IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by bendora »

Unfortunately you can''t use this doorbell for both doorbell function and IP camera surveillance.
If the cam is added to (for example synology) the doorbell does not work any more.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by maccamacca »

I haven't yet find any way to send a door open command outside the standard app.
And also using the standard app, is possible only when someone has pressed the button to start a call
from the outside door unit.

I use the app "Ip camera viewer " to get the image as ip camera surveillance and I can confirm
that when using continuos recording mode, or probably just acquiring the image, disable
the alarm (phone bell).

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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by arjen »

Sorry to go off-topic, but is it possible to turn the sound off when domebody presses the doorbell? On the doorbell self i mean. It really has an anyoing buzz (at least i think so) when somebody presses the doorbell.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by JaLeo »

I'm very interested on this door bell but I'm in doubts about these last posts.
I want use it like doorbell but ocasionally I would use an app to use the cam and see outside. If i close this app, would the doorbell work again? if it doesn't work, have you found a way to make it work?, like a restart in doorbell unit.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by bendora »

Yes you can use the doorbell again when de cam wil no longer be added some where as a cam. The doorbell wil work after a few seconds
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by JaLeo »

Well, I think it could be fine for me.
thank's so much
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by bendora »


I m trying to configure the wireless 433 mhz indoor chime in domoticz.
Does anyone know which protocol is been used? Domoticz does not find it.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by jmleglise »


This 433 chime, isn't seen by rfxmanager. So unfortunately, it can't be added to domoticz with the RFXCOM.
My script : https://github.com/jmleglise
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by Graeme »

I was interested to read maccamacca's reply giving the generic URLs for reading still or streaming video. I am planning to get one of these devices and build an application to view/talk via a PC on my LAN. Are there other generic URLs known eg detecting the door bell push and sending/receiving audio?
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by bendora »

Extra info

A few days ago i attempted for the second time to add my doorbell camera in synology to record continuously. Then I ve tested de doorbell ring for the second time. I was surprised that every things works fine now. Now tested this for a week and works great.

I hope dat de doorbell chime wil be supported in the future.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by josesmith »

This video doorbell is based on Gwell Hi3518E + OV9712 hardware design, the RTSP and ONVIF information can be found on Yoosee camera faq page: http://www.yooseecamera.com/faq.html

Main stream rtsp://IPadr:554/onvif1
Sub-stream rtsp://IPadr:554/onvif2

ONVIF port: 5000; Device discovery port: 3702

In addition to use the Yoosee App, there are many alternatives including 2CU, COT PRO. Additionally, you can use any ONVIF compliant software/app to access the camera.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by riogrande75 »

I recently bought a ATZ-DBV03P and I am sure, protocol is quite similar to the DBV01. I am not very happy with connecting my doorphone to the internet and store my passwords on chinese servers. So far I found out, that the whole traffic is NOT encrypted! My goal is to write a programm, that simulates the server(s) to where the doorphone connects to (p2px.cloudlinks.cn,...), so it would also be possible to run the phone without internet access.
I am a experienced networker with programming knowledge, so I guess if the protocol is not too complicated, I might be successful.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by maccamacca »

Happy to know that you can try to built a local server to emulate cloud system.
Me too prefer that the doorphone work also without internet connection.
but I'm afraid that the problem is not only to built a local server,
but also modify the smartphone app that could connect locally to the door phone
or the local clone server, and not ask for address to the cloud server.

you could find some usefull info at this link, unfortunally most think are in china languages...


Bye Andrea
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by maccamacca »

just to hilight that using the last version of yoosee app rev, instead of smart home cloud, it is possible to open the door also
if nobody has pressed the external call button. is present a new button in the app that enable to open the door, It just require you to insert the admin password. Andrea
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by riogrande75 »

After some diggin I found a way to access the doorbell via UART. So I have full access to the running os (HiLinux 3.0.8). :lol:
I can modify files, start the telnetd, and so on. Due the use of certificates, I guess "hacking" the crypted IP traffic is pretty useless - too much work, by far :o
Installing my own linux is also a lot a work - but can be done du the open bootloader (u-boot). Unfortunately I might not be experienced enough to build it :roll:
BUT: I guess with a little programm installed on the sd-card (needs to be crosscompiled for that system, off course) I can poll the logoutput when e.g. the doorbell button was pressed.
This looks like this:

