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EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat+ "Ignore start level"
Posted: Monday 06 December 2021 15:34
by jursat
Can you explain to me what it means to ignore the start level
Re: EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat+ "Ignore start level"
Posted: Monday 06 December 2021 20:05
by JackD
I have got those thermostats to......
If you believe the popup when hovering with the cursor over the settingsfield it states that it has something to do with the brightness of the display.
Thinks this is just a default translation, not got I clue what it is really for, I just run with "On", the way it was when I first installed these thermostats.
I am curios to, so your question +1
Re: EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat+ "Ignore start level"
Posted: Wednesday 08 December 2021 13:52
by jursat
I used to think it had something in common from the % of head opening