Search found 6 matches

by homerruma
Thursday 17 January 2019 15:52
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Domoticz-Espeasy-Nextion send data to Nextion
Replies: 0
Views: 1339

Domoticz-Espeasy-Nextion send data to Nextion

Hello I have DomotiCz server, Espeasy on Nodemecu and Nextion display NX4832T035_011. This is the version Espeasy: Forum espeasy main 1.2 by homerruma3 , on Flickr In the Nection editor I created: ...
by homerruma
Saturday 13 January 2018 16:41
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Domoticz Push data HTTP to Thingspeak
Replies: 1
Views: 1352

Domoticz Push data HTTP to Thingspeak

With the settings in the image, I send the temperature data from Domoticz to Thingspeak, see here:
1. Are settings good?
2. How can I add the next device to write data in field2?
Thanks for the answers.
by homerruma
Tuesday 02 January 2018 18:11
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: HTTP Data Push not keeping url
Replies: 14
Views: 3107

Re: HTTP Data Push not keeping url

This setings work for my:
The target variable is 1, 2 ,3 e.t.c.
by homerruma
Saturday 25 March 2017 18:16
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Blockly DS18B20&led simple event
Replies: 1
Views: 691

Re: Blockly DS18B20&led simple event

It was my fault I put an equal sign and must be equal to or greater.
by homerruma
Saturday 25 March 2017 17:25
Forum: Blockly
Topic: Blockly DS18B20&led simple event
Replies: 1
Views: 691

Blockly DS18B20&led simple event

I am a beginner.This is my first simple Blockly event:



This event not work, led does not light.
Help me.