Code: Select all

#####in the vDoorBellEventProc######
 oss ov9712 init
dwLuam = 50,dwContr = 50,dwSatuVal = 50
add writeP:2    readP:0
Handle Time:2017-07-07 15:45:57 Cannel:0        Area:0  capNs:1
>>>>  dwMesgPushType = 5
>>>>> push : You have a visitor
#9 cPushString2 = [You have a visitor],dwAlarmType = 13
vCaptureProc start
vStartVGAEncForRecord for 2
stH264Vbr.u32MaxBitRate = 160
fgAutoCover = 1,dwType = 1
ptAudioSendThread 1278797008 start
start to record to file:fgVGAEncForManualRecordEn = 0,fgRecOn = 1
dwRecOSDWith = 250,dwRecOSDHeight = 24
display region to chn success!
freespace:1828892       totalspace:1949696
create directory path:/mnt/disc1/npc/alarm
RecFileWritethrId 1227687120 start!
****************fgCaptureJPEG OK(1) Len:22837***********************
send push signal
get writeP:3    ReadP:0
dool bell path:/mnt/disc1/npc/alarm/2017-07-07/
>>>>> push : You have a visitor
#1 cPushString2 = You have a visitorALARM_NOTIFY_OPTTION2 dwSendSize:172
vCaptureProc not send email!
===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 149
vNewIrCutHanldeFun to no filter,night
iSetCscLuma val = 50
===>rt_ioctl_giwscan. 1(1) BSS returned, data->length = 149
>>>>  dwMesgPushType = 5
Then a message could be sent to any device in the network (e.g. domo server), starting a bell, open video,...
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by papoo »

riogrande75 wrote:Hi!
BUT: I guess with a little programm installed on the sd-card (needs to be crosscompiled for that system, off course) I can poll the logoutput when e.g. the doorbell button was pressed.
can you describe how you realise this please , i want to do this to?
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by riogrande75 »

You need to setup a cross compile toolchain. I am currently working on that.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by jgonzalez »

Hi riogrande75,

Can you give us more information about how to connect to the UART in the doorbell board (the board pinout)?


About the protocol, here you can find a possible SDK: http://cloudlinks.cn/sdk/android/docs/index.html# and a few months ago i downloaded the firmware and I achieve to mount the jffs2 partition:
07_11_17 at 07.41.13PM.png
07_11_17 at 07.41.13PM.png (78.5 KiB) Viewed 6104 times

Also i wrote a simple python script that works like "SMTP2MQTT" so I could be notified when the button was pressed:

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import secure_smtpd
import json
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import argparse
import email

from secure_smtpd import SMTPServer, LOG_NAME

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-N", "--name", help="doorbell name")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--mqtthost", help="mqtt host")
parser.add_argument("-P", "--mqttport", help="mqtt port", type=int)
parser.add_argument("-U", "--mqttusername", help="mqtt username")
parser.add_argument("-W", "--mqttpassword", help="mqtt password")
args = parser.parse_args()

class SMTPServer(SMTPServer):
    def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, message_data):
        client = mqtt.Client(client_id="", clean_session=True, userdata=None,
        client.username_pw_set(args.mqttusername, args.mqttpassword)
        client.connect(args.mqtthost, 1883, 60)
        data = {}
        data['peer'] = peer
        data['mailfrom'] = mailfrom
        data['rcpttos'] = rcpttos
        data['bell'] = 'on'
        json_data = json.dumps(data)
        print (json_data)

        msg = email.message_from_string(message_data)

        attachment = msg.get_payload()[1]
        open('/var/www/html/doorbell/doorbell-1.jpg', 'wb').write(attachment.get_payload(decode=True))
        attachment = msg.get_payload()[2]
        open('/var/www/html/doorbell/doorbell-2.jpg', 'wb').write(attachment.get_payload(decode=True))
        attachment = msg.get_payload()[3]
        open('/var/www/html/doorbell/doorbell-3.jpg', 'wb').write(attachment.get_payload(decode=True))

        client.publish("doorbell/"+args.name, json_data, qos=0)

class FakeCredentialValidator(object):

    def validate(self, username, password):
        return True

server = SMTPServer(
    ('', 1125),

print('server run')
The only one feature that i need is open the door calling some HTTP service, or sending some TCP packet, etc ...
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by riogrande75 »

jgonzalez wrote:Can you give us more information about how to connect to the UART in the doorbell board (the board pinout)?
I do not have the doorbell with me - it's installed far away. But I have access to it via remote tools.
So if you just send me the a picture of the lower side of the pcb (the side that looks to the main doorbell button) I will tell you.
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Re: IP Video Door Bell - Atz-dbv01p

Post by riogrande75 »

Wit the help of this site http://nemon.org/ipcam-ipr1631x/ I was able to successful crosscompile and execute hello.c on our little doorbell.
Next step: write a programm in c, that recognizes the doorbell button press and send a message via ip/http.
Any programmers arround that could assist?
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