How to change/view all parameters?

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How to change/view all parameters?

Post by wadge »


I'm setting up my network with some Qubino dimmers talking to a Razberry Pi.

Initially I was using the z-way software but found it too buggy so looking around I found Domoticz which I think is so much better!

I'm still finding my way around but one thing I can't see is how to set parameters that are not listed in the control panel menu. For example, I need to change P-20 which sets the type of switch I want to use. In my case, a three-way momentary.

Can somebody point me in the right direction please.
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Re: How to change/view all parameters?

Post by wadge »

I think I can answer my own question here.

The reason I couldn't see the parameters was because there was no xml file for the dimmer module in the stable version of Domoticz I was running. Reading up some more, I updated to the beta version which has the config file and now I can change the relevant parameters.

Another problem now though, the module comes up as dead! Some more tinkering to do.
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