Aurora theme

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Aurora theme

Post by blauwebuis »

Aurora is a new theme for Domoticz. It was originally intended to be the new default theme, but has now been rebuilt to work as a normal theme.




2. Place the theme folder into the domoticz/www/styles folder. So it becomes: domoticz/www/styles/aurora.
3. Enable the theme on the settings page.
4. Go into the privacy settings of your browser and really clear your (application) cache.

The theme offers a number of new features:

Added a theme settings tab on the settings page. The features below can be turned on or off. Theme feature preferences are stored in a user variable inside Domoticz, which the theme creates automatically.

Highlighted items: these have more space to do fun things, like:

Datavisualisations on the dashboard. Toggle day or month view by clicking on the button in the bottom left. Not all items currently have dataviz.

Show live camera feed: if you have cameras, you can now see them at a glance. Just add a switch to your camera under "Active Devices/Scenes" on the camera page.

Merge items into grouped items. Simple items with the same name before a “-“ can be merged into one grouped item. So for example:
Miflora1 - temperature
Miflora1 - lux
Miflora1 - moisture
Miflora1 - fertility
..will be merged into one item. The second part of the name will be shown as the prefix before the data output:

Change text colour, background color and add a background image through the interface.

Animations: icons on active fan items spin slowly, barometer items now display the weather prediction as an icon.

Mobile view in iPhone style. Can also be enabled as a desktop view.

Privacy settings. Removes some last-update time and log details. It has two levels: 'swithes' and 'all'.

Blockly Import and Export. Something I've long wanted. Click the export button to export a code which you can share on the forums and elsewhere.

Inline thermostat setpoint. You no longer need to open the popup for small changes to the temperature.

Battery status. This now has a nice icon as well as a percentage display.

iFrames. If a text item has a URL as its value, then on the dashboard the item is turned into an iFrame which shows that site. This can be used to integrate external sites, like weather, news or stock tickers into the dashboard.


For example: (1) add the 'dummy hardware' on the hardware page. (2) use that to create a new virtual text device. (3) go to the utilities page, and simply click on the text item's text, and then change the value into a url.

The theme adds a button in the menu to enter and exit fullscreen mode.

Other options:
- Hide last update time: if you prefer a more clean look.
- Vertical columns. This allows each category to have some elements at the top of the screen. This is great if you use a tablet on your wall and want some of your items to be instantly visible.
- Merge weather and temperature into ‘environment’ category. Useful way to save space if, like me, you only have one weather sensor.
- Move the clock to the bottom of the page, or display it as an item at the top of the switches category.

Some of the proposed improvements to HTML output have not been accepted into Domoticz yet. This theme works around that by standardising HTML and adding classes though javascript instead.

- Responsive design: item displays are more flexible, making optimal use of available screen space (2 columns, etc).
- A sidebar menu: saves a lot of space on horizontal screens, and offers quicker access to all settings.
- A sidebar menu on the settings page. Allows for quicker access to settings.
- Higher resolution icons made for Domoticz, based on public domain sources.
- Very limited attempt to reshuffle things on the settings page.
- Center popups on the screen. Currently some popups fall of the screen.
- Shows ID numbers on items, makes it easier to look up.
- Each item's option are now displayed as icon-buttons instead of text.
- Edit Text items' value directly from the interface. Just click on the text to edit it. Click outside it to save.


Feel free to use this theme as a starting point for your own themes. It has been designed with that in mind.
- inserts more descriptive CSS classes. All items now have classes that describe their contents, allowing for many of the features described above, like animation or datavisualisation.
- Domoticz currently uses ID's where classes should be used. This causes a lot of problems. The theme adds the ID's as classes.
- Span wrappers around content, allowing more flexible data output display.
- Removal of BR tags and negating of much inline CSS, in order to avoid a pixel based layout.

The theme is now being developed further on Github. Feel free to contribute.
Last edited by blauwebuis on Wednesday 11 July 2018 11:46, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by blauwebuis »


Here are some examples of what you can do:

Go nuts with colours, add a background image:

Keep it compact:

Keep it compact in the mobile view:


- Are you using the beta version of Domoticz? You should be.
- Did you turn on the feature you like on the new theme settings page?
- Are you sure the theme is selected?
- Do you see "theme-aurora" on your user variables page?

Clearing caches
Safari: go to Preferences -> privacy -> manage website data -> remove (all)
Firefox: go to Preferences -> privacy -> remove Cached Web Content & Site Data
Chrome: go to Clear Browsing Data -> remove cache, cookies and hosted app data

Checking the console
Your browser has a log where you can see what happened on the page. Right-click on the page and select something like "inspect element". Next, select console, and look for errors (usually in red).
Last edited by blauwebuis on Tuesday 19 December 2017 11:17, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by niki_lauda »

Nice, one problem.
It is the kodi button for the remote
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by remb0 »

Wow!! Veryvery Nice! Gonna test it. Thanks
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by Skippiemanz »

This looks awesome! Gonna test it out!
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by EdwinK »

Looks interesting. Trying to install it.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by febalci »

Looks great, thank you for all the work. Is the smartphone page already in?
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by degraafm76 »

Very nice theme!
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by Skippiemanz »

Download link doesn't seem to work... Am I the only one experiencing this?
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by gijsje »

I have the issue that it does not show corect but i have it with all the themes.
I did delete the cache and did try ctrl F5
Any ideas?
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by EdddieN »

Link seems broken...
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by blauwebuis »

Link has been fixed.

@niki_lauda: I made some adjustments, you could try to redownload the theme. I don't have KODI to test it with, so I had to wing it a bit..

@febalci: The theme has been tested on mobile. I recommend choosing 'desktop' mode, and letting the theme create the mobile view.

@gijsje: it looks like a javascript problem. Are you using a javascript blocker? Try: right mouse button -> inspect element -> console and see if you can spot some errors there.
Last edited by blauwebuis on Sunday 17 December 2017 23:06, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by Skippiemanz »

blauwebuis wrote: Sunday 17 December 2017 22:53 @niki_lauda: I made some adjustments, you could try to redownload the theme. I don't have KODI to test it with, so I had to wing it a bit..

@febalci: The theme has been tested on mobile. I recommend choosing 'desktop' mode, and letting the theme create the mobile view.
Unfortunetly still a 404 when trying to download the theme...
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by blauwebuis »

@skippemanz: downloadlink should be fixed.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by gijsje »

blauwebuis wrote: Sunday 17 December 2017 22:53 @gijsje: it looks like a javascript problem. Are you using a javascript blocker?
No only add blocker and when i disable it stays the same
I have the same with firefox and edge but i think it is not related to your theme but that there is something wrong with domoticz as other themes also give problems sometimes
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by EdddieN »

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Re: Aurora theme

Post by zak45 »

Woooow... this one should be the default one... and will make it the default one for me ;-)...
Just able now to download it ... thanks a lot.
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by madpatrick »

I'm having the same issue.
Tried to clear cache on several ways, restarted the server,....
I see no errors in Chrome
gijsje wrote: Sunday 17 December 2017 22:17 I have the issue that it does not show corect but i have it with all the themes.
I did delete the cache and did try ctrl F5
Any ideas?
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Re: Aurora theme

Post by piokuc »

For me merged not working.
merged.jpg (104.23 KiB) Viewed 59133 times
and found bugs with not showing full name and colision with graphic
menu.jpg (130.05 KiB) Viewed 59133 times
sett.jpg (170.97 KiB) Viewed 59133 times

Re: Aurora theme

Post by piokuc »

Also graph visualisation for some sensor is show but for some not show and title DAY should be show under graph visualisation
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