I have DomotiCz server, Espeasy on Nodemecu and Nextion display NX4832T035_011.
This is the version Espeasy:
Forum espeasy main 1.2 by homerruma3, on Flickr
In the Nection editor I created:
Forum Nextion editor 1 by homerruma3, on Flickr
I compile , debug and upload to Nextion display.
In Espeasy Devices/Edit and settings:
Forum espeasy devices 1 by homerruma3, on Flickr
Forum espeasy devices 2 by homerruma3, on Flickr
Espeasy send ESPEasy System Variable to Nextion and the display shows the exact time.It works for me.
In Nextion editor i create new Interface with two new text fields (t5, t6).
Forum Nextion editor 2 by homerruma3, on Flickr
Compile debug upload to Nextion display.
In text fields t5 and t6 i want send temperature data Aku 1 and Aku4 from Domoticz server.
Forum domoticz 1 by homerruma3, on Flickr
I've been looking for it on the internet for a long time, but I can not figure out how it works.Please instruct me how to do it.Pleas exsample.
Domoticz-Espeasy-Nextion send data to Nextion
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