Data from Wallbox car charger

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Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Hi Guys,

I'm a bit lost here, so maybe someone can help me out...
I managed to receive data from my wallbox, reporting incremental watts charged every 15 minutes during a charging process.
It is transmitted by the box via OCPP and I receive and parse it in Node-Red.
I want to feed that into a reasonable domoticz device, so I can track what I put into my car and what the cost were. I wanted to use Electricity (instant and counter) but I do not have current power data, but only the increment consumption values, so I can not really feed the POWER parameter in the API.
data looks like this:

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Any advice how to do this will be highly appreciated!
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by FireWizard »

Hello @thomasbaetge,
I wanted to use Electricity (instant and counter) but I do not have current power data, but only the increment consumption values, so I can not really feed the POWER parameter in the API.
I think you have the current power data, although not real time. It is the measured value minus the previous measured value (15 minutes earlier).

I think you have 2 options.

1. Electricity (instant and counter)
2. Managed counter

Ad 1.

I think you are able to parse the value, every 15 minutes.
In Node Red you can store it and deduct it from the next value.


Also another question here: ... e/28369/10
It is nicely described at: and also at: ... n-nodered/

If you deduct this stored value, from the value you just received, you can feed that virtual sensor.
And at last: Store the just received value again.

Ad 2.

You can use a Managed Counter as well and feed the value -1 to the COUNTER in svalue.

See: ... counter.29

The disadvantage of this type of counter, is that you have to write the log data yourself into the log. It is extra work. See the link.

I hope this will give you some inspiration on how to do it.

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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Thanks for your input.

I implemented your first suggestion today but was not yet able to test (since my car is fully charged).
But I replayed collected data from the last charging session and it worked as expected.
The power value is not totally accurate of course, but that is not important (and not very surprising...allways around 11KW)
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by Darkneo »

Hi there, and sorry for taking this topic over. But I am trying to find a way to connect my EV charger through OCPP protocol (ideally in Domoticz later).
My main objective is to make a power adjustement of the EV Charger according my house electrical consumption (EV charger may vary from 6 amps to 32).
Do you have anu orientation for the OCCP connection to the EV Charger? Are you using SteVe? Thanks for your help!
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by FireWizard »

Hi, @Darkneo.

1. This is a kind of double posting more or less the same question on 2 places.
In general it will not help you to achieve a quicker solution.
See also: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=36596

2. In order to communicate with you EV Charger and use the OCPP protocol you might want to use Node Red. This application can communicate with Domoticz by MQTT or HTTP.
A node for OCPP is available:

You might want to look to that first.

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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by Etha »

Hey all,

I bought the LEAF E+ 62 KWH (2019) and when I plug it in at home on my 22kw wallbox (schneider evlink smart wallbox) when I check my charging times

the kW/h it topped of in those hours I only hit like 4.4 kW/h if I sum it up and 4.1 kW/h if I average all my charging times.

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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Sorry, saw the postings only just now.
I am using Node-Red to interface the Wallbox to Domoticz. the OCPP protokol is a bit confusing, but anyway it works for me.
If you need, I can share my flow here.

EDIT: additionally you may need to set up your WB to be a 'managed system' instead of standalone.
I can provide the basic steps for a Schneider smart WB.
Last edited by thomasbaetge on Monday 26 July 2021 18:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Etha wrote: Friday 23 July 2021 7:22 Hey all,

I bought the LEAF E+ 62 KWH (2019) and when I plug it in at home on my 22kw wallbox (schneider evlink smart wallbox) when I check my charging times

the kW/h it topped of in those hours I only hit like 4.4 kW/h if I sum it up and 4.1 kW/h if I average all my charging times.

lowes employee portal
the Nissan Leaf E charges at 3,7kw only (or 6,6 optional) on a AC box. That'S the maximum the car can do, regardless of your wallbox.
My e-tron charges at 11kw, even though my box is 22kw too.
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by jeroenkl »

thomasbaetge wrote: Monday 26 July 2021 17:49 Sorry, saw the postings only just now.
I am using Node-Red to interface the Wallbox to Domoticz. the OCPP protokol is a bit confusing, but anyway it works for me.
If you need, I can share my flow here.

EDIT: additionally you may need to set up your WB to be a 'managed system' instead of standalone.
I can provide the basic steps for a Schneider smart WB.
Yes please, could you share your flow?
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

no problem, happy to share :)
You need to install node-red-contrib-ocpp into node-red. my Flow feeds a general generic kwh device in domoticz and sends various status notifications.
the data entered into the OCPP SOAP node (especially url and port) needs to match the supervision settings in your box. if all goes well, you should begin to receive heartbeat messages immediately. Authentication in my case is done by the wallbox itself via NFC. I'm using a NFC enabled ring for that.

the node block you will see under the main which is labeled 'send request....' is optional for testing etc and not required for proper function.

