / math.cos(math.rad(sunAltitude))
if(sinAzimuth<0) then azimuth=360-azimuth end
sunstrokeDuration = math.deg(2/15 * math.acos(- math.tan(math.rad(latitude)) * math.tan(math.rad(Declinaison)))) -- duration of sunstroke in the day . Not used in this calculation.
RadiationAtm = constantSolarRadiation * (1 +0.034 * math.cos( math.rad( 360 * numOfDay / nbDaysInYear ))) -- Sun radiation (in W/m²) in the entrance of atmosphere.
-- Coefficient of mitigation M
absolutePressure = relativePressure - round((altitude/ 8.3),1) -- hPa
sinusSunAltitude = math.sin(math.rad(sunAltitude))
M0 = math.sqrt(1229 + math.pow(614 * sinusSunAltitude,2)) - 614 * sinusSunAltitude
M = M0 * relativePressure/absolutePressure

if (DEBUG == 1) then
print('<b style="color:Blue"============== SUN LOG ==================</b>')
print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", os.time()))
print(city .. ", latitude:" .. latitude .. ", longitude:" .. longitude)
print("Home altitude = " .. tostring(altitude) .. " m")
print("number Of Day = " .. numOfDay)
if nbDaysInYear==366 then
print(year .." is a leap year !")
print(year.." is not a leap year")
print("Angular Speed = " .. angularSpeed .. " per day")
print("Declinaison = " .. Declinaison .. "°")
print("Universel Coordinated Time (UTC)".. timeDecimal .." H.dd")
print("Solar Hour ".. solarHour .." H.dd")
print("Altitude of the sun = " .. sunAltitude .. "°")
print("Angular hourly = ".. hourlyAngle .. "°")
print("Azimuth of the sun = " .. azimuth .. "°")
print("Duration of the sunstroke of the day = " .. round(sunstrokeDuration,2) .." H.dd") -- not used
print("Radiation max in atmosphere = " .. round(RadiationAtm,2) .. " W/m²")
print("Local relative pressure = " .. relativePressure .. " hPa")
print("Absolute pressure in atmosphere = " .. absolutePressure .. " hPa")
print("Coefficient of mitigation M = " .. M .." M0:"..M0)

-- Get SYNOP message from Ogimet web site
hourUTCminus1 ="!%H")-1
if string.len(hourUTCminus1) == 1 then
hourUTCminus1 = "0" .. hourUTCminus1
UTC ="%Y%m%d").. hourUTCminus1.."00" --"!%M")
if (DEBUG == 1) then
local WMOID = jsonLocation.current_observation.display_location.wmo

cmd='curl " ... gin='..UTC..'"'
if( DEBUG == 1) then print(cmd) end
local ogimet=assert(io.popen(cmd))
local synop = ogimet:read('*all')
if( DEBUG == 1) then print('ogimet:'..synop) end

if string.find(synop,"Status: 500") == nil
rslt = split(synop,",")
CodeStation = rslt[1]
rslt = split(synop, " "..CodeStation.. " ")
Trame = string.gsub(rslt[2], "=", "")
Trame = CodeStation .." ".. Trame
rslt = split(Trame, " ")
Octa = string.sub(rslt[3], 1, 1) -- 3rd char is the cloud layer. 0=no cloud , 1-8= cloudy from 1 to 8 max , 9 =Fog , / = no data
if Octa == "/" then -- not defined ? take the previous value
Octa = uservariables['octa']
elseif Octa == "9" then
Octa = 8
Octa = uservariables['octa']

--os.execute('curl " ... ring(Octa)..'"')
commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['Variable:octa'] = tostring(Octa)}

Kc=1-0.75*math.pow(Octa/8,3.4) -- Factor of mitigation for the cloud layer

if sunAltitude > 1 then -- Below 1° of Altitude , the formulae reach their limit of precision.
directRadiation = RadiationAtm * math.pow(0.6,M) * sinusSunAltitude
scatteredRadiation = RadiationAtm * (0.271 - 0.294 * math.pow(0.6,M)) * sinusSunAltitude
totalRadiation = scatteredRadiation + directRadiation
Lux = totalRadiation / 0.0079 -- Radiation in Lux. 1 Lux = 0,0079 W/m²
weightedLux = Lux * Kc -- radiation of the Sun with the cloud layer
elseif sunAltitude <= 1 and sunAltitude >= -7 then -- apply theoretical Lux of twilight
directRadiation = 0
scatteredRadiation = 0
totalRadiation = scatteredRadiation + directRadiation + arbitraryTwilightLux
Lux = totalRadiation / 0.0079 -- Radiation in Lux. 1 Lux = 0,0079 W/m²
weightedLux = Lux * Kc -- radiation of the Sun with the cloud layer
elseif sunAltitude < -7 then -- no management of nautical and astronomical twilight...
directRadiation = 0
scatteredRadiation = 0
totalRadiation = 0
Lux = 0
weightedLux = 0 -- should be around 3,2 Lux for the nautic twilight. Nevertheless.

