Just got a Aeotec HEM G5 working. Thought I would make this post to help out anyone else trying to get it to work. Because it doesn't work by default in Domoticz. There are multiple versions of the HEM G5... Being in the US I got the 120v 2-phase version with 2 clamps.
The HEM G5 utilizes basically the same parameters as the HEM G2, but the difference being the G5 is mains powered and more accurately calculates power usage because it measures the actual line voltage. The battery powered G2 just assumes whatever voltage you tell it.
To get it working in Domoticz I had to add the following line to the manufactuer_specific.xml file in the Aeotec section:
Code: Select all
<Product type="0102" id="005f" name="Home Energy Meter G5" config="aeotec/hemg5.xml"/>
The device has several parameters:
Parameter 2:
Energy Detection Mode
0 - report Wattage and the absolute KWH value (default)
1 - report positive/negative Wattage and the algebraic sum KWH value
2 = report positive/negative Wattage and the positive KWH value (consuming electricity)
3 = report positive/negative Wattage and the negative KWH value (generating electricity)
Parameter 3:
Report only when power is changed
0=Disable, 1=Enable (default) - Parameters 4-11 have no effect if this parameter is set to Disabled.
Parameter 4: Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (whole HEM).
Parameter 5: Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 1).
Parameter 6: Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 2).
Parameter 7: Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 3).
Parameter 8: Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (whole HEM).
Parameter 9: Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 1).
Parameter 10: Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 2).
Parameter 11: Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Clamp 3).
The HEM has 3 reporting groups that can be set independently in both what they report and when they report it. However I have not been able to get Group 2 or 3 to work. The values for Group2 and 3 update in OZWCP, but not in Domoticz. No problem though, you can set the HEM to report any of the values you want in Group 1, which does work fine in Domoticz.
What values are reported for the 3 report groups are controlled with parameters 101-103. And then parameters 111-113 set the reporting interval in seconds for each of the report groups. i.e. Parameter 101 controls what group 1 reports, and parameter 111 controls how often it reports it.
For parameters 101-103, select the values below according to which measurements you want reported. Add the decimal values together and set that value into the parameter.
List of values:
1 - Total KWH
2 - Total Watts
4 - Total Voltage
8 - Total Current
256 - Clamp 1 Watts
512 - Clamp 2 Watts
1024 - Clamp 3 Watts
2048 - Clamp 1 KWH
4096 - Clamp 2 KWH
8192 - Clamp 3 KWH
65536 - Clamp 1 Volts
131072 - Clamp 2 Volts
262144 - Clamp 3 Volts
524288 - Clamp 1 Current
1048576 - Clamp 2 Current
2097152 - Clamp 3 Current
So if you want Total KWH, and then Clamp 1 and Clamp 2 Watts in report group 1, you add their values together; 1+256+512=769. Put this value into parameter 101, and then set parameter 111 to the interval in seconds you want the values to be updated.
My configuration is as follows: Parameter 2 set to 0 for absolute values (the default). Parameter 3 set to 0 to disable threshold mode. I wanted Total KWH, Total Watts, Total Current, and Total Volts reported on Group 1 with a interval of 5 seconds. So I set a value of 15 into Parameter 101 and then a value of 5 into parameter 111.
Immediately after doing this, the HEM started reporting the 4 values as requested every 5 seconds.
Screenshots showing it at work:
After comparing the KWH value it shows to my actual electric meter, the values for a 24 hour period where within 1.5 KWH of each other. Better accuracy than I was expecting.
Hope all this helps someone out there!