Code: Select all

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data","info":"","x":190,"y":680,"wires":[]},{"id":"bfc38ab.57fba78","type":"comment","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"Debug all incoming msgs","info":"","x":110,"y":260,"wires":[]},{"id":"170df296.c98d5d","type":"CS request JSON","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"CS TBAWB1 Change hb interval","remotecb":"6b44327e.3af84c","command":"ChangeConfiguration","cmddata":"{\n \"key\": \"HeartbeatInterval\",\n \"value\": \"1800\" \n}\n","log":true,"pathlog":"","x":480,"y":790,"wires":[["d10cef24.bc4c3"]]},{"id":"74f080cb.5d983","type":"inject","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":160,"y":790,"wires":[["170df296.c98d5d"]]},{"id":"a204682d.55a848","type":"file","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","filename":"wb_log.txt","appendNewline":true,"createDir":false,"overwriteFile":"false","encoding":"none","x":1620,"y":200,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"33ba103e.b1582","type":"CS request JSON","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"CS TBAWB1 Change hb interval","remotecb":"6b44327e.3af84c","command":"TriggerMessage","cmddata":"{\n \"requestedMessage\": \"MeterValues\"\n}\n","log":true,"pathlog":"","x":480,"y":850,"wires":[["d10cef24.bc4c3"]]},{"id":"4a66d315.d4499c","type":"inject","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":160,"y":870,"wires":[["33ba103e.b1582"]]},{"id":"b7f22c41.5740f","type":"CS request JSON","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"CS TBAWB1","remotecb":"6b44327e.3af84c","command":"GetConfiguration","cmddata":"{}","log":true,"pathlog":"","x":420,"y":930,"wires":[["d10cef24.bc4c3"]]},{"id":"1e6bf7ca.45e638","type":"inject","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":150,"y":930,"wires":[["b7f22c41.5740f"]]},{"id":"192f241f.58202c","type":"function","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"Start Transaction","func":"\nmsg.payload = {\n\n    \"idx\" : 444,\n    \"nvalue\" :0,\n    \"svalue\" :\"10000;0\"\n     \n}\nflow.set(\"prevEnergy\", 0)\nreturn msg;\n\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":980,"y":480,"wires":[["3f9fb1cb.924d5e"]]},{"id":"3f9fb1cb.924d5e","type":"mqtt 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msg;\n\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":990,"y":580,"wires":[["3f9fb1cb.924d5e"]]},{"id":"6ba40cb3.3142c4","type":"function","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"msg Start","func":"msg.payload =\n{\n    \"command\": \"sendnotification\",\n    \"subject\": \"TBAWB1\",\n    \"body\": \"Charging started\",\n    \"priority\": 0\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":960,"y":400,"wires":[["3f9fb1cb.924d5e"]]},{"id":"5a90af71.fa3aa","type":"function","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"msg Stop","func":"\nvar energy = parseInt(msg.payload.meterStop) /1000\nmsg.payload =\n{\n    \"command\": \"sendnotification\",\n    \"subject\": \"TBAWB1\",\n    \"body\": \"Charging stopped\" + \" \" + energy.toString() + \"KW charged\",\n    \"priority\": 0\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":960,"y":620,"wires":[["3f9fb1cb.924d5e"]]},{"id":"27be44e6.947e3c","type":"inject","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"{\"command\":\"StopTransaction\",\"data\":{\"meterStop\":21874,\"timestamp\":\"2021-02-07T09:43:35Z\",\"transactionId\":48949}}","payloadType":"json","x":520,"y":460,"wires":[["36ef85b5.6a381a","4a0ec78c.858568"]]},{"id":"36ef85b5.6a381a","type":"debug","z":"565e40f1.7128c","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":980,"y":780,"wires":[]},{"id":"6b44327e.3af84c","type":"ocpp-remotej-cp","name":"","cbId":"TBAWB1","ocppver":"1.6j"},{"id":"5660e74b.bef428","type":"mqtt-broker","name":"Controlberry","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":false,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","closeTopic":"","closeQos":"0","closePayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""}]
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by jeroenkl »

'the data entered into the OCPP SOAP node (especially url and port) needs to match the supervision settings in your box' that's I need to investigate.
I'm using Alfen eve Single Pro
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