if (DEBUG == 1) then
print("Station SYNOP = " .. WMOID)
print( Octa .. " Octa")
print("Kc = " .. Kc)
print("Direct Radiation = ".. round(directRadiation,2) .." W/m²")
print("Scattered Radiation = ".. round(scatteredRadiation,2) .." W/m²")
print("Total radiation = " .. round(totalRadiation,2) .." W/m²")
print("Total Radiation in lux = ".. round(Lux,2).." Lux")
print("and at last, Total weighted lux = ".. round(weightedLux,2).." Lux")

if tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['Lux'])+round(weightedLux,0)>0 -- No update if Lux is already 0. So lastUpdate of the Lux sensor will keep the time when Lux has reached 0. (Kind of timeofday['SunsetInMinutes'])
-- commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxLux..'|0|'..tostring(round(weightedLux,0))} -- THis form is not recommended. due to limitation of the eventsystem of Domoticz
commandArray[#commandArray + 1]={['OpenURL']="http://"..localhost.."/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx="..idxLux.."&nvalue=0&svalue="..tostring(round(weightedLux,0)) }
-- commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxSolarAzimuth..'|0|'..tostring(round(azimuth,0))}
commandArray[#commandArray + 1]={['OpenURL']="http://"..localhost.."/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx="..idxSolarAzimuth.."&nvalue=0&svalue="..tostring(round(azimuth,0)) }
-- commandArray[#commandArray + 1] = {['UpdateDevice'] = idxSolarAltitude..'|0|'..tostring(round(sunAltitude,0))}
commandArray[#commandArray + 1]={['OpenURL']="http://"..localhost.."/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx="..idxSolarAltitude.."&nvalue=0&svalue="..tostring(round(sunAltitude,0)) }

if (DEBUG == 2) then"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",os.time())
logDebug=logDebug.." Azimuth:" .. azimuth .. " Height:" .. sunAltitude
logDebug=logDebug.." Octa:" .. Octa.." KC:".. Kc
logDebug=logDebug.." Direct:"..directRadiation.." inDirect:"..scatteredRadiation.." TotalRadiation:"..totalRadiation.." LuxCloud:".. round(weightedLux,2)
os.execute('echo '..logDebug..' >>logSun.txt') -- compatible Linux & Windows
return commandArray
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by BakSeeDaa »

Lars65 wrote: Saturday 18 November 2017 9:07 ...
local city = "Falkenberg" -- Your city for Wunderground API
local countryCode = "SN" -- Your country code for Wunderground API
"Det gaur inte"

Weather Underground uses different country codes than standard ISO. You have selected the correct code for Sweden which is "SN". However that doesn't seem to work very well. If you try "SE" instead, it will work.

Try this URL for testing (Put your personal key into it first):

Code: Select all
PS. For your safety, you should remove your personal API key in your previous post.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Lars65 »

"De gaur inte heller, huar ett inte var de kan va pönött."

It didn't do the trick. Still same error.
The key is updated with a new, by the way.

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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Lars65 »

Now I got it working. Did read in an eralier post that there something wrong with the script

So I replaced this: if tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['Lux'])+round(weightedLux,0)>0

with this: if tonumber(otherdevices_svalues['Lux']) ~= round(weightedLux,0)

then it was up and running.
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by Mace »

I've stopped the script from running because of the bugs in the beta software last month, but that seems fixed now. So I started the script again and now I get the following error:

Code: Select all

Lua script Real time weather data did not return a commandArray
Anyone else with the same problem or with a solution?
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Re: Real-time solar data : azimuth, Altitude, Lux sensor...

Post by poudenes »

His All,

Is there a alternative link for:
I get every day some errors:

Code: Select all

2018-02-20 01:20:05.463 Error: Error opening url:
2018-02-20 03:20:05.663 Error: Error opening url:
2018-02-20 05:20:05.376 Error: Error opening url:
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