Search found 19 matches

by straatm
Saturday 15 June 2019 10:48
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Local variable not recognized? [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 2288

Re: Local variable not recognized? [Solved]


Thanks that was the solution...
I used an old example taken from the internet

by straatm
Saturday 15 June 2019 8:30
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Local variable not recognized? [Solved]
Replies: 2
Views: 2288

Local variable not recognized? [Solved]

All I try to use the within_min() command and use a local variable at the beginning of the script. But there is always this log that the Value is "a nil value" it seems the local variable is not recognized. Someone any idea how to solve this? See script and log below. local RANDOM_DELAY_MINS = 20 ...
by straatm
Monday 25 March 2019 12:25
Forum: Utility
Topic: roller shutter switch
Replies: 3
Views: 2164

Re: roller shutter switch

Denny64 wrote: Monday 25 March 2019 11:50 On AliExpress search for LPSECURITY TZ75. Now is about 37$/pz.
Thanks for the quick reply, but I forgot to metion it should be on 433Mhz not z-wave
by straatm
Monday 25 March 2019 10:31
Forum: Utility
Topic: roller shutter switch
Replies: 3
Views: 2164

roller shutter switch

Hi All, I was searching for a roller shutter switch on aliexpress. I prefer one which has also buttons to manually open and close the roller shutter (for the ladies in the house ;) ) But I can not find anything anyone a suggestion. If it is from somewhere else not a problem not to expensive it is ...
by straatm
Thursday 15 November 2018 9:36
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Problems at specific time
Replies: 2
Views: 310

Problems at specific time

All, Sometime ago my script(s) stopped working at 23:00 at nighttime. The entire script seems to work but the 23:00 at night time is not switching off. And there is no logentry anymore. It started in 4.9700 and I upgrade to 4.10199 but it is still not working. The state of "$Hulp-Laat-Thuis" is off ...
by straatm
Tuesday 24 April 2018 17:27
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Sunset time is "hanging"
Replies: 12
Views: 1519

Re: Sunset time is "hanging"

dannybloe wrote: Tuesday 24 April 2018 15:08 Can you print _G.timeofday['SunsetInMinutes'] and _G.timeofday['SunriseInMinutes'] from your script? And compare that with what you see in the GUI?

How to use this print command, just add it to the script??
If yes where exactly :?: :oops:
by straatm
Tuesday 24 April 2018 13:55
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Sunset time is "hanging"
Replies: 12
Views: 1519

Re: Sunset time is "hanging"

dannybloe wrote: Tuesday 24 April 2018 8:08 Interesting... looks like a bug in Domoticz. dzVents just gets the sunset and sunrise time from Domoticz. Does it show this time in the GUI as well?
In the GUI the sunset time is correct.
by straatm
Monday 23 April 2018 16:41
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Sunset time is "hanging"
Replies: 12
Views: 1519

Re: Sunset time is "hanging"

Here is also some logging, I will add the logging of tonight also that will be definitely also at 20:10, but according to my dashboard sunset is at 20:44 tonight. 2018-04-21 20:10:00.392 dzVents: Info: ------ Start internal script: DZ_SfeerVerlichtingBinnen:, trigger: at 15 minutes before sunset ...
by straatm
Monday 23 April 2018 16:29
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Sunset time is "hanging"
Replies: 12
Views: 1519

Re: Sunset time is "hanging"

Thanks for the reply here is the script return { on = { timer = { 'at nighttime at 07:00 on mon, tue, wed, thu, fri', 'at nighttime at 08:20 on sat, sun', 'at sunrise', 'at sunset', 'at 15 minutes before sunset', 'at 22:00 at nighttime on mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun', 'at 23:00 at nighttime on ...
by straatm
Thursday 19 April 2018 16:37
Forum: dzVents
Topic: Sunset time is "hanging"
Replies: 12
Views: 1519

Sunset time is "hanging"

All, I have a dzvent script that is trigged at sunset and 15 minutes before sunset. But is seems that after the daylight saving suddenly the sunset is "fixed" it is always 20:11 even the sunset is already later but the time does not change. If I restart the Domoticz proces it will take that day the ...
by straatm
Monday 05 March 2018 14:53
Forum: Utility
Topic: High Disk Load
Replies: 0
Views: 959

High Disk Load

All, The moment I connect my smartmeter to domoticz my disk load on the domoticz machine (win10 PC) goes skyhigh to 100% it is almost impossible to use the domoticz GUI and I have to deactivate the meter to get the disk load back to normal again (around 1%). Any one any idea what could be the cause ...
by straatm
Friday 09 February 2018 13:32
Forum: dzVents
Topic: time later then sunrise
Replies: 2
Views: 477

time later then sunrise

How can I compare in dzVents if present time is later then sunrise? I want to use this in an if statement.
I tried already several options but nothing seems to work.
by straatm
Friday 09 February 2018 10:33
Forum: dzVents
Topic: dzVents if and elseif not working.
Replies: 2
Views: 2173

Re: dVents if and elseif not working.

waaren wrote: Friday 09 February 2018 10:12 Try to change (domoticz.groups('Binnen-Lampen') == 'On' to (domoticz.groups('Binnen-Lampen').state == 'On'


domoticz.groups('Buiten-Lampen') == 'On' to domoticz.groups('Buiten-Lampen').state == 'On'

and see what happens..

Thanks that solved the problem!
by straatm
Friday 09 February 2018 9:50
Forum: dzVents
Topic: dzVents if and elseif not working.
Replies: 2
Views: 2173

dzVents if and elseif not working.

Who can help me I am just a beginner in programming in dzVents I try to switch on two groups if they are not switched in yet with an extra switch. Added some log rules to show if the script passes these phrases but there is nothing in the logging and the lamps are not switched on. See code and ...
by straatm
Thursday 25 January 2018 9:24
Forum: LUA
Topic: Convert to LUA, LUA Beginner
Replies: 3
Views: 1165

Convert to LUA, LUA Beginner

All, I tried already a various number of options, surfed the forum but I always end up with not finding the correct information. I try to learn LUA scripting so first of all I search for a beginners explanation of LUA scripting I am familiar with programming. But not with all the parameters and ...
by straatm
Monday 15 January 2018 13:13
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Repeat x times
Replies: 1
Views: 584

Repeat x times

Any one any idea were to find this in blocky:
Repeat X times.jpg
Repeat X times.jpg (9.74 KiB) Viewed 558 times
It is shown in the blocky examples on this page: ... index.html

by straatm
Monday 15 January 2018 11:41
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky
Replies: 6
Views: 2180

Re: Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky

Thanks for your reactions, I am only a beginner so two blocky events? Could you please make an example. I am a bit confused with the else statement, if I understand it correctly the "else" is carried out even if the "if" is matched? It is not a "normal" "if then else" statement? Why not add it with ...
by straatm
Monday 15 January 2018 11:13
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky
Replies: 6
Views: 2180

Re: Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky

Okay, But how should I switch off if it is outside the timewindow. I thought I could achieve the switch off out side the time window with the "else if" if it is not in the time window there is an else and this is switch off. If it is in the time window I thought it would not use the "else if" or am ...
by straatm
Monday 15 January 2018 10:30
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky
Replies: 6
Views: 2180

Switch On/Off every minute with Blocky

All, I searched already the forum but could not find my answer. If it is already there please redirect me, no problem otherwise here is my problem. I created a blocky script to sitch on/off light in the morning and the evening. But it is switched on and a few seconds later off. During the period it ...