Z-wave usage figures are strange

For Z-Wave related questions in Domoticz

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Z-wave usage figures are strange

Post by pkelderman »

I'm using Neo coolcam switches by means of zwave js ui (finally!!!). One off these switches I use to monitor my heat pump. That device uses 8 watt per hour and short some watts more. So per day 24 * 10 = 250 Watt. Domoticz reports 500-600 Watt. That seems to me a bug. But perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Someone any idea :?: Btw the old zwave gives the same result.
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Re: Z-wave usage figures are strange

Post by waltervl »

Then it is probably the device itself that gives these values. Check the values coming out of Zwave-JS-UI with mqtt explorer.

Also Domoticz is not good in calculating ultra low energy levels.
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Re: Z-wave usage figures are strange

Post by pkelderman »

I get the feeling that the values ​​are rounded off. And that's a shame in my case. The device does provide the expected values. Isn't possible Domoticz is giving more accurate calculations? Thanks anyway for your answer.
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Re: Z-wave usage figures are strange

Post by pkelderman »

I had to use (again) the possibility after switch to zwave jsui to let domoticz compute the requested values. So problem solved!
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