That is actually the only tricky part. if your box has a web Interface, there should be the corresponding settings somewhere. You may need to set the system up as managed system first, so the other settings will become visible (that was at leaast the case with my Schneider box)
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by vinisz »

That is very nice, node-red and things all clear, no problem... but, can you tell me what you have entered into the ocpp configuration of the wallbox ?
thomasbaetge wrote: Sunday 07 February 2021 10:30 Hi Guys,

I'm a bit lost here, so maybe someone can help me out...
I managed to receive data from my wallbox, reporting incremental watts charged every 15 minutes during a charging process.
It is transmitted by the box via OCPP and I receive and parse it in Node-Red.
I want to feed that into a reasonable domoticz device, so I can track what I put into my car and what the cost were. I wanted to use Electricity (instant and counter) but I do not have current power data, but only the increment consumption values, so I can not really feed the POWER parameter in the API.
data looks like this:

Code: Select all

Any advice how to do this will be highly appreciated!
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Sure thing. This applies to a Schneider G4 22KW Box:

All you need to do is to enter the supervision URL in the supervison settings tab. Please note that -at least in my case- the tab will only be visible after setting the box to 'supervised'
wallbox.JPG (77.39 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
the URL is build of:

Code: Select all

in NR you set the CS Server node according to the screenshot (same port).
NR.JPG (42.79 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
if all goes well, you should start to receive hearbeat messages in NR.
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by TheMartian »

Did you find out how to configure using node-red-contrib-ocpp for communication with the Alfen Eve Single charger?
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by willemd »

TheMartian wrote: Wednesday 16 November 2022 21:33 @jeroenkl
Did you find out how to configure using node-red-contrib-ocpp for communication with the Alfen Eve Single charger?
I would be interested in a solution as well.

What I did so far:
1) I got an Alfen Eve Single S-line wall charger installed including loadbalancing.
2) I installed the Alfen MyEve app on my phone, got an account, and then it found the charger without problems, so I have the IP address, the charger-ID etc. and I can see the full configuration.
3) I installed Node Red an a separate Raspberry from the Domoticz PI, for testing and development purposes. I followed the Node Red tutorials.
4) I installed the nodes for OCPP as available here:
5) I installed the OCPP examples and also the nodes from @thomasbaetge above. I adapted the charger-ID of the examples to the ID I got from my charger.
6) I tried to get the configuration of the charger via Node Red .... but failed

It does not seem to communicate with the charger. No error message, nothing.

I don't want to do any changes to the charger (warranty), I just want to read values, starting with the configuration as a test. And once that works, I want to import values into domoticz, but that is of later concern.

So key question now is how to establish communication with the charger? The MyEve app can do it, it found the charger just by scanning the local network, I did not have to supply an IP address or ID. Can I do the same with software on my Raspberry Pi?

If I use one of the Node Red examples and just change the ID of the example charger to the ID of my charger and then want to deploy it in Code Red, I get a warning message that the configuration is not complete. Why would that be? And if I deploy anyway, nothing happens.
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »'s difficult to do a remote diagnosis based on what your wrote.
Just one thing: setting up OCPP communication is a task you have to do on both ends. in Node-Red as well as on your charger.
The least to probably need to do, is enter the 'Supervision URL' in your charger.

Also, a deploy warning from NR usually indicates, that there is something not right ;)
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by Lokonli »

I've created a Python plugin for integration of the Wallbox EV charger into Domoticz.

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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by thomasbaetge »

Well, the last thing I would probably want to do, is run my wallbox data through some public service.
There is no cloud - it is always someone elses computer.
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Re: Data from Wallbox car charger

Post by sincze »

thomasbaetge wrote: Wednesday 12 April 2023 16:56 Well, the last thing I would probably want to do, is run my wallbox data through some public service.
There is no cloud - it is always someone elses computer.
As I share the preference of keeping things local at least we have several options to chose from.
tnx to @Lokonli and the other suggestions.

Depending on everyones individual knowledge skills, and the risks you see there are options to limit the blast zone of all those SMART devices that yell home to their respective cloud service.

My thoughts:
- Keep it local (preferred LAN) by default (No lan ... then WIFI).
- China stuff (Smart gateways e.g.) is limited to accept my local calls only, no internet connectivity allowed
- China stuff with possibility of FW reflash (Tasmota e.g.) is limited to internet only via iot-VLAN
- Stuff that needs to be controlled via google home and as such their respective Cloudservice (internet only vlan)

DNS traffic is monitored and if hardcoded (google e.g.) devices try their own it is overwritten.

Pretty safe and workable.
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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