Looking for a thermostat for North America, basic, not Nest!

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Looking for a thermostat for North America, basic, not Nest!

Post by resentedpoet »


I'm looking to add my thermostat to Domoticz so that I can log the temperature in my house as well as more control over the heating times. My thermostat is just a basic two wire system; nothing complicated and I don't need a fancy thermostat just to control it (ie Nest). I have no cooling systems in my house either, so no need for multiple modes. I was looking into the Sensi (emerson) thermostats to see if they were compatible, but came up empty.

What thermostats in general are compatible with Domoticz? I live in North America; so it would have to work to that standard.
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