I'm trying to show data in a virtual Electric(Instant+Counter) sensor. The data is pulled in via MQTT from a remote server and the Node-RED output in the debug screen is ...
Code: Select all
11/10/2020, 20:25:35 node: 873abf91.f3419
SMART/HILD/************ : msg.payload : Object
{ command: "udevice", idx: 89, nvalue: 0, svalue: "511;13700450" }
If I use this JSON command
Code: Select all¶m=udevice&idx=89&nvalue=0&svalue=123;456789000
I've even tried using a TEXT 'sensor' to show the current time by using this example at ...
https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Flows#Sen ... example.29
provided by MinderGas and this doesn't work either.
Any debug suggestions would be greatly appreciated.