Temperature and humidity values from ESP8266 are not seen in Domoticz temperature widget

Moderator: leecollings

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Joined: Sunday 19 July 2015 1:56
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Temperature and humidity values from ESP8266 are not seen in Domoticz temperature widget

Post by loakus »

I received my ESP8266 with BME280 sensor I connected to Domoticz running on a Raspberry pi2.
I see the temp, humidity & barometer values properly updated on ESP8266 and sent to my Raspberry over JSON.
I also see on Domoticz, the temperature graphic is properly recording the temp & humidity values over the time:
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 17.03.13.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 17.03.13.png (139.77 KiB) Viewed 1208 times
All is good so far but the issue is with the temperature widget itself not providing the latest temp & humidity values (on the top-right side of the widget) :
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 17.03.00.png
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 17.03.00.png (21.29 KiB) Viewed 1208 times
Do you know what shall be done to fix it ?
Posts: 3
Joined: Sunday 19 July 2015 1:56
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: V3.5877

Re: Temperature and humidity values from ESP8266 are not seen in Domoticz temperature widget

Post by loakus »

Hello guys,
I just figured out my issue. It was due to my virtual sensor not setup properly. My BME280 sensor on ESP8266 gives temperature+humidity+barometer values and JSON data sent by ESPEasy provides these 3 values to Domoticz whereas I made a virtual sensor temp+humidity without barometer.
I changed the virtual sensor to temp+hum+bar in domoticz and it fixed my issue. :D
Thank to @gizmocuz for his support on this.
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