Search found 25 matches

by Schorschi
Wednesday 18 September 2019 20:52
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Read all enabled devices with JSON in one step
Replies: 3
Views: 608

Re: Read all enabled devices with JSON in one step


i tested your suggestion. It does not work.
But this work:

You get all enabled devices in one json file.


by Schorschi
Wednesday 18 September 2019 14:23
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Read all enabled devices with JSON in one step
Replies: 3
Views: 608

Read all enabled devices with JSON in one step


is it possible to read all devices in the device list in one step with JSON?

I know that it is possible to read one after one by selecting the divice by the index.
I am looking for a faster solution to read the states of all divices in a shortest time over JSON.

by Schorschi
Tuesday 09 April 2019 13:43
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: WS2812 control every LED separatelly
Replies: 2
Views: 2079

WS2812 control every LED separatelly


currently i am testeing with nodemcu and tasmota.
I connected an WS2812 LED stripe to it and can switch every led separatelly from tasmota.
I can also switch ALL LEDs in power mode and color over domoticz.

But, how can i switch every led separatelly with Domotics?

by Schorschi
Wednesday 19 September 2018 22:13
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color
Replies: 13
Views: 7684

Re: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color

Hi, to set color for the xiaomi gateway is not working in the last domoticz beta and current gateway fw. I try it with my old script but can't change the color. The gateway switch always to the last manually selected color ...
by Schorschi
Wednesday 12 September 2018 14:26
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Sonoff POW Counter
Replies: 12
Views: 10714

Re: Sonoff POW Counter


maybe my mistake.
The board includes an regulator for 3,3V and also an HALL-Sensor for current measurement.

See this picture:
by Schorschi
Wednesday 12 September 2018 11:22
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Sonoff POW Counter
Replies: 12
Views: 10714

Re: Sonoff POW Counter


it looks like the S26 use an power management chip.

See: ... -teardown/

Maybe not supported???
by Schorschi
Wednesday 12 September 2018 9:42
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Sonoff POW Counter
Replies: 12
Views: 10714

Re: Sonoff POW Counter

Hi, i add new devices. I use sonoff S26 modules with Tasmota Version I get the switch running. But i can't get running the power-, voltage-, current counter. I configured virtual devicec etc. like described here: I attached my tasmota ...
by Schorschi
Monday 12 February 2018 15:30
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color
Replies: 13
Views: 7684

Re: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color

Hi, here an example of my lua script. Addapt your ip and port of your domoticz device Red = 0xFF0000 --(255,0,0) GatewayColour = Red local sceneCmd = 'curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" "'..string.format("%x ...
by Schorschi
Thursday 25 January 2018 6:57
Forum: Design, usability and languages
Topic: Aurora theme
Replies: 466
Views: 168311

Re: Aurora theme


i like this theme too.
Very good job.

I need some more configuration possibilities for camare windwow (popup) and preview.
Is there any possibility to configure the size of the popup and also from the switch preview?
Maybe as an config in the theme configuration?

by Schorschi
Wednesday 27 December 2017 10:20
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Motion Sensors and Blockly... activating the lights does not work
Replies: 6
Views: 3979

Re: Xiaomi Motion Sensors and Blockly... activating the lights does not work


yes i have. Now i tested current beta version which support the aquara motion sensor.
by Schorschi
Monday 25 December 2017 21:26
Forum: Cameras
Topic: Camra create snapshot and send it with email blocky
Replies: 0
Views: 1760

Camra create snapshot and send it with email blocky

Hi, I use an Raspi and an DLINK DCS-930l IP Camera. My Domoticz version: Version: 3.8795 Build Hash: 0d884584 Compile Date: 2017-12-22 09:00:16 I tried to get an snapshot by an motion event. The blocky script is called but i get no email notification. I also tried it with an lua script but no email ...
by Schorschi
Saturday 23 December 2017 19:42
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Motion Sensors and Blockly... activating the lights does not work
Replies: 6
Views: 3979

Re: Xiaomi Motion Sensors and Blockly... activating the lights does not work


i also try to implement an motion sensor. I use an aquara motion sensor.
But this sensor is not listed inside the device list.

Maybe only the stock xiaomi motion sensor is suported by domoticz??
Any one with more informations?

by Schorschi
Monday 18 December 2017 14:43
Forum: Zigbee
Topic: Xiaomi Smart Home Suite (very cheap) compatibilty?
Replies: 2452
Views: 512525

Re: Xiaomi Smart Home Suite (very cheap) compatibilty?


is it possible to get direct access to sensor data over JSON command?

For example i want read the state of an Door Switch directly from the Xiaomi Gateway with an LUA script.

by Schorschi
Sunday 17 December 2017 22:23
Forum: Switches and Scenes
Topic: Events lost in Domoticz V3.8153 Build Hash: 494fff7 Build Date: 2017-07-30 12:19:41
Replies: 1
Views: 768

Re: Events lost in Domoticz V3.8153 Build Hash: 494fff7 Build Date: 2017-07-30 12:19:41


nobody with similar issues?
Currently i tested the new beta. But have the same problem.

Is there any possibility to get the previous version for testing?

Or maybe someone move this topic to bugs????

by Schorschi
Saturday 09 December 2017 18:43
Forum: Switches and Scenes
Topic: Events lost in Domoticz V3.8153 Build Hash: 494fff7 Build Date: 2017-07-30 12:19:41
Replies: 1
Views: 768

Events lost in Domoticz V3.8153 Build Hash: 494fff7 Build Date: 2017-07-30 12:19:41

Hi, i see that some of event's are lost in my configuration. I use Domoticz V3.8153 running on Rapsi1 -> Xiaomi Gateway with some Temperature Sensors and one Windwow Sensor. My use case is to switch on the light on the gateway and play an sound if the window is open for more than 5 minutes. My ...
by Schorschi
Thursday 07 December 2017 22:43
Forum: Switches and Scenes
Topic: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer
Replies: 7
Views: 1418

Re: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer


is not solved :cry:

I see that my window switch is closed in the switch overview but the log of the switch show no off event.
Also the time script reads open from the array and device script detect no event on this switch.

Any Ideas??? :cry:

by Schorschi
Thursday 07 December 2017 13:43
Forum: Switches and Scenes
Topic: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer
Replies: 7
Views: 1418

Re: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer


i solved my problem.
The door switch don't send any closed event any more.
I removed them from the config and added it new.

Now it works again.
by Schorschi
Thursday 07 December 2017 10:44
Forum: Switches and Scenes
Topic: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer
Replies: 7
Views: 1418

Re: Window Switch + Temperatur + Timer

HI, now i read some documentation and understand how the scripts working. I have one problem: My use case is still the same as i wrote in first entry. Sometimes i see on the dashboard and also in the log of the window switch that the window switch is "closed". BUT my time script don't get this ...
by Schorschi
Thursday 07 December 2017 10:15
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color
Replies: 13
Views: 7684

Re: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color


i get running this command in my lua device script.
But sometimes i get an error => scirpt run for more then 10 seconds ....

Is my raspi 1 to slow???
Some one same experiance? Maybe any ideas?

by Schorschi
Wednesday 06 December 2017 14:00
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color
Replies: 13
Views: 7684

Re: Xiaomi Gateway - Setting light color

Hello, i am again. I also tried this in my lua script: local sceneCmd = 'curl -s -i -H "Accept: application/json" ""' exec_success = os.execute(sceneCmd) But the LED light don't ...