Synology Domoticz file IO

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Synology Domoticz file IO

Post by justonwuckert »

Linuz/ubuntu etc noob here (Windoze I can do) ..

is there some file name incantation which will let file:write in an LUA script actually put the data someplace I can find it (either on a shared space on the server, or better yet on the PC shared folders). As far as I can tell, whatever I put in for 'filename', it gets squirrelled away on the (pretty much inaccessible) /volume1 of the synology server. If I try the usual (for me) format "//volume2//shared//myfile.txt" I just wind up with a file of that name buried someplace on volume 1, where only SSH or Telnet can find it.

I sure it's really simple .. however I seem to be simpler still. 8>.
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