Error: Frient (Develco) SMSZB-120 en HESB-120

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Error: Frient (Develco) SMSZB-120 en HESB-120

Post by THBR »


I have two Frient HESZB-120 heat detectors installed (recognized and installed as Develco HESZB-120), both work within Domoticz and the plugin. However in the Domoticz log appears the repeating error messages
"2022-02-14 20:14:33.897 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (keuken): can not process binary item "test"
2022-02-14 20:14:33.898 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (keuken): can not process numeric item "max_duration"
2022-02-14 20:14:33.899 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (keuken): can not process binary item "alarm"
2022-02-14 20:14:33.899 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (keuken): can not process binary item "fault"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.006 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (schuur): can not process binary item "test"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.006 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (schuur): can not process numeric item "max_duration"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.007 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (schuur): can not process binary item "alarm"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.007 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (schuur): can not process binary item "fault"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.182 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (huiskamer): can not process binary item "test"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.182 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (huiskamer): can not process numeric item "max_duration"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.182 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (huiskamer): can not process binary item "alarm"
2022-02-14 20:14:34.183 Error: Zigbee2MQTT: Brandmelder (huiskamer): can not process binary item "fault"

The detectors themselves work ok when I test them with a cigarette lighter or smoke (that's the only way to test and simulate a alarm signal in Domoticz because the test button doesn't

I hoped that the error messages will go away with the new recent updates, but not.

RaspberryPi 3b
Domoticz Version: 2022.1
Python Version: 3.7.3
Plugin Version 3.1.0.-beta
Zigbee2mqtt v.1.23.0 (zStack12 20190608)
Zigbee CC2531 coordinator USB-dongle

What could be the problem ?

Thanks in advance !

Regards, Theo (NL).
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Re: Error: Frient (Develco) SMSZB-120 en HESB-120

Post by jenssen »

is the Plugin Version 3.1.0.-beta working ok with the newest Domoticz version?

maybe it is an option to remove the plugin and switch to MQTT Autodiscover, which is available in the latest Domoticz version. Solved some of my issues I had with Zigbee equipment
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Re: Error: Frient (Develco) SMSZB-120 en HESB-120

Post by THBR »

Thanks for the reply.

Could be, but meanwhile installed my new USB CC2652RB Zigbee Controller - Coordinator and therefore had to re-register all devices etc. (mentioned error messages still present).

To remove the plugin now and install everything again with the underlying idea that it is not certain that the errors will disappear....??
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